Department of Economics

Econ 859/459-4D. DeVoretz

Spring 2000


Selected Topics in Economics and Demography


A.Early Views

1.Malthus, T.R. First Essay on Population. London: Macmillan, St. Martin's Press, 1966.

2.Simon, J.L. and G. Steinmann, " Population Growth, Farmland and the long run standard of living", Population Economics, Vol. 4, No. 1, 1991.

3.Spengler, J.J. "Pareto on Population", in Population Economics, edited by Robert S. Smith, Frank T. de Vyver, and William R. Allen. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 1972. (Reserve)

4.Caldwell, J.C. “Malthus and the less developed world”, Population and Development Review, (Dec.1998), Vol. 24, No. 4, pp. 675-698.

5.______"Adam Smith on Population Growth and Economic Development", Population and Development Review, (June, 1976). pp. 167-180.

**6. Kreager, P. " Early Modern Population Theory", Population and Development Review, June, 1991, pp. 207-228.

7. Z. Tzannotos and J. Symons,"An Economic Approach to Fertility in Britain since 1860", Population Economics, Vol. 2, No. 2, 1989.

B.Demographic Methodology and Stylized Facts

1.H. Shryock and J. Siegel, The Methods and Materials of Demography, (1973), Vol. 1, Chapters 1-2, Vol. 2, Chapters 13, 14, 16, 20, and 21.

**2.R. Brown, Introduction to the Mathematics of demography (1991) (Winsted, CT. 1991), Chps. 1 and 2.

3.R.Beaujot, Growth and Dualism: The Demographic Development of Canadian Society (Toronto: Gage 1982)

**4.R.Beaujot, Population Change in Canada (Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1991). Chps. 1,2,3.

6.*T. Paul Schultz, "Mortality Decline in the Low Income World", American Economic Review, May, 1993 pp. 337-341.

  1. G. McNicoll, "The Agenda of Population Studies", Population Economics, Vol. 18, No. 3, 1992, pp 399-421.

8.* McNicoll, G. "The United Nations' Long Range Population Projections" Population and Development Review, (June, 1992), pp. 333-340.

  1. Baxter, D. “Immigration to Canada: Youth Tonic for an Aging Population. July, 1997.
  1. Weil, D. “Why has Fertility Fallen Below Replacement in Industrial Nations and will it Last ?” American Economic Review, May 1999, pp251-55.
  1. Klerman, J. “US abortion policy and Fertility”, American Economic Review, May 1999, pp261-64.
  1. Bongaarts, J. “Fertility decline in developed world: where will it end? American Economic Review, May 1999, pp.256-60.
  1. Pope, C. L. Wimmer “ Aging in the early 20th Century” American Economic Review, May , 1998, pp. 217-221.

C.Population and Aggregate Economic Growth

1. Ehrlich, I. and F. T. Lui, "Intergenerational Trade, Longevity and Economic Growth", Journal of Political Economy Vol. 99, (1991), pp. 1029-1059.

2.Denton, F.T. and B. Spence, "Macro effects of changes in household preferences for children" Population Economics, Vol. 2, No. 3, 1989, pp 165-188.

3.Kelley, A.C. and Williamson J.G., "Sources of Growth Methodology in Low Income Countries: A Critique", Q.J.E., (Feb. 1973), pp. 138-145

**4. Easterlin, R.A. "On the relation of Economic Factors to recent and projected fertility Changes". Demography, Dec. 1974, pp. 131-153.

5.Simon, J. Population and Development of Poor Countries (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1992. Chps. 5 and 9-a

**6.Becker, G.S. et. al, "Human Capital, Fertility and Economic Growth", Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 98, (Oct.,1990) p. S12-S37.

7. Bongaarts, J. "Population growth and global warming",

Population and Development Review, (June, 1992). pp. 299-320.

