Hyatt Regency, Savannah, Georgia: April 4 – April 7, 2003
POM in the Service Economy
POM-2003 Conference
General Chair
Rich Metters
Goizueta Business School
Emory University
Program Chair
Madeline Pullman
College of Business
Colorado State University
International Committee Chair
Sushil Gupta
College of Engineering
Florida International University
Doctoral Consortium Chair
Jovan Grahovac
Freeman School of Business
Tulane University
Sponsorship Chair
Steve Walton
Goizueta Business School
Emory University
Program Advisor
Sara L. Beckman
Haas School of Business
University of California, Berkeley
Local Events Coordinator
Anthony Narsing
College of Business Administration
Savannah State University
Local Arrangements
Steven Bogard
Meeting Management Consultants
POM-2003, the fourteenth annual conference of the Production and Operations Management Society, will convene in Savannah, Georgia, U.S.A., from Friday, April 4 through Monday, April 7, 2003. Friday, April 4 will be devoted to special programs, with plenary addresses and contributed papers presented Saturday, April 5 through Monday, April 7.
The theme of the conference is POM in the Service Economy. This theme is in recognition of the prevalence of the service sector today. A service firm is at the top of the Fortune 500 for the first time in history and 64 of the Fortune 100 are service companies. This theme also reflects the location of the conference, where tourism is a major industry.
Plenary Sessions: Plenary speakers include the CEO of Harrah’s Entertainment, the VP-Strategic Planning from Blockbuster, Inc., a Senior VP from Great American Insurance, and a Managing Partner from Kurt Salmon Associates.
Contributed Papers: Contributed papers on all topics related to teaching, research, and practice of POM are invited. The deadline for submissions of abstracts is November 15, 2002. There is no abstract submission fee. All abstracts and papers must be submitted via the POMS website ( Participants may also submit papers to be published in the electronic proceedings of the conference. Papers must be submitted to the POMS website by January 31, 2003.
NEW FACULTY AND DOCTORAL STUDENT CONSORTIUM: The New Faculty and Doctoral Student Consortium provides an excellent opportunity for career development and networking with prominent academicians and practitioners. New faculty (first or second year) and doctoral students are invited. Please send a current vita to Jovan Grahovac if you are interested in participating <>. Participation is by reservation and those who register first will have priority.
CONFERENCE VENUE: The conference will be held at the Hyatt Regency at 2 West Bay Street, Savannah. The hotel room rates per night are $159.00 (single/double), $184.00 (triple) and $209.00 (quad). An additional $50 guarantees a river view. This downtown hotel is located on the scenic waterfront of the Savannah River, prominently situated on the 12-block Riverfront Plaza in the heart of Savannah's Historic District. For information about the hotel, go to For reservations, call 800.633.7313 or the hotel directly at 912.238.1234. (Please specify the POMS group when calling, as the hotel contract specifies financial penalties for failure to meet room volume targets.) For discount airfares call Meeting Management Consultants at 1-800-627-6701 (in the United States) or 727-322-5789 or email your request to .
SAVANNAH ATTRACTIONS: Savannah has one of the largest historic districts in the United States and offers world-class restaurants, Civil War forts, dozens of art galleries, and fine antique shops among many other attractions. Visit for information. We encourage bringing families, and family activities will be planned.
THE CASE COMPETITION: Indiana University CIBER is pleased to announce the fifth CIBER International Case Writing Award in the amount of $2500. For additional information visit the POMS web site at or contact Roger Schmenner at .
WICKHAM SKINNER AWARDS: POMS will continue to offer the Wickham Skinner Awards to recognize Excellence in Contributions to the POM field. Details of the awards are available on the POMS web site at
We are developing a new abstract and paper submission process for POM-2003. This process will require that ALL abstracts (and full papers where applicable) be submitted via the web. The new system is still under development, and will be ready for use by October 15th, 2002. At that time, visit to find instructions for submission. The abstract submission deadline is November 15th, 2002. Should you wish to publish your paper in the ELECTRONIC PROCEEDINGS for the conference, please submit it via by January 31, 2003. Should you have any questions prior to that time, please contact the general conference chair, Rich Metters.
Contributed papers on all topics related to teaching, research, and practice of POM are invited. Papers are encouraged but are not limited to the following tracks. Track chairs and their e-mail addresses are listed below.
Cases in Operations Management
John Goodale, University of Oregon
Educational and Teaching Innovations
Elliot Bendoly, Emory University
Environmental Management
Michael Ketzenberg, Colorado State University
Global Operations
Vidyaranya Gargeya, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Internet-Enabled Operations
Rohit Verma, University of Utah
Inventory Management
John Semple, Southern Methodist University
JIT Manufacturing/Lean Production
Satya Chakravorty, Kennesaw State University
Mass Customization
Ananth Krishnamurthy, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Operations Planning, Scheduling and Control
Michael Pinedo, New York University
Operations Strategy
Larry Menor, University of Western Ontario ()
Performance Measurement
Michael Bourne, Cranfield University
Product and Process Design
Joseph Blackburn, Vanderbilt University
Gary Scudder, Vanderbilt University
Purchasing and Materials Management
Elliot Rabinovich, Arizona State University
Quality Management and Six Sigma
Manus (Johnny) Rungtusanatham, Arizona State University
Retail Operations
Nicole DeHoratius, University of Chicago
Service Operations Management
Uday Apte, Southern Methodist University ()
Supply Chain Management
Srinivas Talluri, Michigan State University
REGISTRATION FEES: Registration fees for POM-2003 are as follows. Members pay $275 before January 15, 2003 and $300 after that date. Non-members pay $305 before January 15, 2003 and $335 after that date. Students and retirees pay $95 before January 15, 2003 and $115 after that date.
Sushil Gupta, Executive Director – POMS
Director, Division of Corporate and Global Programs, College of Engineering
Florida International University, EAS 2460, 10555 W. Flagler Street, Miami, Fl 33174, U.S.A.
Phone: 305-348-1413; Fax: 305-348-6890; E-mail: ; Web page: