OSFE Policies and Procedures
OSFE Policies and Procedures
Polices and Procedures Manual
Office of Student Field Experiences
University of Northern Iowa
Table of Contents
CODE: 600.00 Selection of School Site for Student Teaching 3
CODE: 601.00 Orientation to the Center 3
CODE: 602.00 Priority for Student Teaching Assignment 3
CODE: 603.00 Cooperative Agreement (Contract) 4
CODE: 700.00 Professor/Coordinator Position Description 5
CODE: 700.10 Professor/Coordinator Selection Procedures 6
CODE: 700.20 Professor/Coordinator Evaluation Procedures 7
CODE: 701.00 Clinical Supervisor, Position Description 7
CODE: 701.10 Clinical Supervisor, Selection Procedures 7
CODE: 701.20 Clinical Supervisor, Evaluation Procedures 8
CODE: 702:00 Cadre, Position Description 8
CODE: 702.10 Cadre, Selection Procedures 8
CODE: 801.00 Coordinator Absence Request 10
CODE: 802.00 Claim for Expenses and Reimbursement 10
CODE: 803.00 Curriculum Change 10
CODE: 804.00 OSFE/Coordinator Calendar 11
CODE: 805.00 OSFE Involvement in Inter-Departmental Projects 11
CODE: 806 Procedure for Intention to Write a Proposal for External Funding 11
CODE: 900 Due Process 12
CODE: 900.01 Grievance of a Coordinator’s Decision 12
CODE: 900.02 Grievance of Rights 13
CODE 901.00 Role of Student Teacher 13
CODE: 902.00 Absence Policy Statement 15
CODE: 902.01 Absences 16
CODE: 903.00 Requirements for Admission to Teacher Education 16
CODE: 903.01 Program Requirements for Teacher Education 16
CODE: 903.03 Application for Student Teaching 18
CODE: 903.03R Approval for Student Teaching 18
CODE: 903.04 Personal and Professional Data 19
CODE: 903.05 Interviews 19
CODE: 903.06 Approval for Student Teaching 19
CODE: 903.08 Certification Application 20
CODE: 903.09 Postponement or Cancellation of Application 20
CODE: 903.10 Name and Address Changes 20
CODE: 903.11 Personal Conduct 21
CODE: 903.12 Membership in Professional Organizations 21
CODE: 904.00 Campus Orientation Meetings 21
CODE: 904.01 Center Orientation 21
CODE: 905.00 Student Teaching Periods, Holidays and Spring Break 21
CODE: 906.00 Student Teaching Assignments 22
CODE: 907.00 Cooperating Teacher 22
CODE: 908.00 Credit Hours 22
CODE: 909.00 Special Area Majors 23
CODE: 910.00 Multiple Endorsements or Approvals 23
CODE: 911.00 Student Teacher Evaluation 23
CODE: 912.00 Housing for Student Teachers 23
CODE: 913.00 Moving and Transportation 23
CODE: 914.00 Priority for Student Teaching Assignment 23
CODE: 915.00 Policy Statement 24
CODE: 915.00R Out-of-State Student Teaching Agreement 24
CODE: 916.00 Withdrawal 25
CODE: 916.00R Withdrawal 25
CODE: 918.00 Incomplete Grade 26
CODE: 919.00 Assignment Change 27
CODE: 920.00 Course Work and Student Teaching 27
CODE: 921.00 Employment and Student Teaching 27
OSFE Policies and Procedures
CODE: 600.00 Selection of School Site for Student Teaching
Selection of schools shall be based on the commitment of the administration and instructional faculty to participate in the preparation of teachers, their qualification to supervise student teachers and the appropriateness of the qualification to supervise student teachers and the appropriateness of the resources of the educational agency as a laboratory site for student teaching.
The educational program of the school system chosen must meet a sufficient number of hours per day and satisfy the days/weeks required of schools to be in session to meet the requirement as a site for student teaching.
School systems must provide liability insurance for student teachers during the period that they are engaged in the process of fulfilling the student teaching requirement according to state code.
Since the UNI student teaching program involves a network of student teaching centers with clusters of schools, educational agencies considered as sites for student teaching should be within a reasonable distance from the school system in which the resident coordinator resides.
CODE: 601.00 Orientation to the Center
Orientation to the student teaching center is held prior to the beginning of the student teaching semester. The center orientation has several purposes: to provide each student teacher with an opportunity to become acquainted with his/her cooperating teacher(s) and school building personnel, meet pupils, become familiar with instructional materials and classroom setting, and explore opportunities for housing. Dates for center orientation will be announced at the on-campus orientation the semester prior to student teaching.
