About this Section

The Point-of-Sale reference guide is designed to introduce you to the general operations of the point-of-sale portion of the inventory control system. It outlines the components of the sales process, the point-of-sale screen and the available hot keys.

Starting the Point of Sale System

Select option 1 - POINT OF SALE from the Inventory Main Menu.

The following screen returns:

Date of Sale : Jul 08, 1996 4:40:44 PM

Sale Number : 1

Salesperson :

Cash Drawer : 0 Line 1 : Col. 1

Item No. Description Qty Price Extended

* Note F2 Sale F3 Adj F4 EOD F5 C/B F6 Open F7 Void F8 Del F9 Clr

┌─Sub─Total─┐ Sales Tax: 0.00

│ 0.00 │ Service : 0.00

└───────────┘ Total : 0.00

Transaction Date : Month (1..9,O,N,D)

Exiting From the Point of Sale System

To exit from the point of sale system, press the ESCAPE key from anywhere on the screen. If a sale is currently in progress, the system will ask if you wish to abandon it. If not, the following pop-up window will appear.


║ Confirmation ║


║ Quit Point-of-Sale ║

║ ║

║ ║

║ Confirm (Y/N) ║


║ Press [Y] or [N] ║

║ Esc = Quit ║


If you wish to quit point of sale, press ESCAPE again or press the “Y” key from this window. If you are not using security or if you are logged on as an administrator, then the system will take you to the main menu. If not, this action will take you out to dos or your system menu.

General Sales Concepts

The following are general sales concepts and terminology that are frequently used throughout this manual.


A sale is an event during which a customer acquires some goods or services in return for payment.

Every sale results in the printing of a receipt called a chit.

A member is someone who has the right to charge purchases.

A golfer is someone who chooses to golf at your club and does not having charging privileges.

Members can be Golfers, but do not have to be. Golfers can be Members, but depending on your club rules, may not have to be. Only Members can charge purchases at the point of sale, but any Golfer can win a tournament, allowing them to make purchases out of the credit book.

The Sales Process

The following section will examine the basic sales procedure. This sales process can be divided into four sections. Creating a chit involves entering your initial information, adding items to the chit, selecting a payment method, and printing the chit.

Entering Your Initial Information

Before you can enter any sales transactions into Point of Sale, you must first provide some general information.


Your cursor will be highlighting the current date when you first enter into the point-of-sale screen. If you hit [ENTER], that current date will be accepted. Remember that the date of the sales is important to the system. The history part of Inventory keeps track of sales by these dates, so make sure that the date displayed here is appropriate for the sales which you are entering into the system. You may press the TAB Key and Shift-TAB Key to increase or decrease the displayed date by one day. If you want to make more drastic changes, enter the date in month, day year format; where month is a number between 1 and 9 for January through September, and “O”, “N”, and “D” for October, November and December. If the date which you supply differs too dramatically from the current date, the system will warn you that it is an “UNUSUAL DATE”. You must then confirm that you want to use the unusual date, before any transactions can be entered.


If the previous day’s end-of-day processing was successful, this chit reference number will be at the starting number set for your terminal. Press [ENTER] to accept this starting reference number, or enter another number for your first chit. The number which you provide here is validated against the local chit range prompt in [I4.6.7]. A lookup window for pre-defined pay method types can be accessed by pressing F10. This is typically used in the restaurant environment for open tabs. The window will display based on the setup found in [I4.6.3], Chit Lookup Type for the pre-defined pay method types, which are setup in [I4.7.5] under the WIN column. This lookup window allows the servers to identify any open tickets. If security is activated then only the originating server or administrator can recall the chit for final processing.


Enter a salesman ID (initials or password) to which the sale will be recorded. Depending on how your system is set up in [I4.6.6], it may return to this point between each sale, so that the salesman ID can be changed on a chit by chit basis. The system may also be setup so that you can only enter “valid” salesman initials or passwords from the [I4.6.5]Salesman ID Table. If you would like your initials validated in this way, go to [I4.6.6] and set the USE SALESMAN NAMES prompt to “Y”es.

You are allowed to enter either the salesman ID or the password, not both. This toggle is in [I4.6.6] Use Salesman Passwords prompt. If set to “Y”es then you are only allowed to enter passwords, if set to “N”o, you are only allowed to use the initials in table [I4.6.5].


If this field appears, then your system believes that there is more than one cash drawer attached. In this field, enter the number of the cash drawers to be used. The system may be set up to limit which cash drawers a salesperson has access to. This is setup in screen [I4.6.5].

