A native of Fort Worth, Texas, I acquired my first purebred dog at the age of twelve. This

Pomeranian bitch introduced me to the sport of dogs and became the foundation of a breeding

program that led to my breeding and exhibiting top- winning Pomeranians. From this base I was to

first judge toy dogs at match shows at the age of fifteen. I was approved to judge Pomeranians at

championship point shows in the US in 1961. I am presently approved to judge all sporting breeds,

all working breeds, all terrier breeds, all toy breeds, all non-sporting breeds and several herding and

hound breeds.

It has been my privilege to judge many all-breed and specialty shows in the United States and

abroad, among those being many ofthe internationally famous ones-best in show at Westminster,

1999. A great joy has been the judging of many national specialty shows of various breeds in the

groups for which I am approved.

Pursuing a career in education, I served for 32 years as an administrator at Texas Christian

University with 18 of those years spent as Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services. My wife

Irene and I enjoyed the breeding and exhibiting of Doberman Pinschers and dachshunds during her

lifetime. I retired from the university in 2003.

Among the more satisfying activities that I have helped with in purebred dogs is my work with Take

The Lead, a charitable organization for people in the sport. The need for this organization and its

assistance to individuals in the sport who are suffering life threatening or critical illness or injury is

beyond my ability to adequately describe. It is a way for me and others to give back to a sport from

which we have taken so much.

Rodom iz Fort Wortha, Texas, prvog čistokrvnog psa sam kupio u dobi od dvanaest godina. Ta ženka Pomeranca me uvela u svijet pasa i postala temelj uzgoja koji je doveo do nekih od mojih top pobjednika.

Bio sam prvi sudac za patuljaste pasmine na neslužbenoj utakmici u dobi od 15 godina. 1961.godine sam i službeno postao sudac za Pomerance. Trenutno imam licencu za suđenje svih po američkom sustavu sportskih, radnih, terijerskih, patuljastih, te pojedinih ovčarskih pasmina i goniča.

Bila mi je čast suditi brojne izložbe u Americi te van granica, uključujući i neke vrlo poznate izložbe te BIS na Westminsteru 1999.godine. Veliko mi zadovoljstvo također pričinjava i suđenje brojnih nacionalnih specijalnih izložbi .

32 godine sam bio administrator na Fakultetu u Texasu, od toga 18 godina na mjestu vice kancelara za administrativne usluge.

Moja žena Irene i smo uživali u uzgoju i izlaganju Dobermana i Jazavčara dok god je ona bila živa. Otišao sam u mirovinu sa svog posla 2003.godine.

Što se tiče drugih aktivnosti istaknuo bih svoj rad sa dobrotvornom organizacijom Take the lead.

Potreba za ovom organizacijom i njezina pomoć pojedincima koji pate od po život opasnih ili kritičnih bolesti ili ozljeda je izvan mojih moći za opisati. Mislim da je to predivan način za vratiti natrag sportu iz kojeg smo toliko uzeli.