Supplementary Material (Online Resource 1)
for “Sexual isolation in two bee-pollinated Costus (Costaceae)” in submission to Sexual Plant Reproduction
Grace F. Chen1
Department of Plant Biology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan 48824, U.S.A.
1Corresponding author: email:
Methods of estimating gametic isolation
On each day of hand pollination, a 50:50 pollen mixture was made in early morning with pollen collected from one flower of each species. Plants used as pollen donors were from the natural C. allenii and C. villosissimus populations on PLR, and were chosen for their accessibility and flower production on the day when hand pollination was done. All pollen donors and recipients were bagged to prevent natural pollination. Matured fruits were collected in late September and seeds were germinated shortly thereafter (October - November) in the greenhouse at Michigan State University. The environmental conditions of the greenhouse were set to be near a maximum of 26°C during the day and a minimum of 15°C during the night. Supplemental light was used from 6 A.M. to 6 P.M to mimic the natural photoperiod. Seeds from each fruit were sown in potting soil (High Porosity Professional Mix, Baccto) in a 4-L pot. Once a seed germinated and the first true leaf was fully expanded, the seedling was transplanted to a 5 cm x 5 cm x 9 cm pot. All the plants were fully hydrated daily using fertilized water (18-9-18 pH Reducer Fertilizer, 100 ppm N, PLANTEX®).
F1 hybrids of these two species cannot be distinguished from the parental species based on their seed or seedling morphology. There was not time nor space to grow plants until flowering when F1s and parental types can be distinguished. Therefore, I assessed the frequency of F1 hybrids by genotyping up to ten seedlings per fruit, using amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLP). Fruits that produced less than three seeds or seedlings were excluded from these analyses. For the remaining fruits, seedlings were chosen randomly with respect to their germination times. In total, 90 seedlings from 12 C. allenii fruits and 96 seedlings from 11 C. villosissimus fruits were genotyped.
To genotype these seedlings, apical leaf tissue was collected into microcentrifuge tubes (FastDNA® kits, MP Biomedicals) and DNA was extracted following the standard FastPrep® procedures. An initial marker screen was conducted with greenhouse raised plants that were progenies of known parental plants in the natural populations in central Panama. Six plants per species and 2 F1s from each direction of reciprocal crosses were screened with 6 EcoR1 and 3 Mse1 primers resulting in 18 primer pairs. The three primer pairs which generated the most species-specific markers were used to genotype the seedlings in the gametic isolation experiment: AGG + CCG, ACG + CGG, and ACT + CCG. From these three primer pairs, a total of 12 polymorphic markers, 6 diagnostic for C. allenii and 6 for C. villosissimus, were used to distinguish hybrids from the parental species. Seedlings with 6 species-specific markers of a given parental species were identified as pure species and those with all 12 markers of both species were identified as hybrids. Following digestion, ligation, pre-selective amplification, and final amplification were performed by G. Chen, and Genescan for AFLPs was performed by the Genomics Technology Support Facility at Michigan State University.
The relative proportions of hybrids and pure species were compared within each fruit using repeated G-tests of goodness of fit (Husband and Schemske 2000). The expected ratios were set to be 0.50 for both hybrids and pure species as the pollen mixtures were 50:50 (heterospecific:conspecific). Three G values were reported for each repeated G-test: GHeterogeneity, GPool, and GTotal. GHeterogeneity gives the test of heterogeneity among replicates. GPool represents the significance of the overall differences between con- and heterospecific gene flow as compared to the expected proportions. GTotal is the sum of GHeterogeneity and GPool, and indicates whether the data set conforms to the null expectation as a whole (Sokal and Rohlf 1981).
Gametic isolation was estimated from the frequencies of F1 hybrids produced in the hand-pollinated fruits. If there was no gametic isolation, the frequencies of F1 hybrids in the seedlings should be equal to the frequencies of heterospecific pollen deposited on the stigmas. The frequency of hybrid formation observed could be affected by both prezygotic, gametic isolation and early-acting, intrinsic postzygotic barriers. These postzygotic barriers include differences between hybrids and parents in seed abortion (see review by Johnson 2010), seed germination rate, and/or seedling mortality (Martin and Willis 2007). However, there is no evidence of F1 genetic incompatibilities in crosses between these species--fruits which were hand pollinated with heterospecific or conspecific pollen produced similar seed set (Chen 2011), and there are no detectable differences in germination or mortality rates between the hybrids and the parental species (Chen unpublished data). Therefore, the estimates of gametic isolation in this study were assumed to be due mainly to prezygotic mechanisms.