  1. Easterlin, R.A. et al. "Will baby boomers be less well off than their parents", Population and Development Review, Vol. 19, No. 3, Sept. 1993, pp.497-522.
  1. J. Simon (ed.) Research in Population Economics Vol. 2, pp 183-204.
  1. Malmberg, L. “ Age Structure Effects and Growth in OECD”, Journal of Population Economics, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp 431 450.


A. Expenditure Patterns and Population Change

*1.M. Browning, "Children and Household Economic Behavior", Journal of Economic Literature , Vol. XXX, (Sept. 1992) pp. 1434-1475.

**2.Kelley, A.C., "Demand Patterns, ...", Quarterly Journal of Economics, (February, 1969), pp. 110-26.

3.Marr, W. L. and D.J. McCready, "The Effect of Demographic Structure on Consumption and Saving Patterns in Canada", Institute for Research on Public Policy, (March, 1988).

  1. A. Borsch-Supau and K. Stahl, "Life Cycle savings and consumption constraints" Population Economics, Vol. 4, No. 2, 1991
  1. Ohtake, F. and Makoto, S. “ Population Aging and Consumption Inequality in Japan”, Review of Income and Wealth, Vol. 44, No. 3, 1998, pp. 361-380.
  1. A. Auerbach and L. J. Kotlikoff, “ The Impact of the Demographic Transition Capital Formation “, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Vol. 94, no. 2, pp 281-195. 1992.

B.Saving and Dependency Rates

1.Leff, N.H., "Dependency Rates and Savings Rates", American Economic Review Vol. 59, (Dec. 1969), pp. 886-95.

2.Kelley, A.C., "Savings, Demographic Change and Economic Development", EDCC, (July, 1976), pp. 886-95.

3.N.H. Leff, "Marginal Savings Rates in the Development Process," Econ. J., (September, 1968)

4.N. Adams, "Comment," American Economic Review, (June, 1971), pp. 472-75.

5.A. Kelley and J.G. Williamson, "Household Saving Behaviour in Developing Economies: The Indonesian Case," Economic Development and Cultural Change, (April, 1968)

  1. C. Carroll et al. “ Does Cultural Origin Affect Saving Behaviour ? Evidence from Immigrants “, Economic Development and Cultural Change,

Vol. 48, N0. 1 Oct. 1999, 33-50.

**8.Schumakker and Clark, "Population Dependency Rates and Savings Rates" Economic Development and Cultural Change, Vol. 40, Jan.1992, pp. 319-333.

9.Kelley, A. "Population Pressures, Saving, and Investment in the Third World: Some Puzzles", Economic Development and Cultural Change, Vol. 36, April, 1988, pp. 449-64

10. Bilsborrow, R. "Dependency Rates and Aggregate Savings Rates Revisited in J. Simon (ed.) Research in Population Economics Vol. 2, pp 183-204.

12.Hammer, J. "Children and Savings in LDC's", Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 23, No. 1, 1986 pp. 107-118.

14. Mason, A. " Saving, economic growth and demographic change" Population and Development Review, March, 1988 Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 113-144.

15. Higgen, M. and J.G. Williamson, “ Age structure dynamics in Asia and dependence on foreign capital “, Population and Development Review, Vol. 23, no. 2, June 1997, 261-294.

C. Pensions/Wealth

1. Blinder, A.S., "Social Security, Bequests and the Life Cycle Theory of Saving: Cross-sectional Tests", Social Security and Bequest Behaviour, pp. 89-122.

2. Diamond, P.A. and Hausman, J.A., "Individual Retirement and Savings Behaviour", Journal of Public Economics, 23, (1984), pp. 81-114.

3. Becker, G.S. and Tomes, N., "Human Capital and the Rise and Fall of Families", Journal of Labor Economics, Vol. 4, No. 3, pt. 2, (1986), pp. S1-S39.

4. Menchik, P.L. and David, M., "Income Distribution, Lifetime Savings, and Bequests", The American Economic Review, Vol. 73, No. 4, (Sept. 83), pp. 672-690.