Entering Item Id Numbers

The next step in creating a sales transaction is selecting the items which are to be sold. The cursor is now positioned in the Item Number field.

Enter the item number of the merchandise being sold. Enter the item’s nine-character id number and it will bring up the description and default selling price that was set up for the item when it was entered in the inventory system.

Another way to enter inventory items for sale is through use of the two digit item abbreviation. If the item has an assigned abbreviation, enter the two character abbreviation at this prompt and the system will produce the nine digit id number, the description and the defined selling price. If the item does not have an abbreviation, or if the clerk does not remember the abbreviation, a lookup window of available items can be accessed by pressing the F10 key. The following screen appears:


║ Item Help ║



║ AA 01R40001 18 HOLE CART FEE ║

║ ZX 01R400010 NO SHOW FEES ║

║ AB 01R40002 CART FEE 18 HOLES ║

║ AC 01R40003 CART FEE 9 HOLES ║

║ AD 01R40004 (1/2) CART FEE 9 HOLES ║

║ AE 02R60001 RANGE TOKEN ║


║ AG 03R50002 Family Green Fees (Winter) ║

║ AH 03R50003 OUTSIDE GUEST FEE (Summer) ║

║ AI 03R50004 FAMILY GUEST FEE (Summer) ║


To control the lookup window once it appears, use the arrow keys as described below.


You use the [ARROW] keys to highlight the inventory item of your choice and press [ENTER] to select the hilighted item. Note that the items are in alphanumeric order beginning with the first item in your inventory. The first time you press [F10], the window will display only the items with abbreviations , press F10 again and a complete item list will appear. The display of the lookup window can be changed to initially display all inventory items regardless of the abbreviation association. Change the prompt in screen [I4.6.7], ABV field to “N”o, and the system will display all inventory items. Once F10 is pressed again only the inventory items with the abbreviations will be displayed.

Once you’ve entered a few items, you may notice that some items will ask for a quantity and price, while others assume a quantity of one and the normal retail price. These faster items are called service items; not asking for a quantity and price, saves you time.

Choosing the Payment Method

When you have entered all of the items for a particular sale, the next step is to reconcile or close the ticket. To reconcile the ticket press [ENTER] at the ITEM ID# field and the SALE SETTLEMENT screen will appear.

The following is an example of a sale settlement table. Pay-method types are Club specific, and the sales settlement screen may appear different than the following example. Pay-method types are set up in screen [I4.7.5] Edit Payment Descriptions.


║ Sale Settlement ║


║ Payment : 0 MEMBER CHG 0. MEMBER CHG A/R ║

║ 1. VISA Other ║

║ 2. MASTERCARD Other ║

║ 3. CASH Cash ║



║ 6. Tab Other ║

║ 7. CHECK CASH Cash ║

║ 8. DISCOVER Other ║

║ ║

║ ║

║ ║

║ ║

║ ║

║ ║

║ ║

║ ║


Press the number or letter of the payment method to be used for the purchase. Once you have selected a method, the system will collect any additional information it needs for that particular payment method.

If the payment method requires an A/R or Profile ID number, a space will be provided for entry. This entry space is equipped so that you can press function key 10 to call up a window listing all of your current membership. This is scrolling lookup window which allows cursor keys to move a floating bar up and down through the list. When the appropriate member is highlighted, pressing the ENTER key selects that member. This member lookup window also allows you to switch the sorting method of the members listed. Press function key 10 again, and the list changes from numeric to alphabetic. Type the first few letters of the member’s name and the cursor will highlight the desired member.

If the payment method requires the use of the cash drawer to handle the disbursement of change, the system will ask for a tendered amount. This usually is only active for payment methods such as cash and some gift certificates. Enter the value of the payment presented to you, and the system will calculate the correct change.

When all of the additional payment information has been collected, the following screen will appear.

A FINAL CONFIRMATION WINDOW appears as displayed below.


║ Final Confirmation ║


║ ║

║ Is this correct? : Y ║

║ ║

║ A. Print Chit : Yes ║

║ ║

║ C. Kitchen Print : Yes ║

║ D. Reprint Chit : No ║

║ ║

║ F. Conceal Prices: No ║

║ ║

║ ║


║ [Y]es or [N]o ║

║ [#] for Options ║

║ ║


From this window, you can make some basic decisions about how the chit is to be printed. More importantly, you must also confirm that everything which you have done so far is correct. When you acknowledge this window by pressing the “Y” key or [ENTER], the chit will print.

