Winchmore School, Chairs Coordinating Group meeting
Tuesday 15 September 2015, 6:30 p.m. at Winchmore School
Members:Belinda Chapple, Bernard Fleming, Beyzade Beyzade, Jim Owenand Paul Stimson (italics denotes absence)
1. Apologies and declarations of interest: Apologies received from Belinda Chapple. No declarations of interest were made.
2. Minutes from 7 July 2015:accuracy and matters arising: it was agreed that the minutes were accurate and that there were no matters arising that were not covered elsewhere on the agenda.
3. Headteacher's update including results: draft school improvement plan 2015-2016 was considered. The headteacher reported on the results. There were 68% five A* to C at GCSE including English and maths, which amounted to a 1% increase. In English language there were 88% achieving A* to C whereas in maths 75% achieved A* to C (17% achieved A or A*). There were some concerns expressed in relation to humanities as history achieved 44%, geography 57%, religious education 61% (geography was up 10%) and also French where there were 53% A* to Cs. In terms of BTEC business 60% achieved the pass but there were no distinctions. There were some higher results reported in BTEC health and social care and BTEC ICT. In terms of the results, it was noted that we need to look at groups and what they achieved. It was also reported that the restructure was looking positive. Draft School Improvement Plan discussed briefly, governors to review and discuss at committee level.
4. Governing body including resignations, co--options, elections: It was noted that Glenn Keelan resigned as chair of resources committee and that Pat Sims resigned as governor. Two staff governors will be co-opted at FGB (Naomi Franks and Ruzin Yalchin) following election by the staff. There will be a parent election and one other type of Governor may be co-opted. Beyzade is working on the skills audit.
5. FGB agenda including draft terms of reference and organisational arrangements document: FGB external review. Draft School Improvement Plan reviewed briefly. To be discussed at Committee. We will need to consider which policies are due for review. Promoting British values will need to be looked at. Review of behaviour and exclusion policy on going. There is a new declaration of business interests register. Items to be decided at committees to be considered.
6. Annual cycles of work including policies: Bernard produced a schedule which should inform annual cycles of work at committee level. This is flexible and there may be changes.
7. Open evening/governors visit day: open evening will be 30 September 2015 and governors visit day will be 27 November 2015. Important for governors to be present on open evening and the visible to parents and staff.
8. Training including new framework: new OFSTED framework on 1 September 2015. Considered training for FGB on this including involving LA and/or HMI. Training and development plan - report end of year. External review discussed.
9. Any other business: new website discussed. Information about governors and meetings will be displayed on this including meeting dates and the register of business interests.
Meeting ended 8 p.m.