5. Davies, J.B., "Uncertain Lifetime, Consumption, and Dissaving in Retirement", Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 89, No. 3, (1981), pp. 561-577.

  1. Felderer, B. "Can Immigration Policy Help to Stabilize Social Security Systems ?", in H. Giersch (ed.) Economic Aspects of International Migration (Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 1994)pp. 197-226.
  1. Felderer, B. "Does a Public Pension System Reduce Savings Rates and Birth Rates?", Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 1992, pp 314-325.

**8. Shamsuddin, A. and D.J. DeVoretz, "Wealth Accumulation Behaviour of Canadian and Foreign Born Households", Review of Income and Wealth, Dec. 1998 pp. 515-533.

9.Srinivasan, T.N. "Fertility and Old Age Security in an Overlapping Generations Model", J. QuantitativeEconomics Vol. 4, (Jan. 1988), pp. 11-17.

10.G. Fichtinger and E. Dockner, "Capital Accumulation Endogenous population growth and Easterlin cycles, Population Economics, Vol. 3, (1990) No.2

11. Carroll, C.D., "How Does Future Income Affect Current Consumption?", Quarterly Journal of Economics, (1994) pp. 111-147.

**12. Lord, W.A., "Saving, Wealth, and the Exchange-bequest motive", Canadian Journal of Economics, Vol. XXV, No.3, (Aug. 92), pp. 743-53.

13. Deaton, A., "Saving and Liquidity Constraints", Econometrica, Vol. 59, No. 5, (Sept. 91), pp. 1221-1248.

  1. Kotlikoff, L.J. and Spivak A., "The Family as an Incomplete Annuities Market", Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 89, No. 2, (1981), pp. 372-391.

15. Deaton, A., "Saving and Liquidity Constraints", Econometrica, Vol. 59, No. 5, (Sept. 91), pp. 1221-1248.

16.. Kotlikoff, L.J. and Spivak A., "The Family as an Incomplete Annuities Market", Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 89, No. 2, (1981), pp. 372-391.



1. , D. “ Modelling the Impact of Demographic Change Upon the Economy, Economic Journal, (Jan. 1999) Vol. 109 pp. 1-36..

2.Kelley, A.C. and Williamson, J.C., Lessons from Early Japanese Development, Chicago: (University of Chicago Press, 1973), Chapter 8.

3.Chu, C. and H. Koo "Intergenerational Income-Group mobility and Differential Fertility", American Economic Review, Dec. 1990, 1125-1138.

**4. Lucas, R.E. "On the Mechanics of Economic Development", Journal of Monetary Economics, July, 1988, vol. 22, pp. 3-42.

B.Population Growth: Exogenous

1. Keyfitz, N. "Growth of Canadian Population", Population Studies, Vol. 4, 950-51 pp. 47-63.

2.Fei, J.C., and Ranis, G. Development of the Labor Surplus Economy: Theory and Policy, (Homewood, Ill: Richard D. Irwin, 1964).

3.Jorgenson, D.W. "Surplus Agricultural Labor and the Development of the Dual Economy", Oxford Economic Papers (November 1967), pp. 238-312.

4.Jorgenson, D.W. "The Development of a Dual Economy", Economic Journal 81, (June 1961), pp. 309-34.

**5.Solow, R. "A Contribution to the Theory of Economic Growth", QuarterlyJournal of Economics, 70 (February 1956), pp. 65-94.

C.Population Growth-Endogenous

1.E. Carlson, "Inverted Easterlin Fertility Cycles, Population Economics, Vol. 18, (1992) No.4 pp. 669-689

2.Buttrick, J. "A Note on Professor Solow's Growth Model", Quarterly Journal ofEconomics 72 (November 1958), pp. 633-636.

