Policy for business travel at Umeå University

Established by the Vice Chancellor on 23 September 2014

Ref.: FS 1.1.2 - 778-14

This policy replaces an earlier decision by the Vice Chancellor, ref. 102-4636-07.

Type of document: / Policy
Decision by: / Vice Chancellor
Validity period: / Until further notice
Area: / Human Resources
Office responsible: / Office for Human Resources

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Travel policy

A travel policy for business travel at Umeå University is applicable to all travel undertaken on business. This policy is aimed at responsible managers, individual travellers and procured travel agencies.

Business travel is a significant part of the university's operations and an important element in the development and upholding of both national and international contacts. Such travel must be planned and implemented in a manner which is as safe, cost-effective and eco-friendly as possible.

The following elements must be taken into account when planning travel.

Safety and the environment

When travelling on behalf of the employer on business both in Sweden and abroad, and when such travel is also funded by the employer, Kammarkollegiet's business travel insurance is valid. The environment must always be taken into account when choosing a mode of transport. Public transport often provides the best options in terms of both safety and the environment, and priority should be given to rail travel where appropriate. It is important for anyone using their own car to observe safety and environmental requirements.


The university's framework agreement must be applied. Travel should be booked in good time if possible in order to increase the chances of benefiting from lower prices when ordering travel tickets, hotels and ground transport. Any bonuses, free tickets, etc. earned during business trips are the property of the university and must not be used privately. Alternatives other than travelling must always be considered when planning, such as teleconferencing, videoconferencing, etc.

Government procurement of travel accounts must be used in order to achieve a good overview of travel and expenses. The university has debit card contracts with personal responsibility for payment. These must be used in the first instance when paying out funds on behalf of the university, e.g. when travelling on business.


Everyone at Umeå University affected by this policy is responsible for planning their business travel in such a manner as to comply with applicable laws and contracts, the Umeå University travel policy and rules for application of the travel policy. Responsibility for planning and assessment rests with both the manager and the employee in question.

Applicable regulations

Both the responsible manager and the person travelling must ensure that applicable regulations are followed when travelling on business both in Sweden and abroad:

•Rules for business travel at Umeå University, FS 1.1.2 - 779-14

•Villkorsavtal/Villkorsavtal-T (general agreements on pay and benefits for government employees)

•Local collective agreement on remuneration in respect of business travel, ref. 301-1176-13

•tax legislation

•regulations relating to business travel insurance