The H Certificate is a horsemastership test. The Syllabus centres on this aspect of work so that it is suited to the non-rider as well as the rider. Three years in Pony Club must be allowed for preparation. It is intended to afford keen Associate Members a worthwhile certificate for efficiency in horse management.

This form should be completed by pony club members who are 17 years or older and wish to attain their H efficiency certificate, and who wish to attend ‘H’ level instruction horsemastership clinics.

A once only Registration fee of $50 entitles you to receive information directly about clinics and written reports from coaches. By registering your interest in working towards the H Efficiency enables the State A, B & H Coordinator to plan a yearly program for this standard. As a candidate you will be required to pay a further fee to sit for the H assessment.

Assessment will include worksheets, major written project, presentation for the show ring, lunging, breaking in, horsemastership and general knowledge. The Candidate must be found competent in all sections to gain the H Certificate.


Phone / Dob
Pony Club / Zone
Details of Certificates Passed
Certificate Level / Date Passed / Certificate Level / Date Passed / Certificate Level / Date Passed
E Certificate / C Certificate / B Certificate
D Certificate / C* Certificate / A Certificate
D* Certificate / K Certificate
As the “H” certificate has no pre-requisites, recognition of prior learning will be acknowledged for candidates who have completed previous certificates.
No. of years at pony club, with regular attendance at rallies.
Signature Applicant / Date
Signature Club Chief Coach / Date

I have made an electronic Fund Transfer of $50

EFT Receipt Number: Date:

BSB: 633000 Account: 147906960 (Please put Surname and B Candidate as reference)

Please forward completed application to:

NovaCore\DMS\Coaching\SCP - H Certificate Registration Application 1 of 1

Next review 28 Sep 2017Rev 1.0 (28 Sep 2016)Approved by ELAWRIE