3.Kelley, A.C., Williamson, J.G. and Cheetham, R.J. "Biased Technological Progress and Labor Force Growth in a Dualistic Economy", Quarterly Journal ofEconomics 86, (August 1972), pp. 426-447.

4.Leibenstein, H. Economic Backwardness and Economic Growth, (New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc. 1957), pp. 147-173.

  1. Cutright, P. and Lowell, H., "The Threshold Hypothesis: Evidence From Less Developed Latin American Countries, 1950 To 1980", Demography, Vol. 21, No. 4 (Nov. 1984) pp. 459-473.
  1. Kosai, Y. and J. Saito and N. Yashiro, “ Declining Population and Sustained Economic Growth: Can they Co-exit ?” American Economic Review, May, 1998 pp. 412-416.

D.Population and Economic Fluctuations

1.Foot, D. and D. Stoffman, Boom, Bust and Echo 1996, (Toronto, Mcfarlane, Walter and Ross).

2.Kelley, A.C. and J.G. Williamson, "Population Growth, Industrial revolutions and the urban transition" Population and Development Review, June, 1984, vol. 10 no. 3, pp. 207-228.

**3.Easterlin, R. "Demographic influences on economic stability in the U.S.", Population and Development Review, 1978, vol. 4 /no. 1.

4Kuznets, S. "Long Swings in the Growth of Population and Related Variables", Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, (Feb. 1958), pp. 25-52.

5.Thomas, Brinley, Migration and Economic Growth, Chapters 1-3, 7.

6.Kelley, A.C. "Demographic Change and Economic Growth", Explorations in Economic History. (Spring/Summer, 1968).

7.Massey, D. "Economic Development and International Migration", Population and Development Review, Sept. 1988, Vol. 14, No. 3,pp. 383-414.

8.Hatton, T. J. and J. G. Williamson "International Migration and World Development" Conference on Economic Aspects of International Migration, Vancouver, B.C. 1992..

9.Atkinson, A. B. "Measuring Poverty and Differences in Family Composition", Economica, Vol. 59, pp. 1-16.

10. Solon, G. R. "Intergenerational Income Mobility in the United States", American Economic Review, June, 1992, Vol.82, no. 3, pp. 393-409.

**11.Williamson, J.G. " Globalization, Labor Markets and Policy Backlash in the Past”, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol. 12, No. 4, Fall, 1998, pp. 51-72.


A.Neo-Classical Myths

1. Easterlin, R.A. and E. Crimmins The Fertility Revolution: A Supply-Demand Analysis University of Chicago Press 1985.

2.Becker, G.S. and R. Barro, "A reformulation of the Economic Theory of Fertility", Quarterly Journal of Economics, 103, (Feb. 1988), pp. 1-25.

3.McIntosh, J. “ An Analysis of reproductive behavior in Canada” Journal of Population Economics, Vol. 12, No. 3, 1999, pp. 451-462.

4. Becker, G. and Murphy, "The Family and the State", Journal of Labor Economics", 1988.

5.Leibenstein, H. "An Interpretation of the Economic Theory of Fertility," Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XII, No. 2, (June, 1974), pp. 457-479

6.Becker, G.S., and Lewis, H.G. "On the Interaction between the Quantity and Quality of Children", Journal of Political Economy, 81, Part II (March/April 1973), pp. 279-289.

7.Easterlin, R.A. "The Economics and Sociology of Fertility: A Synthesis", in Eds. S.J. Behrman et al. Fertility and Family Planning: A Worldview, pp. 127-56.

8.Michael, R.T. "Education and the Derived Demand for Children", Journal ofPolitical Economy 81, Part II (March/April 1973), pp. 128-165.

10.Schultz, T.W. "The Value of Children: An Economic Perspective", Journal ofPolitical Economy, 81, Part II (March/April 1973), pp. 2-14.

**11.E. Crimmins, "New Perspective on the Demographic Transition", Economic Development and Cultural Change Vol. 32 No. 2, Jan, 1984.

