Policy for support of ARC Discovery Early CareerResearcher Awards (DECRA)Establishment Grants 2016

The University of Melbourne is a research-led University and the Faculty highly values its academic staff who areawarded Research Fellowships. The ARC DECRA Establishment Grant endeavours to support eligible ARC DECRAs employed in the Faculty.

Please note that the Discovery Early Career Researcher Awards scheme does not support Medical and Dental Research, as defined in section A3 of the Funding Rules. Medical and Dental Research means research and/or training primarily and substantially aimed at understanding or treating a human disease or health condition, and as defined on the ARC website at

Establishment Grant

Each eligible recipient will receive, as a one-off establishment grant, a minimum of $12,500 up to a maximum of $25,000 from the DVCR; the exact amount being determined by the number of eligible applicants. There are no restrictions on how the University’s funding can be used, as long as it directly supports the ARC DECRA and their project; however, to be eligible for central Research, Innovation and Commercialisationsupport, matching funding must be provided by the host Department/ School/Faculty on a 1:1 basis, with the minimum amount per project committed by Faculty/School/Dept to be $12,500

FMDHS is able to support successful ARC DECRAs with a grant of a minimum of $6,250 up toa maximum of $12,500 (pro-rata) on the condition that this funding is matched by the School/Department/Centre. The total of School/Department/Centre and Faculty funding will then be matched by the DVC(R), up to a maximum of $25,000 (see table below for examples; final funding to be determined by Research, Innovation and Commercialisation).

Funding provided by School/Department/Centre / Funding provided by Faculty / Funding provided by DVC(R) / Total Establishment Grant
$12,500 / $12,500 / $25,000 / $50,000
$10,000 / $10,000 / $20,000 / $40,000
$6,250 / $6,250 / $12,500 / $25,000
<$6,250 / $0 / $0 / $0

Eligibility for the Establishment Grant

Prospective eligible 2016 DECRA applicants are eligible to apply for Establishment support. This funding is contingent on the successful DECRA applicant holding a salaried appointment in a budget Department of the Faculty at the equivalent time commitment as the fellowship (i.e. fellows receiving a full time fellowship from the ARC must hold a full time appointment at the University of Melbourne). Fellows that have previously received an establishment grant from the Faculty are not eligible for Faculty support; however, your Department may wish to provide the $25,000 co-funding.

Application process

Applications are made to the Associate Dean (Research) through the Faculty Research Unit.

Please send the attached application form with the draft D2 Strategic Statement and endorsed 2016 ARC DECRA Organisational Statement Coversheet (Research, Innovation and Commercialisation form)to Dr Shireen Huda, Faculty Research Unit, () by 4pmTuesday 17 February 2015.

Notification of outcomes

For 2016 applicants, Research, Innovation and Commercialisation will advise faculties on the likely level of funding available for each applicant by making an assessment of:

1)The budget for the DECRA Establishment Grant Program;

2)The number of applications being submitted to the ARC; and

3)The anticipated overall DECRA success rate. Where necessary, feedback/editing of the Organisational Statement may be required.

For further information please contactDr Shireen Huda,A/g Manager Research Development in the Faculty Research Unit. Ph: 8344 4019


Application Form

2016ARC Discovery Early Career Researcher Awards (DECRA)Establishment Grant

Closing date: 4pm Tuesday 17 February 2015
Submission: Please email the scanned and signed:
  • Establishment grant application form;
  • 2016 ARC DECRA Organisational Statement Coversheet (Research, Innovation and Commercialisation form); and
  • the draft Section D2 Organisational Statement to:
Dr Shireen Huda, Faculty Research Unit, FMDHS (email: )


2016ARC DECRA Establishment Grant


Current Position
Fraction of appointment if DECRA successful
Name of Head of current Department/School
Email address: / Phone number:


Outline the major goals of the proposed project and how this will be accomplished. Also outline the significance of the research in terms of contribution to the research capacity of the Faculty, the prospects for subsequent funding and international competitiveness. (max 300 words).
Please attach the draft Strategic Statement (template available on Research, Innovation and Commercialisation website) as a separate document.


Use the same the categories as in the ARC DECRA application form, minus the personnel cost for the DECRA applicant, i.e. other personnel, equipment, maintenance, travel, fieldwork expenses and other. A detailed justification for each item is not required here, but please include a brief explanation, e.g. travel to X for Y reason.


Use the ARC categories, i.e. personnel, equipment, maintenance, travel, fieldwork expenses and other. A justification should be provided for each item, including why the item is necessary, what it will contribute to the project and how it will feed into the overall structure of the planned research.
There are no restrictions on how the Establishment Grant funding can be used, as long as it directly supports the DECRA recipient and their project. This budget is in addition to the DECRA project costs provided by the ARC. These funds are also additional to the salary-top-up for the DECRA provided by the University of Melbourne.


Signature of applicant:
Print name: / Date:


I agree that the project can be accommodated within the general facilities in my Department/ School;
I am prepared to have the project carried out in my Department/ School;
For eligible candidates, I agree to provide the following funding (one off payment)
NOTE: Must be a minimum $6,250 in order to be eligible for Faculty and central support
Signature of Head of Department/School:
Print name: / Date: