Polaroid Retirees Association

Walter Byron, Secretary

Minutes of Board of Director’s Meeting ( delivered via email )

Meeting Date: December 7, 2011

Attendees: Bob Bacon, Steve Berry,Walter Byron, Dick Gellis, Jim Grunst, John Alden Hall, Doris Harriman, Touie Jackson, Edyie Johnson, Lucille Kelley, Bill Rosen, Richard Rosenblatt, Bob Ruckstuhl plus Mary Ann Hall

Absent: Beverly Carothers, Florence Jones, Susan McCusker and Eric Thorgerson,

1. CALL TO ORDER: Jim Grunst calledthe meeting to order at 10:10 a.m.

2. SECRETARY'S REPORT: Walter Byron reported that the Minutes of the November 8, 2011, monthly Board meeting had been taken and were published via email (with copies mailed to Lucille). A revised copy had been published incorporating changes to four paragraphs. A motion was made, seconded and unanimously supported to accept theRevised Minutes as published.

3. TREASURER’S REPORT: Steve Berry provided a Profit & Loss analysis of 2011 and a Preliminary Budget for 2012:

2011 Nov. Act, 2011 Est, & 2012 Preminary Budget / 2010 Actual / 2011 Budget / 2011 Nov YTD / 2011 Forecast / 2012 Budget Est
Dues & Rosters* / $17,312.00 / $16,000 / $18,923 / $19,500 / $15,500
Interest / $109.99 / $110 / $38 / $40 / $40
TOTAL INCOME / $17,421.99 / $16,110 / $18,961 / $19,540 / $15,540
Newsletter / $8,670.81 / $9,000 / $8,832 / $8,832 / $9,000
Administration / $2,492.42 / $2,200 / $1,730 / $2,500 / $2,500
Membership / $1,701.63 / $1,550 / $748 / $1,550 / $1,550
Lunch Sub May / $6,787.07 / $1,929 / $2,665 / $2,665 / $1,248
Prog Sub May / $2,902.67 / $1,105 / $957 / $957 / $550
Lunch Sub Oct / $2,655.60 / $1,534 / $1,147 / $1,147 / $998
Prog Sub Oct / $1,000.00 / $1,005 / $896 / $896 / $300
TOTAL EXPENSES / $26,210.20 / $18,324 / $16,975 / $18,547 / $16,146
PROFIT (LOSS) / $(8,788.21) / $(2,214) / $1,986 / $993 / $(606)
TFSR SUTT FUND / $3,000.00 / $3,000 / $3,000 / $3,000
NET PROFIT (LOSS) / $(5,788.21) / $786 / $4,986 / $3,993 / $(606)
May / 612 Present / 350 Present / 342 Present / 350 Present
Oct / 286 Present / 275 Present / 291 Present / 290 Present
Life \Members / 22 / 78 / 80 / 105
Balance Sheet Notes:
Total Assets (Less A/P) / $22,045 / $24,030 / $23,037 / $22,431
Restricted Sutton Fund / $10,750 / $7,750 / $7,750 / $7,750
Lifetime Member Obligations / $6,730 / $7,900 / $8,350
Prepaid Dues Obligations / $960 / $1,000 / $1,000
Available Assets: / $11,295 / $8,590 / $6,387 / $5,331

Note: Nov Actual Expenses and Asset Balances include one uncashed check for $77.63

A motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved to accept the 2012 Estimated Budget as the Actual Budget for 2012. Additionally, Steve presented a 2012 Luncheon Budget (see below).

Worksheet for 2012 Luncheons:
(Updated 12/1/11) / Spring Lunch Estimates / Fall Lunch Estimates
@ / Totals / @ / Totals / Grand Total
Estimated Reservations / 350 / $25.00 / $8,750.00 / 320 / $25.00 / $8,000.00
Actual deposits (excl prizes): / $8,500.00 / $8,000.00 / $16,500.00
Coffee & Pastry (Paper Svc) / 315 / $6.00 / $1,890.00 / 290 / $6.00 / $1,740.00
Chicken / 140 / $14.95 / $2,093.00 / 130 / $14.95 / $1,943.50
Fish / 175 / $18.95 / $3,316.25 / 160 / $18.95 / $3,032.00
Service @ 20% / $1,459.85 / $1,343.10
Sales Tax @7% / $613.14 / $564.10
Bartender / $65.00 / $65.00
Screen Rental / $100.00 / $100.00
Sales Tax / $10.31 / $10.31
Admin Expenses / $200.00 / $200.00
**Free Lunch Prizes shown below: / $250.00 / No Fall Lunch Prize
Total Lunch Expenses excluding prizes: / $9,747.55 / $8,998.01 / $18,745.56
Per Attendee: / $30.94 / $31.03
Lunch Subsidy: (reflects no show benefit) / $(1,247.55) / $(998.01) / $(2,245.56)
Subsidy per attendee: / $(3.96) / $(3.44)
Special Program Prizes::
One Grand Prize drawing: / $100.00 / $100.00
Two $50 drawings: / $100.00 / $100.00
**Five Lunch for two / $250.00
Ten Bottles of wine / $100.00 / $100.00
Total Special Programs: / $(550.00) / $(300.00) / $(850.00)
Total Subsidy for Lunch and Gifts: / $(1,797.55) / $(1,298.01) / $(3,095.56)
Subsidy Per Paying Person: / $(5.29) / $(4.06) / $(4.69)
** The Free Lunches for two are deducted from Lunch Costs and added to Prizes.
Lantana does not seem to be charging the extra fee for having two entrees.