CODE: 602.00 Priority for Student Teaching Assignment
All applicants for a student teaching assignment are given a choice of three cooperating centers listing in order of preference with #1, 2, or 3. The student should not interpret these preferences of center choices as a guarantee that a request will be fulfilled.
Considerations shall be given to center choice and period of student teaching requested.
When feasible, consideration will be given to those applicants who have obligations of a critical nature to support a need for their first choice center. Provided justification merits for each requested center will receive consideration.
Late requests will be assigned according to availability of openings.
CODE: 603.00 Cooperative Agreement (Contract)
A cooperative agreement contract shall be provided to school systems which have been chosen to host University of Northern Iowa students. This agreement shall be based on CODE OF IOWA Section 262.30.
CODE: 700.00 Professor/Coordinator Position Description
Policy Statement on the Role of the Professor/Coordinator
The primary functions of the Professor/Coordinator include: managing a regional student teaching center; placing and supervising pre-service teacher education students in a student teaching experience; conducting regularly scheduled observations; completing evaluations of student teachers; serving as faculty by focusing on teaching, research, and service; and facilitating the center cadre as appropriate.
The role of the Professor/Coordinator plays out in varying ways which result in site-specific programming predicted upon the diverse structures, resources and circumstances of each regional student teaching center.
Supervision/Teaching Responsibilities
1.0 Coordinate the student teaching field experiences
1.1 Conduct interviews and make placements in center communities and schools and with specific cooperating teachers
1.2 Conduct student teacher orientation meetings on campus and in the regional center
1.3 Implement and provide ongoing assessment of the student teacher curriculum
1.31 Visit/observe in student teacher classrooms at least every other week
1.32 Conduct student teacher seminars
1.33 Conduct conferences with student teachers/cooperating teachers concerning the student teachers’ professional/personal development
1.34 Establish a process for journaling with student teachers throughout the experience
1.35 Assist students with the Teacher Work Sample
1.4 Compile and collect the necessary data regarding each student teacher’s field experience and prepare a comprehensive report that evaluates the student teacher’s performance and enter the data into the MyUniverse system
2.0 Teach identified courses as appropriate
3.0 Work with center professionals to facilitate the student teaching field experience
3.1 Provide center personnel with inservice as to the nature and purposes of the student teaching program and how it relates to teacher education
3.2 Become acquainted with school programs and instructional administrative personnel
3.3 Orient, train, and assist school personnel in supervisory practices and with major elements of the student teaching program
3.4 Counsel with cooperating teachers concerning their individual classroom procedures, desirable student teacher experiences, the evaluation process, and expectations for all unexpected problems they may experience during the student teaching assignment
3.5 Facilitate the solution to situations that affect the cooperating teacher and their relationship with the student teacher
3.6 Serve as a liaison between the University of Northern Iowa and regional center school districts
3.7 Manage, promote, and help with the activities of the student teaching cadre; this includes organization, selection, participation in meetings and projects, the training of members, and all other related endeavors
3.8 Be the administrator of clinical supervisors; when appropriate help select, provide in-service and training, serve as counsel and help to remedy all situations and
questions, and offer assistance as needed
4.0 Be the administrator for the regional center for UNI activities
4.1 Promote UNI programs in the local area
4.2 Assist prospective students, both undergraduates and graduates
4.3 Assist area educators with possible extension services
4.4 Keep appropriate UNI personnel aware of regional center involvements and needs
4.5 Report feedback provided by center teachers/administrators with appropriate UNI faculty or department members
Research Responsibilities
1.0 Perform all requirements of OSFE members, including attending and being prepared to participate in campus meetings
2.0 Maintain personal scholarship by knowing current information on UNI teacher education practices by reading current literature and by investigating center developments that could affect the student teacher field experience
3.0 Conduct ongoing educational research whenever possible
4.0 Present educational research in manuscripts or at professional organizational conferences whenever possible
5.0 Engage in curriculum development and all other activities that promote and enhance the OSFE division
Professional Responsibilities
1.0 Participate in relevant professional organizations
2.0 Serve on university, college, and departmental committees
3.0 Engage in activities in local communities that will enhance and promote the general welfare of UNI
CODE: 700.10 Professor/Coordinator Selection Procedures
The Office of Student Field Experiences/ University of Northern Iowa are an Equal Opportunity Employer and adheres to Affirmative Action policies. For “The Principles, Standards, and procedures for Faculty Appointments” refer to the Polices and Procedures Manual as well as any applicable sections of the faculty collective bargaining agreement.
