Points races only (36 races)

$10 per race, per person

Each player must be paid up in order to receiving any winnings. If not paid up, race winnings will be forfeited and roll over to the next race.

Any player more then 5 weeks behind will receive a 50 point penality per race until paid up.

Sorry, but I don’t want to chase people down for money.

Each person will draw 3 (2 if more then 14 players) qualifying positions for Daytone 500. Drivers that qualify in those positions will be your drivers for the race. The position those drivers finish the race in will be the next races qualifying positions.

The 43 spots will be divided in 3 groups( 1-14, 15-28,29-43). Each player will draw a spot from each group. If more then 14 players the spots will be divided in half.

Payouts: Per race(amounts will be finalized once I know how many players)

½ way points leader (lowest total after Kentucky 400)

End of season points leader

End of season 2nd in points

End of season 3rd in points

End of season last in points 

Most top 10 finishes

Most wins

Tie Breakers: top 3 in points and ½ way point leader (1st most wins, 2nd most top 10 finishes, 3rd most pole qualifiers)

Most wins (1st lowest point total, 2nd most top 10 finishes, 3rd most pole qualifiers)

Most top 10 (lowest point total, wins)

Per race win (if no winner amount will continue to roll over to next race, if no winner at last race, top finishing drive wins)

Points:Each finishing position is equal to its points value (1st place 1 point, 2nd place 2 points….).

Each person’s 3 (2 if more then 14 players) finishing positions will be added up and a running total will be kept.

Points will be lowest to highest.

Bonus point system: Pole qualifier, -1 point

Winning from the pole, -5points

Driver with most lap led per race, -2points

There will be 2 point resets during the season. First will be after race #12 (dover, may15) and race #24 (Michigan, august 28). Spots will be drawn starting from highest to lowest in points. If the spots are not reset by the Friday before the next race, I will draw the spots. I will notify each player when it his turn, we only have a week so please help me move this along.

If anybody has any other ideas, please let me know. Once I know how many players we have I’m figure out the pay outs. 14 players worked good last year, would like to get more but not over 21 (to many open spots)

Thinking about getting a WEB page to make it easier to follow the results and standing. If anybody knows anything about WEB pages or sights, please let me know.
