Pollokshields Community CouncilMeeting

Monday 1stJune2015

Pollokshields Community Centre, 15 Kenmure St, G41 2NT

Meeting called to order at 7.00pm by Bill Fraser (Chair)

Attendees: Ameen Mohammed, Bill Fraser, Lorna McRobert, Shaukat Sultan,Adil Bhatti, Ch Insp Carol Maguire, Insp Hugh O’Neill, Councillor Hanif Raja, David Churchley, Roz Wilson, Alan Meikle, Shiona Hall, Jane Neil, Tahir Mohammed, Councillor Hanif Raja, Kamran Usman, Gillian Westwater, Joe Shaldon

Apologies: Councillor Norman MacLeod, Alison Thewliss (SNP MP), Agnes McGarvie, John Sweeney

Item / Action / Who
Welcome / Bill Fraser (Chair of CC) welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order at 7.00pm.
Minutes of last meeting and matters arising / Not approved due to absence of quorum.

Ch Insp Carol Maguire (Area Commander, Police Scotland), along with Insp Hugh O’Neill

/ Q&A on policing in Pollokshields.
Over the past several meetings there have been specific discussion on speeding motorists around Maxwell Drive and anti-social behaviour at Herriet St. The Police Commander was present to have a Q&A about these and any wider, general issues.
Ch Insp Carol Maguire summarised last month’s crime statistics. Overall the level of crime is low compared to rest of Glasgow South. There were no assaults in past month (there were 10 two months ago). Only 9 crimes reported in last month. There is a higher rate of theft of valuables from cars. Residents are advised to adopt good practice by locking doors and never to keep valuables in a vehicle unless unavoidable when they should be secured and out of sight. In Glasgow South there has been an increase in ATM theft however nothing reported in Pollokshields - residents are encouraged to be careful of any suspicious looking machines and make sure it is reported.
Herriet St - There was a lengthy discussion with several Herriet St residents around the ongoing anti-social and violent behaviour taking place at one close, which may even be related to a specific family. Residents have become tired of reporting and not seen anything happen. Drug dealing and loitering takes place and neighbours take turns to report as they feel the police have stopped listening. Many fear living in the street. For example, a neighbour had phoned the police when they heard a disturbance in the close and found a house door broken into. When the police attended the neighbours felt they had not been kept informed of any subsequent developments whatsoever. The police know nothing of the car fire that has taken place, the second one of its kind in a year.
The police commanders recognised the ongoing issues the residents have had and asked them not to be disheartened as reporting helps them greatly to build a profile of the area. Even if there is a delay in police responding to situations, residents might not see any specific police presence but it helps the police in understanding the number of incidents to a particular area and allow them to divert resources. Message is to keep on reporting! It’s important to note that if a group of people are seen hanging around a street corner the police encounter them, they are unable to charge them unless they can prove they are doing something illegal. Also, residents may not be given real time updates as police are building a profile of specific disturbances and also trying to protect the identity of the people who may be reporting.
Insp Hugh O’Neill gave his direct number to those present, and asked Herriett St residents to call him if they felt things were not improving. Generally 101 is the best number to call for a non-emergency response.
Chair intervened to make sure the residents concerned around Herriet St issues had been listened to and felt the answers were helping them. The residents were keen to get the Police Commanders to liaise with them through the community council in 6 months.Police commanders were opento this but emphasised their presence would not be a regular feature at meetings.
Community Councillor Adil Bhatti felt that residents complaints are not really being addressed. Various members of police teams visit the PCC but there appears to be very little seamless progress in dealing with local police problems. The Chair mentioned it is important to be aware of trends and less so of data that may be produced on a monthly basis. This can highlight concerns and allow the community council to become more proactive. It allows the police and the community to work together and quickly deal with issues that matter most.
Police commanders agreed and recommended that if we can have specific actions set out for a particular person, and if it can be emailed along with community council minutes and agenda then there is a greater likelihood of seeing progress. Notifications to
