Author, Author
Optimization of in-plane curvilinear bundle placement for 3D printed Carbon fiber reinforced polymer composite with constraint of fibre curvature
Yusuke Yamanaka1, Akira Todoroki2, Masato Ueda3, Yoshiyasu Hirano4, Ryosuke Matsuzaki5
1Mechanical engineering and sciences, Graduate school of Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan
2Mechanical engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan
3Mechanical Engineering, Nihon University, Tokyo, Japan
4Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Mitaka, Japan
5Mechanical Engineering, Tokyo University of Science, Noda, Japan
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/ Abstract
3D printing of Carbon fibre reinforced polymer composites (CFRP) using continuous carbon fibers has been developed. The new method enabled us to place curvilinear CFRP bundles in a plane. The curvilinear placement of fibre bundle extends in-plane local orthotropic mechanical properties of the CFRP composites. In the previous paper, optimization of in-plane curvilinear carbon fiber placement was conducted using streamline of perfect fluid. The results showed that the stress concentration around a hole was decreased and that increased local strength by selecting appropriate local fiber curvature.
The previous paper, however, did not dealt with constraints of the fibre bundle curvature for the 3D printing process In the present paper, therefore, optimization of the curvilinear CFRP bundle placement with the newly developed constraint of fiber curvature limit for the actual 3D printing process,
In the present study, Genetic Algorithm (GA) was employed for the optimization tool. The constraint is not embedded into the GA. In the optimization process, the CFRP bundle is placed by means of selecting sets of streamlines as a center line of CFRP bundle. When the selected streamline does not satisfy the curvature constraint, the violated part is removed and Bezier curve is drawn to satisfy the limit. The present method is similar to the repair system of the GA although the method does not repair the genes of the GA. As a result, the CFRP bundle placement that satisfied constraints can be obtained. The result, however, does not exhibit superior strength compared to conventional unidirectional fiber placement. As the constraints used in the present study is too mush conservative, there may be potential of CFRP bundle placement that exhibits higher fracture strength than that of unidirectional one. A brand new failure criteria for the curved CFRP bundles is indispensable for the future work.
CFRP, Optimization, Curvilinear fiber, 3D print