/ Mike Chapman
ICTa Honorary General Secretary
8 Pinfold Close
NG14 6DP
Tel 0115 9652489
Mobile 07771 973415

Notice is hereby given that the 12th Annual Meeting of the International Clay Technology association will be held on Thursday 16th November 2017 at “ClayTech UK 2017”, held this year at the Newark Showground, Lincoln Road,Winthorpe,Coddington,Newark,Nottinghamshire,NG24 2NY at 17.00 hours for the following purposes of:-

For Postal Votes only
In Favour / Against
1 / To read the Notice convening the meeting
2 / To receive apologies for absence
3 / To confirm the minutes of the 11th Annual Meeting of the International Clay Technology Association at the meeting held on 17th November 2016. (Copies distributed with this notice)
4 / To receive the International Chairman’s Report 2016/17
5 / To receive Annual Report to Council of ICTa Activities for 2016/17
6 / To elect national officers for the year 2017/18-appointments confirmed by this Annual Meeting
The International Chair, Mrs Andrea Bennett ,proposal to continue into a third year of Office
Mr Andrew Carp to be appointed as the International Deputy Chair for 2017/18,with Mrs Paula Wardle to step down in favour of her continuing as Chair of the Education and Training Committee
All Local Societies are asked to consider a nomination for Deputy Chair for 2018/19
7 / 2018 Annual Meeting-held at the Clay Tech UK event, date and venue to be confirmed, and close of 2107 Annual Meeting

8. Ernest Simpson Award and Lisney prize, the latter kindly sponsored by Forterra

Postal Voting-The rules of the ICTa provide for members who do not attend the Annual Meeting to be able to record their votes by post. If therefore you do not intend to be present at the AM you are invited to return this notice duly marked, where there are boxes in the For & Against columns, to: - The Honorary General Secretary ICTa, at the above address, to arrive not later than Tuesday 14th November 2017.

N.B:- This form must not be used by any member who will be present at this AM, or any member whose current subscription is not paid. Student members are not eligible to vote.

Name / Signed / Date
Post Code / Please Use BLOCK LETTERS for your name and Address
International Chairman Mrs Andrea Bennett / ,
Immediate Past International Chairman Mr Guy Armitage