All4U Fostering Ltd

Leaving Care & Preparation for Independence Policy

Lead Responsibility / Marion K Layberry OBE
Operational Date / 1st April 2017
Review Date / October 2017
Legal Framework / Working Together to Safeguard Children 2015.
Fostering Services (England) Regulations 2011. Regulation 11, Duty to Secure Welfare.
National Minimum Standards - Standard 12.
The Equality Act 2010
Children and Young Persons Act 2008.
Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006
Children Act 2004; Children Act 1989; Guidance and Regulations Volume:3 Planning Transitions to Adulthood for Care Leavers. January 2015
D.o.H Guidance 2011
Children & Families Act 2014
Signed by Director / Marion K Layberry OBE


IntroductionPage 3

Leaving Care ProcedurePage 3

Outcomes Page 4

MethodPage 5

Services Provided by ALL4U FOSTERINGPage 6

Preparation for AdulthoodPage 6

Practical helpPage 6

Advice & Support (The Layberry Foundation)Page 6

Finding birth relatives - Support & CounsellingPage 6

Assessment & ReportPage 7

Point of ContactPage 7

MonitoringPage 7

Supporting organisations & GuidancePage 7,8


ALL4U FOSTERING is a company working in collaboration with The Layberry Foundation, a Charity whose object is to support young people through the transition into independence, and to help them to achieve their maximum potential as adult members of society.

Therefore ALL4U FOSTERINGis committed to this ethos, and believes that preparation for adulthood is inherent in the fostering task, and begins whenever a child is placed with a Foster Carer. The organisation has a firm commitment to preparing young people for independence and to providing support during the transition period and beyond, in conjunction with the services offered by The Layberry Foundation.

ALL4U FOSTERING believes that a child whose Foster Carer values her/his individuality and encourages the development of her/his self esteem and confidence, will have been given the potential to develop as an independent adult.

Leaving Care Procedure

Foster carers will ensure that at all times the young person is consulted about their future and actively involved in the Pathway Plan and the Care Plan and decision making process. (UK NS 12.2) (NMS 12.2) Guidance 3.122

The Pathway Plan will cover some of the following key areas: -

  • Health
  • Education
  • Support to develop and keep appropriate family, social and sexual relationships
  • A programme to develop practical skills to live independently
  • Budgeting and money management
  • The young person’s accommodation needs including any adaptations for a young person with a disability.
  • What is needed to provide the young person with support

The foster carer will not only be in receipt of the Leaving Care and Preparation for Independence Policy, they will also have a copy of the Care Plan which should state which tasks are to be undertaken, and which will be specifically undertaken by the carer.

In addition, and with the agreement of the placing Local Authority, each child fostered will be introduced to the Layberry Foundation, and areas identified where the child or young person is likely to need more focussed support and guidance, whether that be in acquiring social and life skills, literacy and numeracy skills, or to try work experience.

Foster carers will receive regular support from their Supervising Social Worker and training about the practical and emotional adjustments around transition and change. (UK NS 12.4) (NMS 12.3)

The foster carer will ensure that the young person’s social worker has given the young person the relevant leaving care guide. (UK NS 12.5 NMS 12.1)

The foster carer will ensure that the young person is supported in accessing information about further financial support. (UK NS 12.6)

The carer will be entitled to support both practical and financial if they continue to support the young person after they leave care. (UK NS 12.10)

ALL4U FOSTERING, together with The Layberry Foundation, will become an effective partner in the joint working necessary for smooth transition along with housing, education and employment. (UK NS 12.7)

Where a carer has a young person in placement with a disability they will ensure that the young person’s needs are fully supported. (UK NS 12.8)

The foster carer will assist the young person in all of the practical tasks necessary for leaving care, which include not only the day to day practical skills, but also major changes such as housing. (UK NS 12.9) To this end, ALL4U FOSTERINGwill encourage the use of The Layberry Foundation's Leaving Care Programme which has been designed with input from young people who have experience the process of leaving care.

ALL4U FOSTERING, and The Layberry Foundation, will monitor and evaluate the leaving care transition period in order to inform future service provision. (UK NS 12.11)

If a child is no longer of compulsory school age, the agency will assist the young person in arranging, education training or development. (FSR 16.5)

On approval all carers will be given a good practice guide which includes the written requirements of what is expected of foster carers in terms of their work to prepare young people for independent living. (NMS 14.2) It also provides guidelines to assist carers in their task of providing help with independent skills at any age. (NMS 14.4)

If young people were to remain with their carers into legal adulthood this will be planned and enabled through a staying put arrangement (See staying put policy on tri.x). (NMS 12.4). It is envisaged that The Layberry Foundation would contribute to this.

