Polkyth Surgery Practice Leaflet
If you need to see a GP when the surgery is closed please telephone 01726 75555 and listen to the recorded message. This message will instruct you to contact the NHS111 Helpline. Simply dial 111 from your telephone handset.
We would like to welcome you to our practice which covers St Austell and the surrounding area (approximately 3 mile radius from the practice). We aim to provide expert and friendly personal medical care.
St Austell Healthcare Group Limited
Directors: Dr Jane Brenton, Dr Stephen Gray, Dr Anthony C Hereward, Dr Alistair M James, Dr Jan Knobloch, Dr Alistair Lockwood, Dr David R Mackrell, Dr James McClure, Dr Debbie McKay, Dr Colan D Robinson, Dr Stewart Smith & Dr Clare Taylor
Company Secretary: Dr James McClure
Registered Office: Wheal Northey Surgery, 1 Wheal Northey, St Austell, Cornwall PL25 3EF
Dr Clare Helen Taylor MB ChB 1992 Bristol Nursing & Admin
Dr Alistair Mark James BM 1994 Southampton Prescribing &
Patient Participation Group
Dr Colan Denis Robinson MB ChB 1983 Manchester Medical workforce
Dr Manisha Cooper MB ChB 1994 Manchester
Dr Angus Dominic Senior MB ChB 1992 Sheffield
Dr Annie Evans BChir 1982 University of Cambridge
MB 1983 University of Cambridge
Annette Trethewey Practice Manager
Cheryl Thomas Assistant Practice Manager
Karen Clarke Patient Safety Lead
NURSING TEAM: Specialist Area
Julie Bray RGN Lead Practice Nurse Asthma/COPD
Pam Cross RGN Practice Nurse Asthma/CHD/
Susannah Fieldhouse RGN Treatment Room Nurse
Natasha Beckham NVQ 3 Healthcare Assistant
Anna West NVQ 3 Healthcare Assistant
Julie Arrowsmith
Lisa Bennett Prescription Clerk
Kim Hays Senior Receptionist
Margaret May Practice Secretary
Sarah Barnes, Kate Blandford, Jessica Houston, Laura Husband, Rachel Lumb, Katie McCallum, Megan Osborne, Nicola Tann, Nicky Watkins & Sarah Wills
ATTACHED STAFF (All employed by Peninsula Community Health)
Health Visitors
The health visiting service can provide information, advice and support to families, particularly in the area of promotion of health and prevention of ill health. Health Visitors primarily work with the under 5’s.
You do not need a referral from the doctor and can contact the St Austell team of health visitors 01726 873097 / 873098 / 873099
District Nurses
Our district nurses have a wide range of responsibilities and experience in providing general nursing care in the community. If you are housebound, you do not need a referral from the doctor and can contact them directly on 01726 873090 / 873091 or leave a message on their answerphone.
Community Midwives
The midwives work with the doctors to care for the mother before, during and after delivery. Antenatal clinics are held on Tuesday morning by appointment. In an emergency the “on call” midwife number is 0800 525900. Non-emergency calls should be directed to the maternity unit on 01726 873079.
There is a ramp at the front of the surgery for wheelchairs, together with disabled toilet facilities; also easy wheelchair access to all parts of the surgery. We also have a semi-automatic front door, operated by large push buttons.
If you would like to register with our Practice please ask the Receptionist for a Registration form. This can also be downloaded from our website at: www.polkythsurgery.co.uk . You will also need to provide proof of identity. This can be in the form of a passport, driving license, etc. All patients are registered with the Practice, not with an individual doctor. However, you can request to see a preferred doctor of your choice, which the surgery will endeavor to fulfil where possible. Please speak to Reception if you wish to take up this option.
Please notify us of any changes in your name, status, address, home or mobile telephone number as soon as possible. This will ensure that we are able to contact you if needed. A form can be accessed from our website www.polkythsurgery.co.uk
The surgery is open Monday to Friday between 8am and 6.30pm. Appointments are bookable in advance.
Each day we have a Triage Team consisting of a Practice Matron/Nurse and GP. If you need an urgent appointment please leave your details with the Receptionist and you will be contacted by one of the Triage Team in the first instance. If you are unable to attend an appointment, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can offer it to someone else.
If you need to see a GP when the surgery is closed please telephone 01726 75555 and listen to the recorded message. This message will instruct you to contact the new NHS111 Helpline. Simply dial 111 from your telephone handset. In the interests of patients NHS111 records all telephone calls. These recordings are strictly confidential and are dealt with in exactly the same way as patients’ medical records.
We have a duty doctor available every day. If you wish to speak to a doctor via a telephone consultation please leave your details with the Reception team and they will arrange for the doctor to call you back.
If you require a home visit because of illness or infirmity, where possible please phone before 10.30am giving some indication of the problem. A doctor will then contact you and advise when they will be visiting. Wherever possible, we ask you to try and come to the surgery, as we have better facilities for examining you.
Our nurses are available by appointment. They will change dressings, remove sutures, perform immunisations, ear syringing, smear tests, etc. They also provide specialist advice on diabetes care, asthma and heart disease.
Our Healthcare Assistants carry out blood tests, blood pressure monitoring and ECGs. They operate an appointment system and patients can book appointments up to 4 weeks in advance.
There is a Physiotherapy Service at the surgery. Patients can self-refer to this service, but are required to have a form completed by their GP to take along to their first Physio appointment. Appointments will usually be given within 5 working days. Further information and the appointments number is available from Reception.