12.S. Szreter, "The idea of demographic transition and the study of fertility change", Population and Development Review, June, 1983, Vol. 9, No. 1.


1.Westoff, "Fertility Decline in the West", Population and Development Review, June, 1983, Vol. 9, No. 1.

2.Statistics Canada, Report on the Demographic Situation in Canada 1994 Cat. 91-209E (Ottawa, 1994).

3.Schultz, T.P., "An Economic Model of Family Planning and Fertility", Journal ofPolitical Economy, 77, (March 1969), pp. 153-180.

4.Henripin, J., Trends and Factors of Fertility in Canada, (Ottawa, 1972).

5.DeVoretz, D., "An Economic Analysis of Canadian Fertility Patterns 1901 1930", (mimeo).

**6. Caldwell, J.C. " A new type of fertility transition in Africa", Population and Development Review , Vol. 18, No.2, (June,1992) P211-242.

**7. Sathar and J. B. Casterline “ The onset of fertility transition in Pakistan", Population and Development Review , Vol. 24, No.4, (Dec. 1998) pp. 773-824.

V.Migration External Movements

A. History

1.Easterlin, R.A., "Influences in European Overseas Immigration Before World War I", Economic Development and Cultural Change, 9, (April 1961), pp. 331-51.

2.Zlotnik, H. "International Migration 1965-96: An Overview", Population and Development Review, Vol. 24, No. 3, Sept. 1998, pp 429-468.

3.Kelley, A.C., "International Migration and Economic Growth: Australia, 1865-1935", Journal of Economic History, 25 (September 1965), pp. 333-54.

  1. DeVoretz, D., "An Analysis of Early 20th Century Canadian Immigration: 1901-1930" (mimeo)
  1. Greenwood, M.J. ,"The Economics of Mass Migration from Poor to Rich Countries: Leading Issues of Fact and Theory", American Economic Review, Vol. 24, No. 4, (May, 1983), pp. 173-177.

6.Greenwood, M.J. and J.M. McDowell, "The Factor Market Consequences of U.S. Immigration", Journal of Economic Literature, Dec. 1986, 24,(4), pp. 1738-1772.

  1. Birrell, R. "A new eras in Australian Migration Policy", International Migration Review, Vol. 18, no. 1 Spring 1984, pp 65-84.
  1. Borjas, G. Friends or Strangers: The impact of Immigrants on the American Economy,(New York:Basil Books) 1990.

9.DeVoretz, D. (ed.) Diminishing Returns: Immigration Policy in the 1990's , (Toronto: C D Howe, 1995).

10.Borjas, G. "The Economics of Immigration" Journal of Economic Literature Vol. 32, No.4, Dec. 1994 pp.1667-1717.

12.Massey, D. "Theories of International migration:Review and Appraisal", Population and Development Review, Sept. 1993, Vol. 19, No. 3,pp. 431-466.

13.______"International migration theory:the North American Case", Population and Development Review, Dec. 1994, Vol. 20, No. 4,pp. 669-752.

14.______” International Migration at the Dawn of the twenty first century”, Population and Development Review, June. 1999, Vol. 25, No. 2,pp. 303-323.

15. Poot, J. "Adaptation of Migrants in the New Zealand Labor Market", Int'l Migration Review, Vol. XXVII, No. 1, Spring, 1993 pp. 121-139.

16. Giersch, H. (ed.) Economic Aspects of International Migration, (Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1994)

  1. Timmer, A. S. and J.G. Williamson, “ Immigration policy prior to the 1930’s” Population and Development Review, (Dec. 1998) Vol. 24, No. 4. Pp. 739-772.
  2. Green, A. and D. Green, “The Economic Goals of Canada’s Immigration Policy: Past and Present”, Canadian Public Policy, (Dec. 1999) Vol. XXV, No. 4. Pp.425-452.

