October 11th, 2017
1.The meeting was called to order at 7:00PMby chairperson, Maureen Landry; the following members were in attendance:
Father Jim Mary Ann Platz Father Raj
Halina Solkowski Leta Shannon Raylene Yuzyk
Greg Szott Monica Friesen Maureen Landry
Helen Doyle Linda Karpala Ron Ross
Fiona Wimmer
2. The opening prayer was led by Monica
3.Gospel for the week: all reflected on the theme of being called to do God’s will, but few are willing to accept that call with the sacrifices that it entails.
4. The agenda was amended to add: under #9(b) Discussion/Action: vii-St.Vincent de Paul, viii-Stewardship and Census and ix-Parish Communication
5. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as distributed
6.Guest Speakers for the year: Michael Hauptman and Paul Corrigan will be here in November
7. Pastor’s Report: Father Jim advised that we will have the reverse collection for Sacred Heart Parish in December and we are encouraged to support the Ecumenical Mission next week
8. Standing Reports:
a) Liturgy Council: Raylene advised that a schedule is being compiled for liturgical ministers, and will be sent to all.
b) Finance Administration: Ron Ross advised that there is a delay in completing paving of the parking lot due to weather; a solution to the roof problem is being investigated, and information will be conveyed to parishioners in the near future. Itwill likely be the spring of 2018 before the problem is identified and potential costs for repairs determined. Ordinary receipts are lower than budget, but it is hoped that we will recover by the end of the year. We have reached 81% of our goal for Together We Serve. It was decided to form a maintenance/capital committee as a sub-committee of finance; main responsibility of the new committee will be to plan for and implement maintenance/capital projects.
9.Information, Discussion, and Action:
- FAQ’s-Leta distributed the revised FAQ’s to all members; it was recommended that some information from those should be put in the Bulletin as “Did you know” items
- Visioning Update: Maureen advised that a committee meeting will be held on October 16th and the yellow folder will be re-issued
- Couples for Christ: Maureen advised that the executive team will meet with Henry Gutierrez and determine how the organization can be involved at OLPH
- Council Photograph: Joe Karpala took photos of council members this evening
- PPC Retreat: Will be held on November 4th at Maureen’s house; Sandy Prather will be the facilitator
- PPC Commissioning Masses: Will be held this weekend; members are encouraged to attend all Masses
- Parish Picnic 2018: Linda, Halina and Jason volunteered to coordinate
- QuidNovum: Leta volunteered to provide information to the Archdiocese on upcoming OLPH events
- Liturgy Implementation: Father Jim advised that some changes will be coming to the Masses to comply with the request from the Archbishop; changes will be implemented during the first Sunday of Advent; Eucharistic ministers and altar servers will be impacted; they will be advised of changes at a meeting on October 24th
- St. Vincent de Paul: Mary Ann advised that our new family has arrived and are settled in the city; they will be officially welcomed at our Mass for Newcomers on November 19th; Mary Pat Skene is the new president of St. Vincent de Paul
- Stewardship and Census: PPC members are requested to assist with passing out forms prior to all Masses this weekend
- Parish Communication: Different methods of communicating with parishioners were discussed; we also need to keep our schools informed of activities in the parish; Bulletin should be reviewed to ensure that it is achieving the intended purpose; decision was that communication is part of the visioning exercise and we should wait for that document to be completed prior to making any changes
10. Parish Formation Activities:
Parish potlucks staring on October 20th, Daily Mass-consistent times appreciated by parishioners, New Priest-greatly appreciated by all parishioners,Living Rosary-October 25th, Rosary Rally on October 14th, and Parish Periodical-good document, but maybe could be combined with the Bulletin so we have one source of printed information.
11. What are we hearing from parishioners?
i) Are we having conversations, asking questions, interested? Greg advised that he had a question from a parishioner about the progress being made on the roof problem; see #8(b) for response; also, noise prior to and during Mass-will be addressed in Maureen’s response to parishioner; Halina advised that a parishioner is having a problem reading the screen due to light-Raylene will discuss a solution to this with Monna
ii) Ministry Liaison Reports: Greg advised that K of C are planning the following activities: Pancake breakfast-October 15th, Welcome breakfast-November 19th after the 10:30 Mass, ABJ choir breakfast-December 17th after the 10:30 Mass, St. Valentine’s Day Dance-February 10th, 2018, Blood Donor Clinic-November 17th at OLPH, Memorial Mass for Knights-November 15th, Remembrance Day celebration at Millennium Place-November 11th, 50th anniversary celebration for Council #6083-April 7th, 2018, Top Up Dinner-April 14th, 2018, Charities Appeal-January, 2018, and Taste of India dinner on November 4th at Corpus Christi. Leta advised that the Children’s Liturgy is going well; Linda advised that there are no issues with the clothing nook and the encore group is not in the parish directory-Raylene will change the online version to include them; Monica advised that we no longer have a prison ministry-ministry liaison list to be updated
12. Significant Dates:
a)Next PPC Executive meeting: Friday, November 3rd at 4PM
b)Next PPC meeting: Wednesday, November 8that 7:00 PM
13. The closing prayer was led by Monica; meeting adjourned at 9:15PM
Follow-up Action Items:
- Give ideas to Maureen re guest speakers-all members
- Check with Father Jim re OLPH sponsoring the Shroud of Turin-Leta
3. Review Maureen’s draft letter to parishioner re noise level during Mass-Father Jim
4. Attendall PPC commissioning Masses this weekend-all members
5. Assist withdistribution of census formsat all Masses this weekend-all members
6. Include information on the roof issues and the financial updates in the Bulletin-Raylene
7. Update the visioning document and provide a copy to all-Robert, Halina, Leta and Maureen
8. Advise parishioners of upcoming changes to the liturgy-Father Jim
9. Update ministry liaison list and re-send to all-Maureen
10.Update the online version of the parish directory to include the Encore group-Raylene