PME-NA 2017 Worksheet for Reviewing Empirical Proposals

Criteria / Score(5ishigh)
ChoiceofProblemorQuestion / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Is it clear what issuethe proposal addresses?
Is the issue the proposaladdresses an importantone?
Does the research build on and move an area of mathematics education forward?
RelationshiptoPME-NA2017ConferenceTheme / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Does the workrelate to the conference themeSynergy at the Crossroads: Future Directions for Theory, Research, and Practice?
TheoreticalFramework / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Is the study framed by theory?
Doesthe study employ a theoretical framework?
Doesthe theoretical frameworkcontributeto a deeper understanding of the question the study addresses?
ModeofInquiry / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Is the methodologyclearly explained?
Doesthe study employ a methodology appropriateforthe questionit investigates?Doesthe methodologycontributeto answeringthe question(s)posedby thestudy?
RigorofAnalysis / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Doesthe proposal presentdataand analysesthereof?Doesitdosoin awaythat isrigorous?
Are the analysessupported bythe data and methodology?
Interpretation / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Are theclaims, conclusions, orsuggestions made basedinthestudy’s data?Aretheimplicationsof theworkmade explicit?
Doesthe workcontributeto a betterunderstanding of theissue(s)addressed?
QualityofWriting / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Does the proposal conform tothe formattingstyle for theconference?Does the proposal displayhigh quality writing?
Does the proposal communicate ideas effectively?
Recommendation / DefinitelyAccept / Acceptinanalternateformat / Reject
Is the proposalof such high quality that it should definitely beon theprogramintheformatrequested?Shouldit beon the programif there isspace or in an alternativeformat?Shouldit notbe onthe program at all? If you feel thattheproposalwould be betterasaformatdifferent thanitwassubmitted, pleaseuse thisspacetoexplainwhy.Forexample, a ResearchReport proposalmay report results ofa preliminary nature and thus be bettersuitedto theBrief Research Report format, ora Brief ResearchReportmay reportofplansforresearch, andthus be a bettersuitedtothe Poster format.
Please provide useful feedbackon howthe author(s)mightmake improvements as they move forward withtheworkdescribedintheproposal. Inthecase ofacceptance, please make commentsuseful for preparing boththefinalpaperandthepresentation. Notethat therewill be minimaltimeforrevisions beforethefinalpapersaredue,soplease suggesteasy-to-makechangesthat youfeel would makefor a betterfinalpaper.