Spring ‘09Tuesdays - 3:20 p.m. – 6:00p.m.
Dr. David Roadcup
Office – Main floor of the W-MBuilding (Chapel)
Office – 513-244-8184
Home – 859-525-0535
This course is designed to give students an understanding of the process of spiritual formation in the life of a believer through the practice of the classical Spiritual Disciplines and attention to other important issues. Students will discover how to incorporate the Disciplines into their daily lives and how to make the Disciplines a reality in their personal spiritual growth.
The heart of one’s ability to minister effectively in the name of Christ comes from a healthy and nurtured inner life. Personal spiritual grow is essential for strength to carry out ministry and at the same time, teach others how to grow in their interior worlds, as well. Christian leaders must know and weave into their lives the process of personal spiritual devotion to Christ.
As a result of this course, the student will:
- Become acquainted with the broad field of ancient and contemporary literature in the area of spiritual formation.
- Be exposed to the classic spiritual disciplines and encouraged to initiate the process of a personal practice of these disciplines in their daily walk with Christ.
- Be equipped to effectively teach the information on the spiritual disciplines to those in their sphere of influence.
- Be made aware of the reality of spiritual warfare in the context of spiritual formation.
1. Richard Foster, Celebration of Discipline, Harper and Row
2. Calvin Miller, The Table of Inwardness, IVP
3. Cloud and Townsend, How People Grow, Zondervan
4. Henri Nouwen, The Way of the Heart, Harper Collins
If you have read any of the above, refer to the list below and proceed in order:
1. John Ortberg, The Life You’ve Always Wanted, Zondervan
2. Donald Whitney, Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life, NavPress
3. Eugene Peterson, Working the Angles, Eerdmans
- Attendance and Participation – Students are expected to attend every class session and take careful notes on all lectures. Attendance will be checked at the beginning of every class session. After six total hours of absences, the student will be dropped from the class.
- Reading and Reading Reports – Each of the textbooks must be thoroughly read. Reports are to be turned in on the due dates assigned. A typed, two-paged, single spaced report using 12 point, Times New Romanis to be prepared and submitted. (Please note: Courier or Courier New is not allowed as a font for assignments.) For reading assignments, you do not need a cover page. Place your name and the name of the book you are reviewing in the top right hand of the first page. Please using the following guidelines:
First Half Page – the first half page presents the burden or message of the book. The message should be stated in terms sympathetic to the author and without explicit or implicit critique.
Second Half Page – the second half page presents an evaluation of the book. Identify the strong points of the material (what did you like about it?) theweaknesses you observed and why these strengths and weaknesses are important for our consideration.
Second Full Page – the second full page is given to reflection on the book. What lessons can we learn from this author? What are the most helpful things in the book for you? How have you changed personally as a result of reading this book?
**Note! Do notrehearse or restate the outline or contents of the book. The purpose of the assignment is to interact with and apply the contents of the book to your understanding of Spiritual Formation.
- Research Project – students may choose either of the following as a research project:
- Research Paper – A research paper is to be completed on one of the Disciplines. The paper should be 12 pages in length. Select one Discipline and do an exhaustive study, presenting the history, Scriptural background, practical aspects/application of how to do the discipline. (Use any discipline other than the Word of God or Prayer). Paper should be typed in Times New Roman with a 12 point fontand double spaced. Use endnotes for bibliography. The paper should have at least 6 references in the body other than required textbooks readings. Use Chicago or Kate Turabian for formatting guidelines.
- Disciplines Preaching/Teaching Outlines – With the idea that you will be teaching or preaching in these areas in the future, prepare preaching or teaching outlines for 6 Spiritual Disciplines. Use any disciplines topics from the tables of contents of books on our reading list or textbooks. Each lesson should be two pages in length, using a single spaced, detailed outline format, Times New Roman text and 12 point font. Footnotes or endnotes of your research sources are required. Include with the outlines a bibliography of sources used for research.
***In all research assignments, the bibliography and endnotes are considered addenda to the paper. The content should extend through the number of assigned pages.
- Class Participation – students are encouraged to participate in class discussions. We will share together from our reading, experience and actual participation in the Disciplines. Depending on the number in class, students may be asked to present an oral report on a Discipline in class. Percentages for the grading of assignments may change. If so, a new percentage chart will be distributed in class. During our class, there will also be exercises to build relationships and community. Students are requested to participate in these exercises.
- Final Examination – Acomprehensive final exam will be given during finalsweek at the end of the semester.
Grading Scale
Reading Reports………………………….………….40% each (40% total)
Final Exam …………………………………………….20%
Final Research Project……………….…………...40%
Submitting Assignments – Please submit all assignments “hard copy”. No email assignments, please.
Late Work – Assignments are to be turned in at the beginning of class on the day they are due. Late assignments will receive a one letter grade deduction. If work is below an acceptable standard, the assignment may be returned for reworking. The last day that any work will be accepted will be Thursday, May 14th.
Completion of All Assigned Work – All assignments must be turned in to receive credit for the class.
Due Dates
Book report - Celebration of Discipline–Tuesday, Feb. 3rd
Book report - The Table of Inwardness – Tuesday, Feb. 24th
Book report - How People Grow –Tuesday, March24th
Book report-The Way of the Heart– Tuesday,April 21st
Research Project – Tuesday, April 28th
Final Exam – Tuesday, May 12
COURSE DISCLAIMER – the professor reserves the right to change or amend any
part of this course plan as deeded necessary.
- Definitions of Discipleship/Spiritual Formation
- Theological and Scriptural Mandate
- Reality, Description and Nurture of the Interior World
- Our Personal Need To Grow in Christ
- The Nature of the Spiritual Disciplines
- Satan’s Role in Man’s Spiritual Formation
- At the Banquet Table – The Word of God
- Drinking at the Fountain - Prayer
- Focusing For Clarity – Meditation
- The Acid Test of our Love – Obedience
- Moments of Cleansing – Confession
- Developing Authentic Biblical Community – Fellowship
- Saying “No” to Ourselves to Say “Yes” To Jesus – Fasting
- Let Me Not Forget Your Goodness – Journaling
- Time Alone To Grow – Solitude
- Living In Freedom – Secrecy
- Managing Our Resources – Stewardship
- Following in the Steps of Jesus – Service
- In the Fire and On the Anvil – Suffering
- Expressing Our Joy! – Celebration
- Exalting and Drawing Close – Worship
- Encountering and Overcoming Spiritual Dryness
- The Reality of Spiritual Warfare
- The Armor of Protection
- The Energy Necessary To Win
- Teaching Others the Spiritual Disciplines
PMN 502 – Roadcup