This policy has been written for all three sections of the School


In line with the School’s Mission Statement. We aim to help students develop their gifts and talents: spiritual and social; intellectual and emotional; aesthetic and physical through the provision of a broad and balanced curriculum, which is responsive to, and supportive of, their needs and aspirations, fosters intellectual curiosity and academic achievement, and motivates them to grow to their full potential. Our Mission Statement is distilled into our Vision Statement, and our aim is to develop our children, pupils and students so that they have” Strength of Mind, Strength of Values, Strength of Purpose”.

At lunchtime, a wide selection of meals is provided for all students. Vegetarians, vegans and those with food intolerances and allergies are catered for. It is the parents‘ responsibility to contact the Catering Manager, Mr G Studd, 01509 817007, if you have any specific dietary request or if your son/daughter is on a special diet for medical reasons. Please also inform the Medical Department and your child’s Head of Year. Parents must also ensure that they keep the School updated to any additional changes to their child’s dietary needs.

At tea time in the Senior School,(4.10pm - 4.35pm) a drink and a snack are available for those students staying in school for prep and activities after school. In the Nursery and Preparatory School, at approximately 3.30pm, a snack is provided for the children.

The School Refectory Cafe sells tuck at breaktime, and the Rosmini Sixth Form Centre has a café on the ground floor, selling a range of drinks and snacks to Sixth Form students. The school tries to ensure that a balanced range of products is available to students; we have introduced ‘healthy options’ wherever possible.

Drinking water machines are located at various points around the school and the refectory is open at breaktime for students to have a drink of water if required.

All students are expected to attend lunch in the refectory at their designated time, and the importance of healthy eating is stressed through both academic subjects and in the Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education programme.

Students must not take food or drink out of the refectory. On safety grounds, students must not drink from cans or bottles or eat sweets, especially sweets on sticks, while moving around the school.

For school trips, a packed lunch is provided for all students by the Catering Department. We ask that parents do not supply children with their own packed lunches for school trips.

Student Food Committee

Two students from each of Years 6-13 meet with the Deputy Head Pastoral, Domestic Bursar and Head of Catering once per half-term to review the School menus and food choices for School meals and the Senior School Refectory Cafe. Student Reps provide feedback to their Year group during assemblies. The minutes are published for all students via e-mail, and a hard copy appears on the notice board in the Refectory corridor.


This policy is reviewed annually by the Deputy Head Pastoral.

Latest review

July 2017


(Assistant Head)

2018 review


(Deputy Head Pastoral)
