Midfield High School • Commerce and Information Technology Department

Workforce Essentials

Course Syllabus

Instructor: Ms. Woods

Classroom Location: Vocational Building


Course Description

The Workforce Essentials course is a component of the Career/Technical Cooperative Education program. This one-credit course provides students with the opportunity to evaluate and develop a career plan and prepare/update a career/employment portfolio. Students build on prior knowledge, strengths, interests, and needs that enhance preparation for future employment and continuing education/training.

The Career Technical Student Organization (CTSO) for this program is Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA). FBLA is a co-curricular component of this course. FBLA enhances classroom instruction, develops leadership skills, and provides opportunities for professional growth and service. Membership is strongly encouraged.

Course Goals

The following goals that have been stated in the Alabama Course of Study of Career Technical Education have a project that will coincide with it. Each project will allow the student to meet the objective while having hands on experience to real situations.

  1. Analyze the economy and assets of a community regarding improvement of personal and community economics to determine career opportunities as related to the student’s career objective.
  2. Determine the overall impact of the expansion, downsizing, or closing of a company.
  3. Develop a plan for addressing personal needs in the event of a company layoff, downsizing, or closing.
  4. Analyze the lifestyle desired and resources necessary to support the selected lifestyle.
  5. Analyze a specific occupation or career.
  6. Develop an effective career plan based o the student’s current career objective.
  7. Project financial requirements based on the student’s career objective.
  8. Analyze workplace issues as related to the student’s career objective.
  9. Demonstrate personnel selection, evaluation, and development based on the student’s career objective.
  10. Apply occupational, leadership. And interpersonal skills in a variety of situations.
  11. Interpret legal aspects of an occupation/career.
  12. Maintain a safe and healthy work environment as related to the student’s career objective.
  13. Demonstrate the ability to report required documentation.
  14. Prepare/update the student’s career/employment portfolio.

Essential Questions

  • How do I plan for a career, determine the right career for me and apply for a job?
  • How do I communicate and use math in the workplace?
  • What are responsibilities in the workplace and how do I lead and work as part of a team?
  • What technological tools will I be using on the job?
  • What are the products and services offered by companies in my career field?
  • What work readiness skills do I need to obtain industry recognized credentials?
  • What do I need to know to run my own business?

Instructional Philosophy: To provide quality instruction by addressing different learning styles for all students using the following techniques:

  • Use a framework for instruction designed with specific goals for students.
  • Create a positive learning environment in the classroom.
  • Model effective classroom management by using positive reinforcement.
  • Use a variety of instructional methods to address different learning styles and abilities.
  • Incorporate real-world connections related to successful work-based learning.
  • Integrate core academic skills.
  • Demonstrate and reinforce ethical behavior and reasoning.
  • Allow students to make choices in their methods of learning.

Course Materials

A variety of resources will be used in the class, including textbooks that will remain in the classroom, guest speakers from local businesses, and professional publications. Each student will save his/her computer work on the network server. The procedure for login and logout will be explained in class. Folders will be provided for each student to use for recordkeeping and will be kept on file in the classroom.

Course Fee: $25

Course Supplies

  • 1” Binder (plastic front and back)
  • Page Protectors
  • Blue or Black Pen(s)
  • Pencil(s)
  • USB flash drive

Assessment Procedures

Assessments will include, but are not limited to, observations, discussions, projects, quizzes/tests, class work, and work ethic. Every student is expected to demonstrate an acceptable work ethic by being on time, on task, respectful of others, and productive. Anything less can result in a Work Ethic grade deduction (see Grading Scale below).

Grade Weights
Class Work/Projects / 30%
Tests / 60%
Misc / 10%
A / 90-100
B / 80-89
C / 70-79
D / 60-69
F / 59 and below

Culminating Products

At the conclusion of this course, students will have produced a variety of work products including but not limited to the following:

  • Personal Presentation
  • Resume and Cover Letter
  • Thank you letter
  • Sample Job Application(s)
  • Portfolio

Classroom Policies and Expectations

All school policies will be strictly enforced (dress code, tardies, electronic devices, etc.). See student handbook for more information. Students should ALWAYS:

  1. Be prepared and on task in class.
  2. Be in your seat when the bell rings.
  3. Stay in your seat until the teacher dismisses you. (Ms. Woods end class.)
  4. Raise your hand and wait for permission to speak.
  5. Use appropriate language.
  6. Follow directions the first time they are given. (Delayed obedience is disobedience.)
  7. Respect others, yourself and your environment.
  8. Strive for excellence.

Summary of Instructional Content Sequence (Subject to Change)
1st Nine Weeks – Exploring Career Opportunites and Planning, Interpreting Career Information, Employability Skills
2nd Nine Weeks – Using Effective Communication Skills, Using Mathmatical Skills, Businesses Ethical and Legal Issues
3rd Nine Weeks – Leadership and Teamwork, Applied Technology
4th Nine Weeks – Products and Services of Specific Companies, Economics and Finance

Industry Credentials/Certification

The following industry credentials isavailable for interested business students and/or those students who have completed or currently enrolled in Business Technology Applications Advanced:

  • Microsoft Office Specialist(MOS) credential validates skills in using the 2010 Microsoft Office system and the Windows 7 operating system, meeting the demand for the most up-to-date skills on the latest Microsoft technologies.

Acceptable Use Policy

The Internet will be used in class to research and complete classroom activities/projects. Midfield City Schools Internet usage policies apply to the usage of the Internet in this lab. No students should use the Internet without prior permission from the teacher. If a student violates the policies set forth by the school or the teacher, the student will lose his/her Internet privileges, thus their grade will suffer. They will also be subject to discipline measures.

Students will be assigned a computer for daily use. They are responsible for notifying the teacher of any irregularities as soon as they are aware of them. Students will be held liable for any and all damage done to the computers except for reasonable wear from use.

Make-Up Work

Students who miss tests or fail to submit any type of assigned work have three days per absence to complete all make-up work. It is the student’s responsibility to ask for make-up work and keep up with all assignments of classes. Students may schedule make-up days after school.

Bathroom Policy

Students should use the bathroom facilities before or after class. The students have many chances to use the facilities before coming to the classroom. Coming to computer class is like going to work. If a student has to take time out of his/her work hour in computer class, he/she must make-up the time missed in the lab. Seat time in this course is necessary because it is a skills class. Students are not able to practice these skills at home with the guidance of the instructor, thus the student must not be out of the classroom and be actively involved in learning. Emergencies are excused from this policy.

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I have read the Workfoce Essentials course syllabus and understand the policies and procedures of Ms. Woods class.

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