Methods of calculating the strength of isolating barriers
Pollinator isolation (RIpollinator) was calculated using the first pollinator transitions of all the bouts in which at least two flowers were visited. Because the second-visited flowers served as the maternal parent of the potential hybridization, RIpollinator was calculated with pollinator transitions of which the second-visited flowers belong to a given species. This approach allows pollinator isolation to be analyzed in the direction of gene flow from male to female, as in the analyses of floral mechanical and gametic isolation. For each species, RIpollinator was calculated as
(1) (Sobel 2010). The observed probability of conspecific gene flow (C) was estimated as the proportion of pollinator transitions between flowers of the same species, and the observed probability of heterospecific gene flow (H) was estimated as the proportion of pollinator transitions between flowers of different species. The expected C and H were calculated from the number of conspecific and heterospecific flowers in the array. A second-visited flower may receive pollen from one of the other flowers, one conspecific and two heterospecific, in the pollination array. Therefore, following a null hypothesis that the pollinator caused no isolation, the expected C and H were 1/3 and 2/3, respectively. By calculating RIpollinator in this way, both pollinator preference and constancy were taken into account simultaneously. If only a small proportion of pollinators travel between species, isolation would occur whether it is caused by preference or by constancy. The significance levels of the RIpollinator values were determined with G-tests of goodness of fit on the number of con- and heterospecific pollinator transitions. The expected values used in the G-tests were calculated by multiplying the total number of transitions by 1/3 for conspecific and 2/3 for heterospecific transitions, assuming pollinators visited all flowers randomly.
The strength of floral mechanical isolation (RIflormech) was estimated using the proportion of con- and heterospecific dye deposition. Because the dye was carried by natural pollinators, the deposition ratios were dependent on both pollinator preference and constancy. To eliminate the effects of pollinator isolation on floral mechanical isolation, the isolation index of each flower was also calculated using equation (1) (Sobel 2010). In this calculation, observed C and H were estimated from dye coverage on the stigmas. Expected C and H were calculated by multiplying the proportion of con- and heterospecific pollinator transition (previous barrier) and the total amount of dye observed on each stigma. The products give the expected amount of the respective dye which would be deposited on the stigma by the pollinators if there was no floral mechanical isolation. RIflormech of individual flowers was then averaged within each species. The significance levels of RIflormech values were determined by repeated G-tests of goodness of fit conducted on the amounts of con- and heterospecific dye deposition on stigmas of the species with the expected ratios calculated from pollinator isolation, treating each stigma as an independent replicate.
For each species, gametic isolation (RIgametic) was estimated using the proportion of parental and hybrid seedlings in the hand-pollinated fruits. Because equal proportions of con-and heterospecific pollen were deposited on the stigmas, the measurement of gametic isolation was not affected by floral mechanical isolation. Therefore, I computed RIgametic with
as suggested by Sobel (2010). The proportion of conspecific seedlings in each individual fruit was used to represent the probability of conspecific gene flow (C), while the probability of heterospecific gene flow (H) was the proportion of heterospecific seedlings in the same fruit. Estimates of RIgametic from individual fruits were then averaged and the mean RIgametic was calculated for each species.
Equation (1) (following Sobel 2010) was used to calculate the overall strength of sexual isolation (RIsexual). In this calculation, the observed probabilities of hetero- and conspecific gene flow were represented by the proportion of hybrid and parental species seedling formation in these naturally-pollinated fruits. The expected probabilities of hetero- and conspecific gene flow were 2/3 and 1/3 due to the setting of the pollination array as described above. Sexual isolation represents the summation of barriers that occur from the point of heterospecific pollinator transition to the production of hybrid seedlings. To assess the significance level of the cumulative isolation indices, repeated G-tests of goodness of fit were employed to compare the differences between the observed and expected (2/3 for heterospecific and 1/3 for conspecific gene flow) proportion of hybrids in the naturally pollinated fruits.
To dissect the individual contribution of each isolating barrier to RIsexual, the absolute contribution (AC) of each barrier was calculated. For each focal barrier (i),
where RI[1,i] denotes the combined isolation from the first acting barrier through the focal barrier and RI[1,i-1] denotes the same combined isolation omitting the focal barrier (Sobel 2010). Because pollinator isolation was the first-acting barrier measured in this study, ACpollinator was set to be the same as RIpollinator as suggested by Ramsey et al. (2003). To calculate ACflormech and ACgametic, the same data used for the calculation of RIflormech was analyzed again with equation (1) except that this time the expected proportion of gene flow was set at 1/3 and 2/3 for conspecific and heterospecific gene flow, respectively. Thus the comparisons of the observed proportion of dye deposition and the expected ratio represent the degree of pollinator-mediated isolation (RIpollmed) caused by the combined effects of pollinator and floral mechanical isolation. To obtain an overall view of the strength of pollinator-mediated barriers, data for the two years were pooled. ACflormech was calculated as the difference between RIpollmed and RIpollinator, and ACgametic was calculated as the difference between RIsexual and RIpollmed.
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