Policing the UK…the future and the options.

We are within 6 weeks of a general election. This election will determine if the UK can remain a 1st (or 2nd) world country or continue the slide into the third world with all the corruption in government and public life that those who travel widely recognise as third world. (and which is already endemic in both houses of the mother of parliaments). It is frightening prospect. A key factor that determines the status and quality of life in any society is the control of crime, treatment of criminals and the attitude and style of policing.

In 6 years campaigning for our core beliefs the PPP have found how flawed our system of government and policing at every level has become. The micro-management of every aspect of policing priorities and financing has totally confused every member of the public and all REAL Police officers. But not the criminals who now know that they will continue to get away with it until, finally after years of abusing their fellow citizens, they may spend time in one of our overcrowded but popular holiday camp prisons. They also know that they will be released long before the jury and even some of the judges intended.

In those 6 years the PPP have had no significant support from any Labour, Liberal or Plaid Cymru politicians. Only a few conservative MPs and AMs have met with us and debated the issues as our democracy intended.

We requested the Conservatives to give us the details of their manifesto policy on this issue and the full document is at this link …

We list a few key paragraphs that describes policies we support …

1. We will implement the Prisoners’ Earnings Act 1996 to allow deductions from prisoners’

earnings to be paid into the Victims’ Fund.

2. We will change the rules so that anyone acting reasonably to stop a crime

or apprehend a criminal is not arrested or prosecuted.

3. We will end the confusion over criminals’ anonymity and give police the power to identify offenders in order to protect the public.

4. We will take steps to prevent the misuse of surveillance powers by local authorities.

5. We will replace the existing, invisible and unaccountable police authorities and make the police accountable to a directly elected individual who will set priorities for the policing of local communities.

In conclusion we ask you to study this policy in detail and whatever your politics in the past, think seriously to the future and the society we and our children and grandchildren are heading for.