B. Financial Impacts

  1. Akbari, S.A., "The Public Finance Impact of Immigrant Population on Host Nations: Some Canadian Evidence", Social Science Quarterly, Vol. 72, No 2, June 1991, pp.

2.Lucas,Robert E.B.,Oded Stark, "Motivations to Remit:Evidence from Botswana", Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 93, (1985), pp.901-918.

  1. Simon, J. "Immigrants, Taxes and Welfare in the United States, Population and Development Review, June, 1984 Vol. 10, No. 1.
  1. Gustafsson, B. "Public Sector Transfers and Income Taxes among Immigrants and Natives in Sweden", International Migration Review, Vol. XXVIII, No. 2, June, 1990.
  1. Ekberg, J. “Immigration and the Public Sector: Income Effects for the native population in Sweden”, Journal of Population Economics, Vol. 12, No. 3. 1999, pp. 431-450.
  1. Rodriguez, E. “ International Migration and Income Distribution in the Philippines”, (1998) Economic Development and Cultural Change, (1998), pp. 329-350.
  1. Glytsos, N. “Measuring the Income Effects of Migrant Remittances: A methodological approach applied to Greece”, Economic Development and Cultural Change (1993), pp. 131-168.
  1. DeVoretz, D. and Y. Ozsomer, “Immigrants and Public Finance Transfers: Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal”, Riim Working Paper Series 99-06.

C. Immigrant Earnings:

1.Beach, C. M. and A. G. Green, Policy Forum on the Role of Immigration in Canada's Future, Policy Forum Series-15 John Deutsch Institute for the Study of Economic Policy, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, p. 102

2.Bloom, D.E. Grenier, G. and M. Gunderson, (1995) "The Changing Labour Market Position of Canadian Immigrants” Canadian Journal of Economics, Vol. 38, pp. 987-1005.

3.Borjas, G.J., "The Earnings of Male Hispanic Immigrants in the United States", Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Vol. 35, No. 3, (April, 1982) pp. 343-353.

4. ,"Assimilation, Change in Cohort Quality, and the Earnings of Immigrants", Journal of Labor Economic, Vol., 3, (1985) pp. 463-489.

5. , "Self-Selection and the Earnings of Immigrants", American Economic Review, (1987), pp. 531-554.

6. , "Immigration and Self-Selection", Working Paper Series, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. Working Paper No. 2566. 4/1988.

7. , International Differences in the Labor Market Performance of Immigrants, W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, 1988, p. 106.

8. , "Immigrant and Emigrant Earnings: A Longitudinal Study", Economic Inquiry, Vol. XXVII, (1989), pp. 21-37.

9. , "The Self-Employment Experience of Immigrants", Journal of Human Resources, Vol. XXI, No. 4, pp. 485-506.

10.Chiswick, B.R., "The Effect of Americanization on the Earnings of Foreign-born Men", Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 86, No.5, (1978) pp. 897-921.

11Chiswick, B.R. and P. W. Miller, "Earnings in Canada: The Role of Immigrant Generation, French Ethnicity, and Language", Research in Population Economics, (JAI Pre INC. 1988) Vol.6, pp. 183-228.

  1. Meng, Ronald, "The Earnings of Canadian Immigrants and native-born Males", Applied Economics, Vol. 19 (1987) pp. 1107-1119.
  1. Tandon, B.B., "Earning Differentials Among Native Born and Foreign Born Residents of Toronto", International Migration Review, Vol. 12, No. 3, Fall, 1978, pp. 406-410.
  1. Borjas, G.J. "Assimilation,Changes in Cohort Quality and the Earnings of Immigrants", Journal of Labor Economics, Jan,1986,4(1) pp. 463-89.

16.Abbott, M. and C. Beach, "Immigrant Earnings differential and birth year effects for men in Canada post war 1972", Canadian Journal of Economics, August, 1993.pp. 505-524.

17.Grant, Mary “ Evidence of new immigrant assimilation in Canada”, Canadian Journal of Economics, Vol. 32, No. 4, August 1999, pp. 930-955.