4. MEMBERSHIP: Bob Ruckstuhl reported that we added 4 new members in November. Our membership number stands at 1693 (of whom 1609 are paying members) as of December 1 with a forecast of 1700 by year end.

Lifetime members now total 78.

Bob sent out a letter to 90 members whose 2009, 2010 and 2011 dues are in arrears. Bob explained that the traditional offer made to members whose dues are three years in arrears is for them to send in $20 covering two years and we will forgive the third year. He said that we usually get 25% of them to send in their $20, 10% are lost as the letters are returned to him by the Post Office and subsequently are dropped from the membership rolls, and the remaining 65% we never hear from and are also dropped. Thus far 6 letters have been returned as undeliverable and 17 members have renewed their membership. The cutoff is the end of December, and he estimates we will drop 60 to 70 members from the rolls, compared to 76 last year for non payment of dues.

Bob agreed to graph the membership history and provide a long range membership forecast at the first spring meeting he is able to attend upon his return from Florida.

5. NEWSLETTER: Bill Rosen plans to release the Jan – Apr issue of the Newsletter to the printer on Thursday, December 8.

Jim Grunst reminded the Board members that they agreed to send an email to Bill the day they receive their copy of the Newsletter in the mail so that Bill can gather data on how long it takes from his “release to the printer” date for the Newsletter to reach our mailboxes.

Bill plans to release the April – June Newsletter to the printer at the end of February which should provide sufficient lead time to have the copies reach our membership’s mailboxes in early April, in time for them to send in their spring Luncheon reservations to Doris.


a) Spring Luncheon: Doris Harriman volunteered to be the spring Luncheon coordinator.

Edyie Johnson again confirmed that Daniel Surprenant, an attorney who specializes in estate planning and elder law, will be the speaker.

b) Future Speakers: A previously generated list of possible future speakers was reviewed and Board members agreed to explore these as follows:

Elsa DorfmanEric



Land biographerJohn

John Reuter (20” X 24”)Jim

Barbara Hitchcock, curator of the Polaroid Art Collection, was added to the list and Jim Grunst will follow up.


a) Nominating Committee:

Edyie Johnson reported that all six of the current Board Members up for reelection at the May 2012 Business Meeting have agreed to run again. They are: Walter Byron, Dick Gellis, Jim Grunst, Touie Jackson, Edyie Johnson and Eric Thorgerson.

We are set for the Board member election at the May Annual Business Meeting.

b) Condolences Committee: Doris reported that since our last meeting there have been 11 reported deaths of former Polaroid employees.

Lucille said that condolence letters were send to the families of deceased PRA members as follows: September 4; October 0; November 4.


a) Garner – Hartley Ads:

John Alden Hall reported that he has not yet received an answer to the letter he sent to James Garner with the request for his permission to copy the Garner – Hartley ads. He also said that he had sent a copy of the letter to Ted Voss.

b) Charles River Museum of Industry and Innovation:

The PRA received a solicitation for funds from this Waltham based Museum. A former Polaroid member, Larry Chelmow, is a volunteer there, and prior to our November Board meeting, along with the Museum’s Director, Elln Hagney, hosted Jim Grunst, Steve Berry, Doris Harriman, John Hall and Walter Byron to a tour and discussion about the Museum and, in particular, about their proposed permanent Polaroid exhibit which they are planning.

They requested a donation from the PRA toward defraying the cost of their Polaroid Exhibit.

Jim Grunst exchanged emails with Larry Chelmow and informed him that a donation from the PRA would be very modest, but that we could provide assistance in other ways by helping to recruit volunteers, by providing items for the exhibit, by placing an article(s) in the PRA Newsletter about the Museum and the Polaroid Exhibit, including possibly providing information to our members about how they could make a donation to the Museum.

After some discussion, a motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved to authorize Jim to make a donation, between now and our next meeting in March, of up to $200 as he sees fit.

c) Candidates for the Board:

Jim solicited names from Board members of PRA members who might be interested in becoming Board members. He will follow up on this short list and will soon propose a name to the Board members for appointment to the Board to fill out the remainder of Roger Clapp’s term


a) Possibility of Video Taping our Speakers:

It was suggested that we explore the idea of video taping our speakers and posting the videos on the PRA web site. John Alden Hall agreed to follow up this idea with the possibility of running a pilot at the May Luncheon meeting.


a) Dates for Board Meetings in 2012 (a repeat from last month):

Tuesday March 13

Tuesday April 10

Tuesday May 8

Tuesday June 5

Tuesday September 11

Tuesday October 9

Tuesday November 13

Tuesday December 4

b) Luncheon Dates:

Wednesday May 16

Wednesday October 17

c) Our Next Monthly Board Meeting:

Our next monthly Board Meeting will be on Tuesday, March 13 at the Norwood Chateau. Doors open at 9:30 and the meeting will be called to order at 10:00.


A motion was made, seconded, and approved unanimously to adjourn, and themeeting was adjourned at 11:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Walter Byron,
