Po Leung Kuk WWCWD Fung Lee Pui Yiu Primary School

2016 – 2017 2nd Term Prmary 5 English Teaching Plan

Date / 21st February,2017 (Day 7) / Time / 08:30 – 09:10
Teachers / Wong Hiu Chong (Olivia)
Subject / English / Class / P.5A
Chapter / 2. Be creative (Primary Longman Elect 5B) / Duration / the 6th lesson (40 minutes )

Learning Objectives - After the lesson, pupils are able to:

  1. review the vocabulary (action verbs) and the sentence structures (use…to) taught.
  2. organize their ideas and practice changing their notes into sentences and paragraphs.
  3. express personal opinions

Teaching Procedures:

Time / Structure of Lesson / Learning Activities / Questioning #1 / Catering for Learner Diversity / Generic Skills #2
5 mins / Motivation / -Show the learning objectives and sharing
-Pupils searched the famous inventors from internets or books. / T: Last weekend, I told you to find a famous inventor. Now work in groups of four and tell your classmates about a famous inventor.
What is his/ her name?
What did he/ she invent?
(Pupils’ own answer)
T: Today, the learning objectives are to review the vocabulary and the sentence structures taught and organize their ideas and practice changing their notes into sentences and paragraphs. / Allows pupils to share their ideas and information they have found in pairs. They are able to get extra ideas from their partners. / Problem-solving Skills
Time / Structure of Lesson / Learning Activities / Questioning #1 / Catering for Learner Diversity / Generic Skills #2
5mins / Development / Think-Pair-Share
Think: Pupils use wait time to consider the teacher’s question or prompt and can prepare notes.
Pair: Pupils work with a partner to discuss their thoughts.
Share: Pair share their ideas with the class / T: Do you think children can be inventors? What do you want to do if you are an inventor?
(Pupils’ own answer) / (Knowledge)
Pupils shares their own ideas by previous experience / Collaboration and
2mins / Round Robin
This technique allows each member in a group the opportunity to share their ideas while the other group members listen.
The teacher can lead the activities by calling a start and a stop to each phase but can gradually allow more autonomy / T: Today, we are going to make our own craft. Before starting, do you remember the action verbs for making craft?
P: Yes.
T: Let’s start the Round Robin.
P: Stick, cut, make, glue, put, use, paint, staple, fold press…) / (Knowledge)
Pupils review action verbs that may appear in procedures for making craft items. / Study skills
5mins / Whole class teaching / Whole Class Teaching
T: What words can we use to show the order of the steps?
P: First, Next, Then, After that, Finally
Try to describe each picture using ‘ use to’ / (Application)
Pupils apply what was learnt (action verbs and sequencing connectives in the classroom in the work place / Study skills
Problem solving skills
Time / Structure of Lesson / Learning Activities / Questioning #1 / Catering for Learner Diversity / Generic Skills #2
10mins / Development / Group Work (1)
Put pupils into groups of 2
Tell the group to decide on a craft item to make using recycled materials. / T: Today we’re going to create a new thing by using recycled materials. There are some ideas that you can use in the book, but you can think of other things to make too.
Now, work in groups of 2. You have to write the steps for your own craft. You may refer to the sample writing on p.17 and the writing 2 for help. / (Creation)
Pupils build a structure or pattern from diverse elements. Put parts together to form a whole, with emphasis on creating a new meaningful invention / Collaborative, Communication, Creativity and problem solving skills.
5 mins / Group Work (2)
Small group presentation
Put pupils into groups of 4
Two small groups combine into a group of 4. Each small group shares the ideas in 2 minutes. The other group needs to comment on the invention.
The teacher walks around the class to look for common errors and discuss them with the group / T: Now, please work into groups of 4. Each small group shares the ideas in 2 minutes. The other group needs to comment on the invention.
Useful phrases for the presentation
Here’s our craft item. We used a lot of recycled materials to make it. It’s simple / easy / difficult to make because… / (Analysis) / Collaborative and communication skills.
Time / Structure of Lesson / Learning Activities / Questioning #1 / Catering for Learner Diversity / Generic Skills #2
6mins / Consolidation / Presentation
The teacher chooses a group and present in front of the class.
After that, the teacher and the pupils comments with appreciation / T: Now let’s choose a group to present your own invention / (Synthesis)
Pupils sum up their ideas and present in front of the class / Communication Skills
2mins / Summary / Assign pupils make their crafts
Check pupils what they have learnt / T:What have you learnt today?
P: Make our own invention by using sequencing connectives and action verbs
(Pupils’ own answer) / (Evaluation)

#1 Levels of Question : Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, Evaluation (Bloom’s Taxonomy)

#2 Generic Skills : Collaboration Skills, Communication Skills, Creativity, Critical Thinking Skills,

Information Technology Skills, Numeracy Skills, Problem-solving Skills, Self-management Skills, Study Skills