The foster carer will support the young person emotionally, practically, and financially and have a savings account for the young person. Guidance 3.119

A foster carer can be the Personal Adviser. Guidance 3.120,121.


ALL4U FOSTERING has a firm commitment to preparing young people for independence and to providing support during the transition period and beyond. We also seek to maintain records of outcomes for young people when they cease being looked after by us, in order to

make a valid contribution to national statistics and planning for fostered children moving on to adulthood.

ALL4U FOSTERING will support and encourage its foster carers to help children and young people

develop the skills, competence and knowledge that they will need for independent adult life. (UK NS

12), (NMS 12), (FSR 16)

Children are prepared for and supported into adulthood so that they can reach their potential and

achieve economic wellbeing.

In order to achieve that best outcome for young people leaving care ALL4U FOSTERING will work with their foster carers by:

Encouraging them to help the young person understand what they will need when they move on from foster care

Including in the foster care training programme specific sessions on preparation for independence

Regular discussion with their Supervising Social Worker

ALL4U FOSTERING will further work with Foster Carers to meet Standard 12 of the National Minimum Standards to:-

Establish positive and appropriate social and Sexual Relationships

Develop positive self-esteem and emotional resilience

Prepare for the world of work and or further or higher education

Prepare for moving into their own accommodation

Develop practical skills, including shopping, buying, cooking, and keeping food, washing clothes, personal self care, and understanding and taking responsibility for personal healthcare.

Additionally how to apply for work, and what PAYE and NI are.

Develop financial capability, knowledge and skills

Know about entitlements to financial and other support after leaving care, including benefits, and support from Social Services.


To this end Foster Carers will asked to contribute to the development of each eligible child or young person’s Care Plan, in collaboration with that child or young person, including the Pathway Plan, and work collaboratively with their social worker or personal adviser in implementing that plan.

ALL4U FOSTERING will ensure, as far as it is within its power, that there are comprehensive arrangements for preparing and supporting young people to make the transition to independence. This will include appropriate training and support to Foster Carers caring for young people who are approaching adulthood. These arrangements must be consistent with the young person’s Care Plan, including their Placement Plan, the Pathway Plan and the Transition Plan for those with disabilities and special educational needs.

Services provided by ALL4U FOSTERING

Preparation for adulthood:

ALL4U FOSTERING uses a structured programme, produced in collaboration with The Layberry Foundation, which is used to work with the young person who is being looked after. The purpose of this programme is to identify areas where extra support or work is required in order to prepare the young person for adulthood and leaving care.

Practical Help: This includes:

Finding accommodation


Finding employment

Learning to cook, clean, etc.

Health Care e.g. registering with a GP, Dentist etc.

Advice and Support:

This will include a regular meeting with the young person, at least once a fortnight, to discuss any matters with which the young person needs help. In particular, relationships, contact with family, social interaction and general health and development will be points of focus. It will also include informal contact from a worker with The Layberry Foundation, which will focus on helping young people to move forward at their own pace, building on their positive abilities and interests.

Finding Birth Relatives: –Support and Counselling

ALL4U FOSTERING staff will work with the young person to locate any family members with whom they want to make contact. Where appropriate, ALL4U FOSTERING will provide counselling for the

young person in preparation for meeting members of the birth families, whom they may not have seen for some time.

Assessment and Report:

ALL4U FOSTERING will provide regular reports (at least two per year) to the young person’s Local Authority on their assessment of the young person’s progress and the work that ALL4U FOSTERING and the Layberry Foundation has done in that period.

Point of Contact:

ALL4U FOSTERING will provide a point of contact between the young person and the Local Authority, liasing with the Leaving Care Team.


This policy will be monitored regularly to ensure that it remains relevant to the work carried out by staff and foster carers, and embraces the ethos of ALL4U FOSTERING and The Layberry Foundation as well as legislation and government guidance.

Supporting Organisations and Guidance

  • Anti-Bullying Alliance:
  • Childline:
  • DfE:“No health without mental health”:
  • Family Lives:
  • Kidscape:
  • MindEd:
  • NSPCC:
  • PSHE Association:
  • Restorative Justice Council:
  • The Diana Award:
  • Victim Support:
  • Young Minds:
  • Young Carers:


  • Childnet International:
  • Digizen:
  • Internet Watch Foundation:
  • Think U Know:
  • UK Safer Internet Centre:


  • EACH:
  • Pace:
  • Schools Out:
  • Stonewall:

Special Educational Needs or Disability

  • Changing Faces:
  • Mencap:
  • DfE: SEND code of practice:

Racism and Hate

  • Anne Frank Trust:
  • Kick it Out:
  • Report it:
  • Stop Hate:
  • Show Racism the Red Card:

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Revised by Wendy Spears 02 03 18