Political Spectrum Survey
Directions: Answer the following questions on the answer sheet provided. The purpose of this survey is to give you an idea as to where you fall on the current political spectrum.
Answer each question with: Strongly AgreeAgreeDisagreeStrongly Disagree
- Protecting the environment from global warming is a crucial concern of our time.
- Abortion is only justified in cases of rape or major health concern for the mother.
- Only Police officers should be allowed to carry a handgun.
- Prayer and the posting of the Ten Commandments should be allowed in public school.
- It should NOT be against the law to burn the American flag.
- The government should help fund stem cell research to find a cure for diseases such as cancer and diabetes.
- The government needs to enforce stricter immigration laws and border patrol.
- The death penalty is cruel and unusual punishment.
- People convicted of dealing drugs should get harsher prison sentences.
- Prisons should be used for punishment, NOT to waste money on training, education and rehab for prisoners.
- It is necessary for the government to provide welfare assistance for homeless and poor people, including undocumented immigrants.
- The US government needs to spend a great deal more tax dollars on job training, free education including college, and health care for all.
- The government should have the right to block obscene and inappropriate internet sites.
- The US needs to add a constitutional amendment declaring marriage to be between two people.
- There should be NO limit to the amount of money or property a person can own.
- The US has a responsibility to lead the world on the War on Terror.
- The president is doing a poor job on the War on Terror.
- The Government should pass laws that require prime farmland to only be used for farming.
- As Americans, individuals should only rely on themselves and private charities so they do not need to depend on the government for financial assistance.
- The Government should provide free health care for every American, even if it means raising taxes.
- The government and businesses are doing all they can to protect the environment.
- Only a woman should have the right to choose when she can have an abortion, even if it is days before her due date.
- There should be NO restrictions on the sale of handguns.
- Prayer and the Ten Commandments have NO place in public schools.
- There should be a law against the desecration of the American flag.
- The government should NOT fund stem cell research.
- Our country needs to open our doors to all immigrants, including undocumented, because of their economic contributions to our society.
- All people convicted of vicious murder should be sentenced to the death penalty.
- All drugs should be legalized, regulated and taxed.
- The government needs to us federal funds to provide rehabilitation, job training and education for prisoners.
- Most adults who are on welfare could have a job if they would just look for one.
- Individuals and employers should pay for employee health care, NOT the government.
- It is the mark of a free country to allow uncensored material on the internet.
- The government should prohibit employees from being able to go on strike.
- Jobs and lowering the price of gas are more important than environmental concerns.
- The government should tax the rich in order to provide for the poor.
- The US should NOT use military force to fight against ISIS.
- Farmers should have the right to sell their land to builders and businesses fi they want to.
- The current government is doing a good job protecting Americans from another terrorist attack.
- The government should do more to insure the rights of minorities, women and homosexuals.
- The environment is in trouble and the government needs to do more to protect it.
- The US should worry less about the War on Terror and more on economic and social problems at home.