POLICY STATEMENT: The Health Center will be adequately prepared for the vasectomy procedure.
- Purpose
- To be prepared for the scheduled procedure.
- Equipment and Supplies
- #11 scalpel blade
- 1 pack of 5.0 Vicryl
- 2 packs sterile gloves
- 2 pathology jars 1 labeled "right", 1 labeled "left"
- chux
- 4 packs of 5.0 Ethi1on sutures
- Alcohol swabs
- Bacitracin ointment
- Basin with hot water
- Consent form
- Extra sterile gauze
- Gowns for practitioners
- Hyfrecator and hyfrecator tips
- Lab slip and 2 sterile specimen cups
- Liquid betadine (not swabs)
- Mayo stand
- Paper bag
- Pathology slip
- Patient gown
- Procedure cart
- Semen analysis instructions
- Sterile fenestrated drape
- Syringe 3 cc, 25 gauge 5/8" needle 24. Tape
- Two exam lights
- Two paper drapes
- Vasectomy discharge instructions
- Vasectomy kit--
- Xylocaine 2% without Epinephrine
- Steps
- Lay 2 chux side by side on the exam table. Layer the 3rd chux over top of the others.
- Layout patient gown and drape on the exam table.
- Position exam lights. One on either side of the table.
- Tape the paper drape top the exam lights so that it crosses over the table at whatwill be the patient's abdominal level. Turn the lights on to help warm the table.
- Lay the sterilized vasectomy kit on the mayo stand and open maintaining sterility. Drop the fenestrated drape onto the sterile field.
- On the second mayo stand or on top of the procedure cart have the sterile scalpel blade, roll of tape, Xy1ocaine, syringe, alcohol swab, suture materials, sterile gloves, extra gauze and Bacitracin ointment.
- On the counter have the consent form, pathology jars and slip.
- Place the basis in the sink and fill with hot water. Place the Betadine bottle in the water allowing it to warm.
- Place hvfrecator tin in handle and plug machine into the electrical socket.
- Adjust the thermostat to at least 75 degrees.
- Bring patient to the room and obtain vital signs.
- Review the consent form and have the patient sign.
- Instruct him to get undress and put the patient gown on. Give the Patient the drape to cover legs.
- Assist with procedure as needed.
- During the procedure, prepare the discharge bag. Place gauze, Bacitracin
- ointment and sterile specimen jars, semeJ1 analysis instructions and discharge instructions. Also include a lab slip for semen analysis @ 8-10 weeks post vasectomy.
- After the procedure is complete, give the bag to the patient and explain the contents.
- Obtain vital signs. If stable, the patient can be discharged The patient must have a driver.