APPENDIX A - Confidentiality Agreement - EMPLOYEE
THIS CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is entered into on the date in Item 1 of the Schedule between the party in Item 2 of the Schedule (the "Franchisee") of the one part and the party in Item 3 of the Schedule (the "Employee") of the other part
WHEREAS the Franchisee may disclose to the Employee certain information as hereinafter defined in connection with certain products, confidential information, Intellectual Property, trade secrets, logos, Business Name, business procedures and everything reasonably incidental to all or any of these ("Confidential Information") which are the property of the party in Item 4 of the Schedule (the "Franchisor);
AND WHEREAS the use by the Employee of the Confidential Information is pursuant to a certain grant of Franchise between the Franchisor and the Franchisee the terms of which provide that the Franchisee shall obtain from each and every employee a Confidentiality Agreement in this form.
NOW THEREFORE in consideration of the employment of the Employee by the Franchisee the Employee agrees as follows:
1.Covenant of Confidentiality
The Employee hereby agrees to hold all Confidential Information of the Franchisor/ Franchisee in strictest confidence for the benefit of the Franchisor/Franchisee and shall not disclose any such Confidential Information to any persons without the prior written consent of the Franchisee.
2.No Reverse Engineering
The Employee hereby agrees that it will use the Confidential Information disclosed by the Franchisee solely as permitted herein for the purposes of employment of the Employee by the Franchisee in the Franchised Business and for no other use without the prior written consent of the Franchisee. The Employee may not use any Confidential Information for the development through reverse engineering or otherwise of any product/business, which could or would compete with the business, operated by the Franchisee.
3.Indemnity and Remedies
(a)The Employee hereby agrees to indemnify and hold the Franchisee harmless from and against any and all demands, claims, actions, suits, proceedings, expenses including legal fees and outlays and any other liabilities resulting from the negligent intentional or unintentional disclosure to any third person of any Confidential Information in violation of this Agreement. The Employee recognises that any breach of this Agreement will cause the Franchisee irreparable injury and damages for which the Franchisee shall be liable pursuant to the said grant of Franchise between the Franchisor and the Franchisee and the Employee recognises further that any breach of this Agreement will cause the Franchisor irreparable injury and damages for which the Franchisor cannot adequately be compensated in damages or repair. In addition to any and all other remedies which may be provided by law or in equity the Franchisee shall have the right to restrain the breach of any provision of this Agreement by injunction in any court or other tribunal of competent jurisdiction.
(b)The parties hereby agree that upon any breach of this Agreement by the Employee which results in revenue of any kind being received by the Employee the Franchisee should be entitled to recover in addition to any other remedies available to the Franchisee all revenue attributable to or arising from the violation of this Agreement and the Franchisee will immediately terminate the Services of the Employee.
4.Duration of Agreement
It is expressly intended by the parties hereto that the covenants contained herein shall commence on the date hereof and shall continue in full force and effect until the Employee's term of employment is terminated.
5.Provisions of General Application
(a)This Agreement is entered into in accordance with the laws of the State of Queensland Australia and shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws and decisions of the State of Queensland.
(b)The invalidity or unenforceability of any or provision hereof shall in no way affect the validity or enforceability of the remainder of this Agreement.
(c)No oral modifications of this Agreement shall be effective. In the event the parties enter into any subsequent Agreement the terms of this Agreement may be modified if so specified therein.
(d)Failure by the Franchisor to insist upon the Franchisee's compliance with any provision hereof shall not constitute a waiver of the right to enforce this provision.
(e)This Agreement does not and shall not constitute a joint venture by the parties or a license between them.
(f)This Agreement does not constitute either party as an agent or a legal representative of the other party in any manner whatsoever. Neither the Franchisee nor the Employee shall have any authority whatsoever to create or to assume in the name of any other party or on its behalf any obligations express or implied for any purpose by reason of the execution of this Agreement.
(g)This Agreement contains the entire understanding between the parties respecting the matters contained herein.
Item 1 - Date
Item 3 – Franchisee
ACN ******
Item 3 – Employee
Item 4 - Franchisor
Bloomtools Pty Ltd
ACN 127 980 009
atf The Bloomtools Unit Trust
Registered OfficePrincipal Place of Business
3/2 Boston Court3/2 Boston Court
SIGNED by the said Franchisee)
SIGNED by the said Employee)