Maxwell Drive Speeding - There is more and more high speed racing around Maxwell Drive and Albert Drive (west of Shields Road), which does not appear to be the case on Aytoun Rd due to the calming measures there. Many are in high performance cars. Resident Alex Meikle mentioned a particular Mercedes sports car that has been speeding often and the Police Commanders were happy to report that the owner of the vehicle had been spoken to.
General Motoring Issues - Several residents mentioned double parking, and parking at double-yellow marked corners as serious problems. Both drivers and cyclists find it very dangerous to navigate many of the streets around Pollokshields. Police say this is a council issue and will pass on the message of key areas for them to focus on and will alert the divisional road policing unit.However, as parking (including double parking is decriminalised in Glasgow, the CC and city councillors for the Ward should also make representations to the City Council for appropriate action
Post Meeting – Shaukat Sultan will ask local mosques to highlight the antisocial nature of speeding to their congregations / BF/Councillors
20mph Zone in E Pollokshields & Parking Issues – design, introduction and enforcementBill Fraser (Chair) / We were unable to get representation from DRS/LES/Community Safety Glasgow
There has been a 20mph plan for Pollokshields for sometime where the Community Council had highlighted some glaring issues.
This revised proposal covers the area bounded by Nithsdale Rd, Shields Rd, St Andrews Rd and Darnley St and the community council seek feedbackfrom residents on this proposal. Already the feedback has reversed the proposal to close Kenmure St at the new school. Instead a bus bay will be built on St Andrews Rd. Detailed maps are attached to the Minutes.
Attendees observed that traffic calming should be extended to Shields Rd as well asAlbert Drive and Maxwell Dr, ie. West of Shields Rd
Chair will ensure LES Traffic and police cooperate in traffic surveys to establish traffic speeds in both E Pollokshields and the areas highlighted above
The Chairechoed thoughts of police -report traffic speedingincidents to the council and community council in a bid tohelp build apicture of the issues in Pollokshields. / BF
South-West Cycleway / One of two cycleways in Glasgow, segregating cyclists from vehicular traffic. It connects Pollokshields to the City C at the Squiggly Bridge. It will be ready for use in August with an official launch at the end of August. The community council is also planning a celebration to coincide with this launch on the last Saturday of August at Scotland St School Museum.
The community council supports this programme in general and are keen for feedback on the cycleway, particularly the issues surrounding it (traffic calming measures, parking, speeding etc) / BF
Planning Objection by Community Council
Bill Fraser (Chair) / 55 Maxwell Rd (planning application ref 1500267)
Proposal for a large new retail section (restaurant, supermarket, row of shops, cash & carry).
The community council has objected to this in the absence of a comprehensive Local Plan. A copy of the objection is attached to these Minutes. The CC feels this is inapprriate as demand is being met by existing services; traffic issues around Maxwell Rd and Eglinton Toll are already congested and opening up the Maxwell Rd/Pollokshaws Rd junction would be impractical with comprehensive realignment.
Councillor Hanif Raja is having meetings on this soon but has expressed concerns regarding the weak bridge on Maxwell Road and that it will be unable to sustain any more congestion. / BF/Councillors
Tramway Update –
Lorna McRobert (CC) / The Community Council has been in informal discussions with the owner of Walker Woodstock building. They have been co-operative and understanding in the visual affect of the building site when the Turner Prize arrives. They have agreed to remove the rubble temporarily as it forms an important structural bed for the future building. The CC is preparing a funding bid for this site to open in October in line with the Turner Exhibition / LMcR
Clean up Update –
Tahir Mohammed (CC) / Monthly cleanups going well.
Herriet Lane is looking much more tidier. Thanks to Councillor Raja for providing help through Community Payback scheme.
Next clean up is 6th of June.
Always recruiting Neighbourhood Improvement Volunteers with the intention for them to look after a specific part or block around their residences. / TM


NOTE: Next meeting Monday, 7thSeptember. Venue will be Pollokshields Community Centre, 15 Kenmure St, G41 2NT