Comprehensive Needs Assessment Tool
A needs assessment is a part of planning processes, often used for improvement in individuals, education/training, organizations, or communities. Gathering appropriate and sufficient data informs the process of developing an effective product that will address the groups needs and want. The following are steps in conducting a needs assessment.
- Downloadcurrent 2015-16 school datato be analyze as you conduct a comprehensive needs assessment.
- Allocate time at advisory School Site Councils/ELAC and other staff meetings to begin the analysis of data and compile a needs assessment from stakeholders.
- Reviewcurrent 2015-16categorical resources to analyze the alignment of expenditures to the data and the instructional program. 2015-16 Categorical expenditures that should be evaluated include:
(See Handout #1)
- Title I (7S046)
- Title I Parent Involvement (7E046)
- Title III (7S176)
- Conduct Needs Assessments from ELAC and Staff to ensure that input is given based on the school data provided. (See Handout #2)
- Use Attachment Bto Record findings on Attachment B. (See Handout #3)
- Use the findings from the Needs Assessment, Attachment B, as a tool to prioritize expenditures. School Site Council makes final decision based on data analysis and comprehensive needs assessment input received from stakeholders.
Current 2015-16 Categorical Expenditures
Program S046 / Amount / ExpenditureTitle I / $97, 143 / Categorical Program Advisor
Title I / $1,415 / CPA Differential
Title I / $5,976 (16 days) / Day to Day Subs
Title I / $10,000 / Teacher Tutor X-Time
Title I / $23,111 (1day) / Psychologist
Title I / $23, 111 (1day) / PSA
Title I / $6,300 (3wks) / PSA Z-time
Title I / $97,354 (7 @ 6 Hour) / Teacher Assistant
Title I / $2,000 / T.A. Relief
Title I / $11,045 / Community Representative
Title I / $10,466 / PD Teacher X Time
Title I / $19,546 / Supplemental Instructional Materials
Title I / $23,111 (1day) / 1 day of a Nurse
Title I / $2,000 / Other Non-Instructional Contracts
Title I / $5,372 (17 buses) / Curricular Trips
Title I / $1,000 / Staff Conference Attendance
Insert Total Allocation Here
Program 7E046 / Amount / Expenditure
Title I (Parent) / $500 / Clerical Overtime
Title I (Parent) / $500 / Custodial Overtime
Title I (Parent) / $4,890 / SIM for parents
Title I (Parent) / $200 / Advisory Comm. Expense
Title I (Parent) / $800 / Parent Conference Attendance
Title I (Parent) / $2,300 / Community Representative
Insert Total Allocation Here
Program 7S176 / Amount / Expenditure
Title III (Federal) / $3,180 / Teacher Tutor X-Time
Title III (Federal) / $3,000 / PD Teacher X Time
Insert Total Allocation Here
Not all categorical expenditures are listed above. This is just a sample to illustrate how a school can present current expenditures to staff, advisory committees and SSC. When presenting school categorical budgets include ALL current categorical expenditures.
Sample Needs Assessment
Budget Development for 2015-16
Stakeholder Input
The following NEEDS ASSESSMENT is a tool to gather input from stakeholders in the development of the Categorical Budget for the 2016-17 School-year. This information will be taken into consideration by the School Site Council who will make the final decision on the budget.
______Certificated ______Classified______Parent (ELAC) ______Other
Place the number 4, 3, 2, or 1 that you consider as being of primary importance as we develop the 2015-16categorical budget.
‘4’ = Top Priority ‘3’ = Priority ‘2’ = Some Priority ‘1’ = Less Priority
A1_____ Categorical Programs Advisor (EL Coordinator) + Differential
A2_____ Day to Day Substitute Teachers
A3_____Non-Register Carrying Teacher
A4_____Coordinator (Intervention, Bridge) + Differential
A6_____Coach (Elementary, Secondary) + Differential
A7_____Class Size Reduction Teacher
B1____ Teacher Assistants
B2____ Education Resource Aide
B3____T.A. Relief
C1_____ Counselor, PSA
C2_____ School Nurse
C3_____ Psychologist, School
C5_____ Psychiatric Social Worker
‘4’ = Top Priority ‘3’ = Priority ‘2’ = Some Priority ‘1’ = Less Priority
D1_____ Clerical Relief Overtime
D2_____Education Aide II
E1_____ X-Time (Tutoring, Professional Development)
E2_____ Z Time (Tutoring, Professional Development)
E3_____ Staff Training Rate
F1_____ Custodial Relief and Overtime
G1_____ Community Representative
G2_____ Parent Conference Attendance
G3_____Advisory Conference Expense
G4_____Supplemental Instructional Materials (SIM) for Parents
H1_____ Maintenance of Equipment
H2_____ Other Non-Instructional Contract
H3_____ Instructional Contract Services
H4_____ Other______
I1_____ Staff Conference Attendance
I2._____Curricular Trips
I3_____ Other______
J1_____ Non-Capital Equipment (any unit over $500)
J2_____ Custodial Supplies
J3_____ Supplemental Instructional Materials (SIM) Account
J4_____ Other______
Revised 1/17/16
Needs Assessment Result For 2015-16
‘4’ = Top Priority ‘3’ = Priority ‘2’ = Some Priority ‘1’ = Less Priority
Item / (4) x amount / (3) x amount / (2) x amount / (1) x amount / Total PtsTeacher Assistants / 22 / 3 / 0 / 1 / 98
Psychologist / 17 / 5 / 3 / 2 / 91
Categorical Program Advisor / 18 / 5 / 0 / 2 / 89
Nurse / 7 / 15 / 3 / 6 / 85
SIM / 18 / 3 / 0 / 1 / 82
CSR Teacher / 9 / 11 / 0 / 3 / 72
PSA Counselor / 10 / 4 / 8 / 2 / 70
Day to Day Subs / 8 / 8 / 5 / 3 / 69
Non-Capital Equip / 9 / 7 / 5 / 1 / 68
Custodial Supplies / 5 / 10 / 8 / 1 / 67
Community Rep / 4 / 10 / 7 / 4 / 64
Custodial Overtime / 6 / 10 / 3 / 1 / 61
Education Resource Aide / 5 / 11 / 2 / 3 / 60
Staff Conference / 4 / 7 / 9 / 2 / 57
PSW / 4 / 4 / 9 / 8 / 54
Clerical Overtime / 3 / 8 / 4 / 10 / 54
Teacher X-Time / 4 / 6 / 8 / 2 / 52
School Adv. Exp / 2 / 5 / 10 / 3 / 46
Parent Conference / 2 / 4 / 9 / 5 / 43
T.A. Relief / 2 / 5 / 9 / 1 / 42
Blank Needs Assessment Result For 2015-16
‘4’ = Top Priority ‘3’ = Priority ‘2’ = Some Priority ‘1’ = Less Priority
Item / (4) x amount / (3) x amount / (2) x amount / (1) x amount / Total Pts