United States Submarine Veterans, Inc.
Pocono Base – Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, 15 February 2012
Base Officers
Base Commanding Officer – Robert Smith / P.O. Box 601, Kresgeville, PA. 18333-0601
Ph (610) 681-2606. E-mail address:
Base Executive Officer – Frank McDevitt / P.O. Box 790, Pocono Pines, PA. 18350-0790
Ph (570) 646-6223. E-mail address:
Base Yeoman – Michael D. Smith / 40 Stedman Avenue, Lehighton, PA. 18235-2638
Ph (610) 379-5187. E-mail address:
Base Supply Officer – Bill Klose / P.O. Box 28, Noxen, PA. 18036-0028
Ph (570) 298-2439. E-mail address:
COB – Tom Shields / P.O. Box 219, Mountainhome, PA. 18342
Ph (570) 595-9648. E-Mail address:
Chaplain – Vacant
Meeting called to order at 1900 by Base Executive Officer Frank McDevitt at the American Legion Wilson-Fischer Post in Pocono Pines, PA. The Purpose of the Organization was read. The Chief of the Boat tolled the Base Bell once for each of the following US Submarine Force Losses during the Month of February 374 Men.
11 Feb 1942USS Shark ISS 17458 Men
16 Feb 1943USS AmberjackSS 21974 Men
27 Feb 1944USS GraybackSS 20880 Men
29 Feb 1944USS TroutSS 20281 Men
04 Feb 1945USS BarbelSS 31681 Men
The Chief of the Boat led the members present in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call: Members present were: Frank McDevitt, Bill Klose, Tom Shields, Tom Kaluzney, Rich Holmes, Gerald Zeman, Bob Smith, Bill Deitman.
Meeting Minutes:Motion made by Tom Shields to susprnd reading of the minutes, second by Rich Holmes.
Treasurers Report:Bill Klose informed the members that our current balance is $xxx.xx cents. Rich Holmes made motion to accept.
Membership:Rich Holmes reported no change since last meetintNo change since last meeting. Discussion regarding Ken Calemmo status?
Correspondence: -Re: new fields for members in National DB.
-Letter regarding Thresher. Coin and Hand painted jacket USS Thresher family news letter. Letter given to Base commander for entry of info on our web site.
-Letter regarding new Veterans Org. formed in Poconos was read and given to Base Commander.
Parades: 25MAR2012 St Patricks Day parade. We will probably not participate due to inability to transport the float. Motion to pass attendance bt Rich Holmes second by Tom Shields.
Eagle Scout:Tom Shields does not see alot of enthusiasm for participation. We need to l ook at it further prior to firm decision
Flag Box:
Old Business:Budget Committee sent $35.00 to National
Loss of Trout reviewed.
General purpose cards arrived as ordered.
Barb books Thunder Below now available
Raffle tickets: 7200 will be available by next meeting.
New Business:Eagle Scout presentation needed for Sat 10MAR in Sciota.
District Three meeting coming up in Scranton. March 24, 2012. Scranton Base will host. Email sent to membership.
Good of the Order:Bill Klose brought in 3 USS Barb items for review by membership.
Calendar of Events:
21 Mar 2012: Regular membership meeting at 1900 hrs at the Wilson-Fischer Post.
25 Mar 2012: St. Patrick’s Day Parade participation in Stroudsburg, PA
18 Apr 2012: Regular membership meeting at 1900 hrs at the Wilson-Fischer Post.
Next meeting will be held on Wednesday, 21 Mar 2011 at 1900 Hrs at the American Legion, Wilson-Fischer Post.
1st motion made by to adjourn the meeting, 2nd motion made by
All in favor, motion carried.
The members present joined the Base Commander in the reading of the Base Creed.
“To perpetuate the memory of our shipmates who gave their lives in the pursuit of their duties while serving their country. That their dedication, deeds and supreme sacrifice be a constant source of motivation toward greater accomplishments. Pledge loyalty and patriotism to the United States of America and its Constitution.”
Bob Smith declared the meeting of the Pocono Base adjourned at hrs.
Respectfully submitted