The options included on the screen are available if certain field are set.

Option A. Print Chit: This option appears if toggle “Allow Non-Printed Chits” in [I4.6.6] is set to ‘Y”es.

Option C. Kitchen Print: This option appears if more than one chit printer is defined in [I4.6.1].

Option D. Reprint Chit: This option appears if the $ chit type is defined in [I4.6.1]

Option E. Authorize Credit Cards: This option appears only if the credit card program is active. [4.6.3]

Option F. Conceal Prices: This option appears when any printer is defined in [I4.6.1]

Note:At the bottom of the screen, where the subtotal is usually displayed, the figures from the previous chit’s cash figures will remain until you start another chit.

Making changes after selecting a payment method

When you have reached the final confirmation window, it is time to review your work. If you choose not to confirm the chit, you may scroll back through the steps you have just performed by using the [UP ARROW] and the [ESC] key. You may change any or all of the items on the chit, add items, or edit the settlement information, before again returning to the final confirmation window. You could even [F9] Clear or [F7] Void the chit and never return to the final confirmation window for that aborted chit. All changes must be made before confirming the chit, and must occur before the chit is printed.

Printing the Chit

The process of printing the chit differs from one point of sale configuration to another, based on printer type. Some chit printers require you to provide paper(slip printer), others come with an internal paper supply (journal printer). Some printers require you to press a button to release the chit after it is printed. Others release the chit automatically. Regardless of the printer being used the process of printing the chit remains the same. In all cases, the point of sale first opens the chit printer (if needed), authorizes any credit card activity (if needed), and then begins printing the information to paper. Once the printing is completed, the chit is saved to the daily recap file and the credit book is updated (if needed).


Split Sales

On occasion, you may need to split a chit between two payment methods: e.g. If a customer attempts to purchase an expensive item with a gift certificate of a lesser value, then a second payment method will be required. This second payment method, usually cash, would be used to make up the difference between the gift certificate and the item’s selling price.

To enter a split sale payment method, place an “S” in the space provided for the payment method. The space will immediately expand for two payment method types. Enter the primary payment method type and a secondary payment method type. The system will ask you for additional information for each of the payment methods, and will settle the chit, “Split” between the two methods.


Returns occur when merchandise which was previously sold, is returned to the pro shop. To process a return of merchandise the quantity is entered as a negative number. The unit price will appear as a positive number, but the extended amount will be negative. If you need to adjust the price, do so as normal and the figure will still come out negative. The chit can then be settled as any other chit, with a payment method of cash, credit on account, or credit card credit.

Reviewing Chits

From the sale number field in the Point of Sale screen, it is possible to scan through the chits which you have entered into the system since the last end of day. The Page Up and Page Down cursor keys move back and forth one chit at the time. The chits are displayed on the screen along with payment information, but are not recalled until you press ENTER or try to leave the sale number field. The Home and End cursor keys jumps directly to the first and last chits respectively. As described before, you can also enter a chit number directly, but this will not display the target chit, it will recall it.

Recalling a Chit

One of the advanced features of the CGS Point of Sale system is the ability to keep all chits open until the end of day processing. At any time, you can recall a chit by entering its reference number at the reference number prompt. When you do so, the system responds with the following pop up window.


║ Confirmation ║


║ Chit already exists ║

║ Recall it ? ║

║ ║

║ Confirm (Y/N) ║


║ Press [Y] or [N] ║

║ Esc = Quit ║


If you confirm your desire to recall by pressing the “Y” key, the chit’s items and payment method(s) will fill the pos screen. You can then add items and make changes as needed. When you settle the chit at the final confirmation window, the system will save your changes right over the top of the old chit. The [5.3] end of day report, section 1 will indicate that the chit has been edited with an * next to the sale number.


The system can be setup to popup a window and demand a number between 0 and 16, each time an item is sold at a discount. This number represents some justification for the discount being given. The number, once entered is recorded all the way to the history system. A report can be generated showing specific values of this discount type. In order to use discount types 0 - 16 the second field “Require Adm to Discount” found in screen [I4.6.6] Edit Security Options, must be set to “Y”es. At sale settlement, the discount type number will have to be entered.


The Point-of-Sale system has several layers of security. It is recommended that you use some security options to ensure the proper operation of your business and also to maintain the honesty of the sales personnel. Security is activated in [I4.6.6] Edit Security.