Lynch Hill School Primary Academy

Policy for Pastoral Care

At LynchHillSchool we have a responsibility for the care, welfare, safety and therefore environment of all our pupils. The school’s ethos provides the basis for this policy. We have a pupil-centred approach to the promotion of our agreed values and beliefs.

All staff work together to ensure pupils are happy and secure in whatever activity they are involved in, whether social, spiritual, academic, emotional or physical. We have a caring commitment to guide and advise our pupils, equipping them with the skills needed to face the outside world.


Through this policy we aim to:

  • Create and maintain an atmosphere where pupils feel they are well known, safe, valued, respected and happy
  • Promote the aims and values of the school
  • Implement our positive approach to behaviour management
  • Maintain the highest standards of teaching and learning
  • Respond sympathetically to the concerns, fears and worries of pupils
  • Build an atmosphere of trust
  • Make children aware of potential dangers and sensible lifestyle choices through our Personal, Social and Health education and Rights Respecting and UNICEF curriculum (PSHE).

Specific issues

  1. Ethos

The ethos of the school is reflected in the moral, intellectual, personal and social development of our pupils. It does not come about by chance. It is achieved by the whole staff promoting and facilitating an atmosphere of care and respect within the formal and informal life of the school community. The ethos is positive and ambitious which aims to:

  • Provide all children with the opportunity to develop social skills, self control and a sense of self-worth
  • Allow a pupil to develop and demonstrate positive attitudes and abilities
  • Encourage a respect for other people and the environment
  • Encourage appropriate behaviour to allow effective learning to take place
  • Realise the importance of self-discipline and self-respect in fostering the basic values of honesty, truth, fairness and politeness
  • Encourage self control in pupils and for them to take responsibility and be accountable for their actions
  1. Relationships

A good relationship between pupils and staff is paramount to generating positive climate within the school community where every individual feels valued and cared for at all times. Good relationships are nurtured between:

  • Staff and pupils
  • Pupils and their peers
  • Members of staff
  • Senior staff and other staff
  • The school and the surrounding community

The school places strong emphasis on the individuality of every person and children are encouraged to be positive and supportive in their approach to all people regardless of differences in appearance, religion, culture and ability.

3. Self Esteem

The self esteem of the whole school depends upon the self esteem of its individual members. The adults in school are powerful role models for all pupils and they model the values of the school at all times raising expectation and aspirations. We encourage a team spirit which motivates and inspires everyone to give their best and celebrate success at every level.

4. Personal Safety

  • All children are encouraged to be responsible for their own safety and we help them acquire skills to enable them to make informed decisions and know where to get help if they need it.
  • All children have a person in the school to whom they could speak if worried or concerned. They are all encouraged to talk freely and openly to any member of staff and they will respond sympathetically, offering advice, support, guidance and reassurance, in confidence if required.
  • Child Protection procedures are fully implemented. All staff are trained and monitor the well being of all children at all times. Appropriate action is taken by the CP Coordinator if a concern is raised by either a child, a member of staff or any other adult. Confidentiality is respected as far as possible without compromising the child’s safety and welfare.
  • No child may remain in the classroom or around the building without adult supervision. Children should not be on the school site before 8am and after 3.30pm unless they are attending breakfast club, an extra-curricular activity or a specific arrangement has been made.
  • The security of the site is a high priority and everyone is vigilant in recognising unfamiliar people in and around the school. All staff must wear their staff badges and visitors must sign in at the office and wear a visitor’s badge.


  • We aim for our children to feel happy and secure in whatever they do at school. All staff adopt a positive approach and reinforce the philosophy and ethos of the school.
  • All senior staff have an important pastoral role, particularly in identifying and sharing of concerns.
  • Minor difficulties, worries and upsets which arise within the class or in the playground are dealt with by the class teacher or the member of staff on duty. Everyone concerned is fully involved in any discussion about the incident or concern.
  • More serious incidents or concerns about a child’s behaviour, health or welfare are always dealt with by the class teacher, in the first instance, and referred onto an alert form and passed on to senior staff.
  • A child’s parents or guardians may be contacted if it is felt necessary to involve them in resolving the situation.
  • Parents or guardians are welcomed and encouraged to contact the school if they have any concerns or worries about their child. We encourage them to share concerns about home circumstances or medical matters which may affect their child’s behaviour or work in school. Any discussions are held in confidence as far as possible.
  • As a school, we have established and maintain close relationships with outside agencies involved in the care of children. These include Social Care, the Police, and School Health, the Educational Psychologist, Behaviour Support and Early Help teams.

(Updated June 2014)