For further information refer to the College of Education, “Guidelines for Faculty Search Process.”
CODE: 700.20 Professor/Coordinator Evaluation Procedures
Evaluation of Professor/Coordinators are referenced in A Master Agreement Between the State of Iowa Board of Regents and the UNI-United Faculty, Article Three.
CODE: 701.00 Clinical Supervisor, Position Description
The primary role of the Clinical Supervisor is to serve as the University of Northern Iowa’s field based practitioner for preservice teachers and other such duties as will be assigned by the local school district in cooperation with the center coordinator.
The Clinical Supervisor is directly responsible to the Professor/Coordinator and may hold responsibilities in a local school district.
Responsibility to Include:
OSFE Policies and Procedures
1) To provide classroom supervision for student teachers from the University of Northern Iowa. This will include making classroom visits at least every other week for each teacher assigned to the supervisor
2) Assist with the mid-term and final evaluations for each student teacher
3) Work with the UNI Coordinator on the identification and selection of cooperating teachers and the placement of student teachers
4) Work with the UNI Coordinator and the local district administrators on the selection of cadre members when appropriate.
5) Assist the UNI Coordinator with the planning and instruction of the student teaching seminar
6) Work closely with the UNI Coordinator on the facilitation of activities for the cadre
CODE: 701.10 Clinical Supervisor, Selection Procedures
The selection procedure for a clinical supervisor shall be the responsibility of the center coordinator. In some cases, the director of OSFE will also be involved.
When the need arises to hire a clinical supervisor in a center, the coordinator should identify individuals, with a masters degree, who would be highly qualified to provide quality supervision and feedback to students, assist in center responsibilities, and serve as an excellent representative of the University of Northern Iowa.
The center coordinator will make the selection of the clinical supervisor and provide training, inservice, and evaluation.
CODE: 701.20 Clinical Supervisor, Evaluation Procedures
The evaluation procedures for the clinical supervisor should be as follows:
1. The center coordinator should meet with the clinical supervisor at the end of each term of service (semester or year as appropriate) to discuss the individual’s performance.
2. The center coordinator shall provide a written documentation of the clinical supervisor’s performance related to his/her work for the University to the Office of Student Field Experiences.
CODE: 702:00 Cadre, Position Description
The Student Teaching Cadre, as a part of the partnership between local cooperating school districts and the University of Northern. The cadre gives local teachers increased responsibilities for the initial preparation of new teachers, and provides more opportunities for the professional growth of teachers through increased professional development opportunities afforded through work on the cadre.
The cadre members in the student teaching centers fulfill a variety of responsibilities in the UNI teacher education program. Those responsibilities may include:
1. Serving as an advisory committee to the UNI student teacher program
2. Serving as a resource to student teachers and other cooperating teachers
3. Serving as a classroom cooperating teacher for student teachers from UNI
4. Observing student teachers who are working in a classroom other than their own
5. Providing input on the campus-based program that might include participating in on-campus instruction
6. Attending advisory meetings that might be in the local area as well as on the Cedar Falls campus
7. Assisting UNI with conferences, inservice meetings, and workshops that might be held in the local area
8. Collaborating with university faculty on research of mutual interest
9. Assisting the coordinator and clinical supervisor with input related to seminars and student teacher supervision
CODE: 702.10 Cadre, Selection Procedures
The selection of cadre members shall include the following:
1. The UNI center coordinator, with assistance from the local district(s) as requested, shall develop criteria for the selection of the student teaching cadre members.
2. The UNI center coordinator (in conjunction with local school districts as appropriate) shall be responsible for the selection of individuals to serve on the student teaching cadre.
3. Eligible candidates should be currently practicing teachers or administrators within the school districts of the UNI student teaching regional centers.
4. Eligible candidates should complete a letter of application or other specified forms to the center coordinator.
5. Cadre members should be appointed to terms of three years, contingent on satisfactory performance. Terms shall be renewable for one or two terms and the selection and retention of cadre members shall be the joint decision of the local districts, the student teaching coordinator, or a combination of the above.
6. There is no stipend for serving on the UNI student teacher cadre.
CODE: 801.00 Coordinator Absence Request
Coordinators are officially on duty during their period of appointment when the university is in session according to the official calendar. Coordinators, due to the nature of their position, are also on duty in accordance with the official school calendar of their cooperating school system(s) except in spring semester when terms of the UNI contract prevails.