Polypharmacy Indicators [PPI]
Antipsychotic polypharmacy of two or more agents [2AP]
Description / The percentage of consumers of all ages currently on two or more antipsychotic medications among consumers currently on any antipsychotic medication.
Numerator / Consumers (from denominator) currently on two or more concurrent antipsychotic medications for longer than 90 days (as of the report date).
Denominator / Consumers of all ages currently on an antipsychotic medication for longer than 90 days (as of the report date).
Antipsychotic polypharmacy of three or more agents [3AP]
Description / The percentage of consumers of all ages currently on three or more antipsychotic medications among consumers currently on any antipsychotic medication.
Numerator / Consumers (from denominator) currently on three or more concurrent antipsychotic medications for longer than 90 days (as of the report date).
Denominator / Consumers of all ages currently on an antipsychotic medication for longer than 90 days (as of the report date).
Antidepressant polypharmacy of two or more agents in the same subclass [2AD]
Description / The percentage of consumers of all ages currently on two or more antidepressant medications in the same subclass among consumers currently on any antidepressant medication.
Numerator / Consumers (from the denominator) currently on two or more concurrent antidepressant medications in the same subclass for longer than 90 days (as of the report date).
Denominator / Consumers of all ages currently on an antidepressant medication for longer than 90 days (as of the report date).
Antidepressant polypharmacy of three or more agents [3AD]
Description / The percentage of consumers of all ages currently on three or more antidepressant medications among consumers currently on any antidepressant medication.
Numerator / Consumers (from the denominator) currently on three or more concurrent antidepressant medications for longer than 90 days (as of the report date).
Denominator / Consumers of all ages currently on an antidepressant medication for longer than 90 days (as of the report date).
Psychotropic polypharmacy in adults (four or more) [4PP(A)]
Description / The percentage of consumers 18 years and older currently on four or more psychotropic medications among consumers 18 years old and older currently on any psychotropic medication.
Numerator / Consumers (from the denominator) currently on four or more concurrent psychotropic medications for longer than 90 days (as of the report date).
Denominator / Consumers age 18 years or older currently on a psychotropic medication for longer than 90 days (as of the report date).
Psychotropic polypharmacy in youth (three or more) [3PP(Y)]
Description / The percentage of consumers younger than 18 years old currently on three or more psychotropic medications among youth currently on any psychotropic medication.
Numerator / Consumers (from the denominator) currently on three or more concurrent psychotropic medications for longer than 90 days (as of the report date).
Denominator / Consumers under 18 years of age currently on a psychotropic medication for longer than 90 days (as of the report date).
Polypharmacy summary measure (outlier for any one of above)
Description / A summary measure indicating the number of unique consumers who meet criteria for any of the polypharmacy indicators.

Psychotropic Medications

Cardiometabolic Indicators [CMI]
Hypertension [HTN]
Description / The percentage of consumers of all ages who are currently on an antipsychotic medication with a moderate- to high-risk for cardiometabolic disturbance among consumers currently on any antipsychotic AND who have been diagnosed with hypertension (HTN) during the previous five years.
Numerator / Consumers (from the denominator) currently on an antipsychotic medication with a moderate- to high-risk for cardiometabolic disturbance (as of the report date).
Denominator / Consumers of all ages who were diagnosed with HTN during the previous five years AND currently on any antipsychotic medication (as of the report date).
Ischemic Vascular Disease [IVD]
Description / The percentage of consumers of all ages currently on an antipsychotic medication with a moderate- to high-risk for cardiometabolic disturbance among consumers currently on any antipsychotic AND who have been diagnosed with hypertension (HTN), acute myocardial infarction (AMI), stroke, or any ischemic vascular disease, or who have undergone a coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) or percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) during the previous five years.
Numerator / Consumers (from the denominator) currently on an antipsychotic medication with a moderate- to high-risk for cardiometabolic disturbance (as of the report date).
Denominator / Consumers of all ages who had a CABG or PTCA or were diagnosed with HTN, stroke, IVD or MI during the previous five years AND currently on any antipsychotic medication (as of the report date).
Hyperlipidemia [HL]
Description / The percentage of consumers of all ages currently on an antipsychotic medication with a moderate- to high-risk for cardiometabolic disturbance among consumers currently on any antipsychotic AND who have been diagnosed with hyperlipidemia/hypercholesterolemia, or were prescribed medications to treat those conditions in the past five years.
Numerator / Consumers (from the denominator) currently on an antipsychotic medication with a moderate- to high-risk for cardiometabolic disturbance (as of the report date).
Denominator / Consumers of all ages who were diagnosed with or prescribed medication for hyperlipidemia during the previous five years AND currently on any antipsychotic medication (as of the report date).
Diabetes/Pre-diabetes [DM]
Description / The percentage of consumers of all ages currently on an antipsychotic medication with a moderate- to high-risk for cardiometabolic disturbance among consumers currently on any antipsychotic AND who have been diagnosed with diabetes or have had elevated blood glucose (pre-diabetes) or received medication for diabetes (or pre-diabetes) during the previous five years.
Numerator / Consumers (from the denominator) currently on an antipsychotic medication with a moderate- to high-risk for cardiometabolic disturbance (as of the report date).
Denominator / Current consumers of all ages who were diagnosed with diabetes/pre-diabetes or were prescribed medication for diabetes/pre-diabetes during the previous five years AND currently on any antipsychotic medication (as of the report date).
Obesity [OBS]
Description / The percentage of consumers of all ages currently on an antipsychotic medication with a moderate- to high-risk for cardiometabolic disturbance among consumers currently on any antipsychotic AND who have been diagnosed with obesity or received medication for obesity during the previous five years.
Numerator / Consumers (from the denominator) currently on an antipsychotic medication with a moderate- to high-risk for cardiometabolic disturbance (as of the report date).
Denominator / Current consumers of all ages who were diagnosed with or prescribed medication for obesity during the previous five years AND currently on any antipsychotic medication (as of the report date).
Cardiometabolic summary measure (outlier for any one of above)
Description / A summary measure indicating the number of unique consumers who meet criteria for any of the cardiometabolic indicators
Antipsychotic Classification for the Cardiometabolic Indicator Set
Moderate to High Risk
(ages 18 and over) / chlorpromazine (Thorazine)
olanzapine (Zyprexa)
quetiapine (Seroquel)
thioridazine (Mellaril)
Youth and Adolescents (ages under 18) / chlorpromazine (Thorazine)
olanzapine (Zyprexa)
quetiapine (Seroquel)
thioridazine (Mellaril)
chlorprothixene (Taractan)
clozapine (Clozaril)
fluphenazine (Prolixin)
fluphenazine decanoate (Prolixin Depot)
haloperidol (Haldol)
haloperidol decanoate (Haldol Depot)
iloperidone (Fanapt)
loxapine (Loxitane)
olanzapine (Zyprexa)
paliperidone (Invega)
perphenazine (Trilafon)
pimozide (Orap)
prochlorperazine (Compazine)
risperidone (Risperdal)
risperidone microspheres (Risperdal Consta)
thioridazine (Mellaril)
thiothixene (Navane)
trifluoperazine (Stelazine)
triflupromazine (Vesprin)
Further Information: / Please refer to the “Full Indicator Specifications” on the PSYCKES website.