Police Property Act Fund

Date: Wednesday 28 August 2013

Time: 2.00pm

Location: PCC Office, Police Headquarters


Barry Coppinger – Police and Crime Commissioner

Michael Porter – Chief Finance Officer (PCC Office)

Joanne Hodgkinson – Governance Manager (PCC Office)

Rachelle Kipling – Governance Officer (PCC Office)

Frances Bage – PA to the Chief Constable

Lynda Turnbull – Unison

John Bolton – Police Federation

Applicant / Amount Awarded / Reason / Photo / Correspondence Received
Middlesbrough Community Pride / £1450 / In support of Middlesbrough Community Pride event. /
Easterside Partnership / £500 / Costs towards transport for disadvantaged young people to go on a day trip
MaSters Training Centre / £650 / Meeting agreed to fund a weekend residential for disadvantaged youngsters at risk of offending /
Erimus Housing on behalf of the East Middlesbrough Amateur Boxing Club (ABC) / £500 / Awarded £500 to replenish perished equipment (£250) & £250 towards holding a ‘bout’ within the community to showcase most prominent boxing talent.
Tees Valley Women’s Centre / £1000 / Funding to renew furniture for use in the Women’s Centre /
Middlesbrough Shop Mobility / £900 / £900 to purchase one mobility scooter for socially excluded elderly people.
Stockton Town Pastors / £1000 / To support sustainability of Stockton Town Pastors /

The ORB Centre / £549.90 / To replenish old computers within the ORB centre /
Elm Tree Community Association / £640 / Funding awarded to pay for sports hall hire for use by young people aged between 10 – 20 years to discourage ASB
Hartlepool Football Club / £430.75 / To contribute to one years pitch fees
Stoneham Housing Single Key Foyer / £349.98 / To purchase some health equipment to promote healthy living amongst young people
Thornaby Football Club / £550 / Funding provided to purchase footballs, Kits, Bits and First Aid equipment (5 teams)
Volunteer Fulcrum / £3200 / Funding to provide training for two volunteers to have a real impact on a persons ability to recover from addictions
NEPACS / £870 / Funding is provided for material and volunteers costs for family sessions held in both Holme House and Kirklevington Prison /
Asylum Seekers and Refugees Group / £750 / Provide £750 funding to match that provided by Hartlepool Borough Council for a Diversity Day
The Princes Trust / £1550 / Funding provided to support the costs associated with running 12 activity sessions for 100 young people
Webb House / £609.97 / To purchase sports equipment to promote healthy lifestyle amongst young people
BELP – Drug Awareness Resistance Education / £2000 / Fund for the purchase of Drug Awareness Resistance Education work books for use in schools /
SkillShare North East Limited / £360 / Funding provided for purchase of refreshments and Suzy Lamplugh Booklets for use during National Personal Safety Week. /

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