PNWCG GISWT Meeting December 4, 2009
GTG Update – Kim. Meeting in SLC in December. GTG restructured under functional groups. Interagency fire data governance data model being developed. GTAG training group is looking at converting the S341 via web based.
Virtual USA – Emmor. Homeland Security proposing all states simply make data available to a web services.
Team Equipment – PNWCG agreed to provide each team $10k for IT equipment. Goal is to move to standardized equipment, so purchase requests will go through a central clearinghouse in SORO.
Resource GPS Tracking Update – 35 units were provided to WAW Dispatch and Team for tracking engine, team, or contract resources. 5 to Team 3. An AAR will be done in Jan. to determine if the units will be effective.
BLM ArcIMS/Server Update – Working on getting Arc Server up, and one outside the firewall. FS doing anything at GSC doing anything.
BLM lightning data will be available via ArcGIS server.
FS Google Earth Enterprise Implementation Update – Primary focus will be to provide the basic view engine for WFDSS. Demo next meeting.
- Fuel Treatment update. FAM and IT dual Reply Due to compile 2001 – 2009 all fuel treatments. Natl Fuels std proposal is in limbo. Wash and Or both implementing the std. This spring will pull in states data and combine with feds. F&WS will be proposing the std as an agency std. Through the GTG Kim will push functional changes in NFPORS to make the spatial component functional (Mass upload).
WUI Update – Send out CWPP WUI data. ODF is compiling updates, will make them available early Jan.
Camp Location Standard – Proposal was adopted by the Operations Working Team. Kim will take the proposal to GTG. Emmor will finalize his data and send to Shelley to get on the Arc Server. A letter will go out to each Team and FMOs asking they update this dataset with their data.
Fire Restriction Web Mapping
ftp site -
Radio Spatial Analysis Update – Lindsay Ball – 503-934-6943 OWIN Director. Jenny Soloman ODF 503-945-7327.
Engine Water Source Update – Generated points have been sent out to each unit with a reply due to verify and update the data. Web based system was developed to allow units to update a central source.
- WFDSS/RAVAR Update – New Geospatial lead. 2 programmers to help with menu and structure. Survey results? Send survey. What is RAVAR support for 2009: Dale
National Aviation Hazard Data Standards Update – PNW standard is part of natl. Emmor will send samples of bad NGA data, Dale to submit for correction.
Planning Unit Boundaries GIS Support - Thomas Skinner FPA Lead May 1 Target, (509) 546-8335. He will make updated data available.
2009 perimeters – Kim will post perimeters and progression perimeters, and send a note out showing missing perimeters.
US Topo – Emmor: Next Generation of Quads, a geo-pdf. 18 states to be completed this year. Or and Wash completed in FY 11. Names will come from GNIS, via web site or send mass updates to Emmor, who will forward. LIDAR will be used for elevation where available. 3 year cycle for updates.
GIS Survey – Kim will draft questions.
Next Meeting – Feb 11th.