Policy on Alcohol and Drugs at Events

Every event organised by a Students’ Union group must make sure that they refer to this information. Failure to do so could result in disciplinary action taken against that group.


  • Events involving Alcohol held on campus MUST be within licensed areas only.
  • Students are not permitted under University policies to serve, provide, distribute or otherwise supply alcohol directly to other students.
  • Where alcohol is being served water and soft drinks MUST be available.
  • It should be remembered that groups of the Students’ Union must at all times act to uphold the reputation of the Students’ Union.
  • Groups must nominate a responsible person who MUST remain sober for the duration of the event and shall liaise with any person on topics relating to the use of alcohol and drugs at the event.
  • Where an event is being held on University owned premises, the Students’ Union Group MUST abide by the University’s drugs and alcohol policy.
  • Where an event is being held in a privately hired venue, the Students’ Union Group should abide by the drugs and alcohol policy of the premises’ management.
  • The Students’ Union does not condone “all you can drink” type events.
  • Extra security and first aid staff must be considered with the support of the Students’ Union Health and Safety Department.
  • Any organisers of the event found to be in a state of intoxication should not be permitted to organise another event.
  • Students who are very drunk must not be encouraged to drink more alcohol.
  • Where a student needs to go to hospital due to alcohol or drug consumption, they must be accompanied by a responsible person. Any hospital visits must be reported to the Students’ Union Health and SafetyDepartment as soon as practical.
  • When making cocktails, strict guidance must be sought from the Students’ Union Health and Safety Department. Key guidelines will relate to publicising the volume of alcohol within the cocktail, stirring the cocktail regularly, wearing protective gloves to serve and preventing money handlers from serving cocktails.
  • When planning a pub crawl strict guidance must be sought from Students’ Union Health and Safety or Events Departments.
  • Venues which may have an association with drink spiking should not be used.
  • Any student who is driving members of a Students’ Union Group as part of an event must not consume any alcohol prior to driving.
  • The Students’ Union does not condone initiation ceremonies.
  • Students are not permitted to apply for Temporary Event Notices.


  • Should not highlight drugs or alcohol as a main reason for attending an event
  • Publicity should indicate that there will be non-alcoholic drinks available at the event
  • Drinks offers should not form the highlight of publicity.
  • It should be considered carefully, and discussed with the relevant member of Students’ Union Sponsorship Department, before accepting sponsorship from an alcoholic beverage company.