PNC Fairfax Connection Presents

The Professional Workshop


The workshops are open to everyone that wants to learn more about leadership!

The Professional: Learning to Lead Series offers proven strategies that will position participants for success in organizations. Over several weeks, the Series takes an inside-out approach: focusing first on self-awareness and mastering self. Participants will work on their Leadership Brand, Value Statements and Persuasive ability. They will learn the Principles of Promotability, explore Conflict Management and get tools to help navigate Team Dynamics and Strategic Planning - all essential knowledge that will help any professional standout as a value-add to an organization.

The Professional: Learning to Lead Series

Title / Learning Goals / Summary
Art of Persuasive Communication Part II: The Strategic Dimensions of Persuasion / ·  Introduction
·  Persuasive Objectives
·  Rhetorical barriers / These barriers stem from four basic sources -- audience preconceptions, the nature of the subject, the speaker's purpose, and the speaker's credibility. We will explore the various dimensions of these barriers.
The Anatomy of Leadership:
The Walk & Talk of Leadership / ·  Management v Leadership
·  Authoritative Leadership v Influential/Strategic Leadership
·  The Anatomy of Leadership
·  Self-Awareness: Myers Briggs Type / Can you be a leader if you do not manage a staff? While Leadership is often misunderstood, it is critical to a professional’s success story. Learn what Leadership is and more importantly - how your specific style of Leadership operates.
Leadership Brand:
Being Real, Authentic & Intentional / ·  Leadership Brand
·  Developing a Brand - the Walk & Talk
·  Adding Value / Reputation or Brand - it always precedes you. Learn how to build the Leadership “Brand” you want and how you can bring your brand to life - with intention and in ways that add value.
How Leaders are Chosen / ·  The 6 Principles of Promotability / Do you have your sights on a promotion? A lot of people do and most do not know how to make it happen. Promotions are based on six interlaced components. Find out what they are and how to help yourself get to where you want to be.
Navigating Team Dynamics:
Leadership & your Peer Relationships / ·  Teaming (Forming)
·  Intro into Team Dynamics
·  Versatility and Diversity - Working with Differences / Some Leaders lead with authority; others must rely on influence. But all exist in teams. Learn how teams operate and how you can remain effective in the complexity of groups.
Leadership in the Storm:
Conflict Management / ·  Teaming (Storming)
·  Interpersonal Tension - How do you deal?
·  Conflict Styles & Conflict Management / If you work with others, conflict will happen. ALWAYS. Your success as a professional depends on how you handle it. Learn how to manage conflict in ways that maintain your leadership effectiveness.
Art of Persuasive Communication Part II: The Strategic Dimensions of Persuasion / ·  Rhetorical barriers, continued
·  Rhetorical strategies / The initial strategies will focus on identification, a variety of argument strategies, and narratives (the importance of telling stories to persuade).
Leading a Lift Off:
Leadership in a Self-Organizing Team / ·  Teaming (Norming)
·  Charter, Mission, Vision
·  Communication … Getting Commitment / You’re working in a team. You don’t manage them, but you must get the project moving. Learn how to leverage your leadership abilities get the team headed in the right direction.
Charting the Course:
Leading through Strategic Planning,
Part 1 of 2 / ·  Teaming (Performing)
·  Part 1 - Driving Strategy
·  What & Why is Strategic Planning?
·  Tools - Current/Vision State, SWOT, Success Measures/Metrics / Part 1 - The team isn’t your responsibility; the project you and they are working on - is. Learn how to lead the project team from assignment to strategy to execution in ways that will help your professionalism and leadership ability shine.
Charting the Course:
Leading through Strategic Planning,
Part 2 of 2 / ·  Teaming (Performing)
·  Part 2- Driving Execution
·  Tactical/Operational Action Planning
·  Tools: RACI, SMART & SMARTER2 / Part 2 - The team isn’t your responsibility; the project you and they are working on - is. Learn how to lead the project team from assignment to strategy to execution in ways that will help your professionalism and leadership ability shine.
Art of Persuasive Communication Part II: The Strategic Dimensions of Persuasion / ·  Rhetorical strategies, continued / These strategies will focus on visual, appeals (to emotions, fears, values, history, etc.), comparisons and symbols. If there is time, we will examine some "artistic" language choices.

For additional information: 8220 Carnegie Ave. ½ Cleveland Ohio 44103 ½216.391.4677