  1. Hum, David and Wayne Simpson, “Visibility Minority Wages”, Canadian Public Policy, Vol. 25, No. 3, Sept. 1999, pp. 379-384.
  1. Pendakur, K. and R. Pendakur “ The Colour of Money”, Canadian Journal of Economics, Vol 31, NO. 1, pp. 145-66.
  1. Christofedes, L. N. and R. Swidinsky “Wage Determintion by Gender and and Visible Minority Status”, Canadian Public Policy, Vol. 25, No. 3, Sept. 1999, pp. 379-384.

D. Employment Effects of Immigration:

1.Roy, A. , "An Analysis of Substitutability and Complementarity of Immigrants and Canadian Work Force",Labour Market Bulletin, (Oct. 1987) Vol. 4. No. 9, pp. 5-11.

2.Akbari, A. and D.J. DeVoretz, "The Substitutability of Immigrants in Production:Evidence from Canada", Canadian Journal of Economics, August, 1992.pp. 605-614.

3.Borjas, J., "The Substitutability of Black, Hispanic and White Labor", Economic Enquiry, Jan. 1983.

4.______, "Immigrants, Minorities, and Labor Market Competition", Industrial and Labor Relations Review, April 1987, pp. 382-392.

5.Chiswick, B., C. Chiswick and Paul Miller, "Are Immigrants and Natives Perfect Substitutes in Production ?", International Migration Review, Winter, 1985.

6.Clark, D.P. and H. Thompson, "Immigration,International Capital Flows and Long Run Income Distribution In Canada",Atlantic Economic Journal, Dec. 1986, 14, (4), pp. 24-29.

  1. Grossman, J.B. "The Substitutability of Natives and Immigrants in Production", Review of Economics and Statistics, Nov. 1982. 64,(4), pp. 596-603.
  1. Green, D. “Immigrant Occupational and Attainment: Assimilation and Mobility over Time”, Journal of Labor Economics 1999, Vol. 17, no. 1 pp.49-79.

E.Brain Drain or Gain ?

1.Kwok, V. and H. Leland, "An Economic Model of the Brain Drain", American Economic Review, Vol. 72, (1982), pp. 91-100.

2.Grubel, H. and Scott, A., "International Flow of Human Capital", AmericanEconomic Review Papers and Proceedings, (May 1966), pp. 268-274.

3.DeVoretz, D.J. and D. Maki, "The Size and Distribution of Human Capital Transfers From LDC's to Canada 1966-73", Economic Development and Cultural Change, July, 1980, Vol. 28, No. 4, pp. 779-800.

4.______, "The Immigration of Third World Professionals to Canada", World Development, 1983, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 55-64.

5.DeVoretz, D., and Maki, D., "The Brain Drain and Income Taxation: Canadian Estimates", World Development, Vol. 3., No. 10, pp. 705-716.

6.Coulson, R.G. and D.J. DeVoretz, "Human Capital Content of Canadian Immigration:1967-1986" Canadian Public Policy 1993.

7.DeVoretz, D. and S. Laryea, "Human Capital transfers between USA and Canada", C.D. Howe, 1998. p. 43.

8. O'Rouke, K. "Why Ireland Emigrated: A Positive Theory of Factor Flows", Oxford Economic Papers,Vol.44, 1992 pp. 322-340.

9.Akbar, S. and D. DeVoretz, "Canada's Demand for Third World Highly Trained Immigrants: 1976:1986", World Development, Jan. 1993.

  1. Aslanbeiguir N. and V. Montecinos, “ Foreign Students in U.S. Doctoral Programs”, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Summer 1998 pp. 171-182.
  1. Enchautegui, M. “ The value of U.S. Labor Market Experience in the Home Country:, Economic Development and Cultural Change , (1993) pp. 169-191.

F. Trade or Migration ?