Police response to the ERCC report from ACC Malcolm Graham:
“We are committed to continually improving our response to reports of rape and other sexual offences and to conducting rigorous and robust investigations.
“We work closely with a range of partners to improve the investigation of sexual offences including Rape Crisis Scotland, and their feedback has influenced the development of our services.
“Police Scotland’s Sexual Offences Liaison Officers (SOLO) go through enhanced interview training with an emphasis on treating people with empathy. Since last year, SOLO training includes the impact of trauma on individuals, delivered in partnership with NHS and Rape Crisis Scotland staff. Trauma training is now given to all police recruits as part of their initial training and is accessible to all other officers.
“We receive formal anonymised feedback from victims via Rape Crisis Scotland and as well as supporting our own improvement, we share this with partners including NHS, COPFS, Scottish Government and third sector partners to highlight concerns and improve service delivery. This includes sharing with partner agencies in the NHS in relation to forensic medical examinations.
“The Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service and Police Scotland now prepare a Victim Strategy tailored to every individual at the start of any rape investigation, outlining what support may be required to progress through the criminal justice system.
“We are also fully engaged with the National Advocacy Project launched earlier this year by Rape Crisis Scotland which provides support to survivors of sexual crime who have engaged or are considering engaging with the criminal justice system. Police Scotland works closely with dedicated Advocacy and Support workers in each Rape Crisis Centre across Scotland in order to provide the best possible service in a professional, supportive and sensitive manner.
“I have spoken to the author of this report and wish to thank her for sharing her experience. Powerful evidence like this helps to shape and continually improve our service. Her willingness to provide constructive feedback has given all services a positive opportunity to effect change in the future.
"Tackling sexual crime is a priority for Police Scotland, we want to encourage people to come forward. Victims of sexual crime can be confident that we will listen to them and investigate their report thoroughly, no matter how much time has passed.”