If you have been given a repeat prescription counterfoil, please use this to request your repeat prescriptions. If the counterfoil is presented one day, the prescription will normally be ready for collection after 4.30pm, three working days later.
Unfortunately, due to the risk of error, we are unable to accept repeat prescription requests via the telephone. However, you can email your requests to us using the following email address: or you can submit a request via our website at: www.polkythsurgery.co.uk If you would like your counterfoil and prescription to be posted to you please provide a stamped addressed envelope and allow a few days for delivery.
Please contact the Reception Team for your test results after 2pm Monday to Friday. They will take your details, check the results with the doctor and telephone you back. Pregnancy results will not be given over the telephone. We will only give the result to the patient herself when she comes into the surgery.
If you wish to speak to a receptionist or member of staff away from the reception desk please let us know.
We respect your right to privacy and keep all your health information confidential and secure. It is important that the NHS keeps accurate and up-to-date records about your health and treatment so that those treating you can give you the best possible advice and care. This information is only available to those involved in your care and you should never be asked for personal medical information by anyone not involved in your care. You have a right to know what information we hold about you. If you would like to see your records, please make put your request in writing to the Practice Manager.
We provide a confidential service for young people in sexual and other health issues. This applies even if you are under 16. You can be sure that anything you discuss with any member of this practice - family doctor, nurse or receptionist - will stay confidential. If you would like more information about what we mean by ‘confidential' then please ask, we will be happy to explain.
There is a large, covered porch area in which parents can leave their pushchairs. We also have baby changing facilities in the smaller waiting room. Unfortunately staff are not able to heat baby food.
We are adjacent to a large public car park. This is owned by Cornwall County Council and is “pay and display” during the week. We have been allocated a small number of spaces which are free for up to 10 minutes to allow patients to drop off/collect prescriptions. Please do not use these if you are attending for an appointment.
There is a nurse run Minor Injuries Unit at St Austell Community Hospital open 8am-10pm telephone St Austell 01726 873009 / 879010. There is also a 24 hours a day, 365 days a year Accident Emergency Department at RCH Treliske, Truro telephone 01872 253111/253113. In an extreme emergency dial 999.
Doctors are not trained to deal with dental problems. If you have a dental emergency, please contact your own dentist. If you have any problems contacting a dentist, please ring the Emergency Dental Service on 01872 354375.
The practice nurses are happy to give general advice regarding healthy travel and to administer the recommended immunisation (other than Yellow Fever).
If you require immunisation for travel please use our website to obtain the specific information and advice for the area to which you are travelling. Please print this information and bring it to your appointment.
If you are not able to access our website you can contact Mastaline on 0906 5501402. We recommend that patients have their travel immunisations at least 8 weeks prior to their leaving date.
All information contained in your medical records is held here at the surgery and any relevant information is passed to other health professionals involved in the treatment of your illness. This information is totally confidential and will not be passed to anyone (other than the above) without your written permission.
We are happy to see and treat patients under 16 without their parents' permission if we are satisfied they are able to understand the consequences. This practice believes everyone has the right to confidentiality whatever their age. Only in exceptional circumstances, such as if someone is in physical danger, would we possibly pass on information to a third party, and then only after discussion with the patient.
We welcome all comments and suggestions, both positive and negative. A book is available at Reception for you to write these in. If you would like a personal response please put your comments/suggestions in writing to the Assistant Practice Manager.
If you have a formal complaint, please put this in writing addressed to the Assistant Practice Manager in the first instance. In the majority of cases, concerns can be resolved quite easily. If you feel too uncomfortable to complain to us directly then you can make a complaint to the NHS England, PO Box 16738, Redditch B97 9P Telephone 0300 311 22 33 or via email ensure you state ‘For the attention of the complaints manager’ in the subject line. However, if you feel we have not dealt with the issues you have raised as you would wish, you can write to The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman, Millbank Tower, Millbank, London, SW1P 4QP Tel 0345 0154033 www.ombudsman.org.uk For more information a Complaints Leaflet is available from Reception.
Violent/abusive BEHAVIOUR
If a patient is violent or abusive to the doctors or staff or other patients in the surgery, they will be removed from the practice list. If the police have to be called, the patient's name will be placed on a register and they will be asked to attend a special clinic for any further consultations at which the police will have to be present.
Medical examinations and certificates for certain items are not covered by the NHS and attract a special fee. These include driving (HGV, PSV, elderly), sports medicals. Life assurance and employment examinations, insurance claims, private sick notes, holiday cancellation forms, fitness to travel certificates, private prescriptions, passport signing etc. Please note that private medical examinations cannot be performed in normal surgery times and you will need to ring the doctor concerned for an appointment.
The Freedom of Information Act 2000 obliges the practice to produce a Publication Scheme. A Publication Scheme is a guide to the ‘classes’ of information the practice intends to routinely make available. Please ask at reception if you would like a copy.
The Practice has a Patient Participation Group (PPG) to enable us to work with patients and ensure that we are providing a good service. If you would like to join the Patient Participation Group, view the minutes of our previous meetings or find out the date of the next PPG meeting please see our website for further details at www.polkythsurgery.co.uk or contact the Assistant Practice Manager.
NHS England is responsible for ensuring you get all the primary care services you need. Their contact details are: NHS England, PO Box 16738, Redditch, B97 9PT. Telephone:0300 311 22 33 (Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm, excluding English Bank Holidays). Email:
For details of all primary care services in the area please see NHS Choices at www.nhs.uk