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Equal Opportunities Checklist for Validation Panels: Guidance
The University's guidance notes for panels considering new proposals and programme/course review requires such proposals to be consonant with and reflect University policy particularly with reference to the University’s Equal Opportunities Statement. This checklist is intended to help validation panels focus on issues of equal opportunities and elicit appropriate information to ensure that the course proposals under scrutiny are consistent with and reflect and promote the University’s Equal Opportunities Statement.
Target groups I course publicity:
- at what group is the course targeted?
- does this population include groups identified for affirmative action within the University's strategic intentions or other groups identified in the University’s approach to widening participation?
- what steps are being taken to ensure that the course publicity reaches particular groups?
- does the programme document clearly identify entry requirements and career outcomes?
Recruitment Issues:
- how do the entry requirements for the course conform to the University's Equal Opportunities Statement in terms of knowledge and skills required to benefit from this course?
- how does the submission demonstrate that it does not unnecessarily exclude applications from, for example, women, ethnic minority students and people with disabilities?
- how far do any selection procedures adopted demonstrate that they enable and do not disadvantage particular groups of students?
- what if any provision is made for pre-course guidance and counselling?
- if appropriate, what provision is made to offer access courses or bridging courses which will encourage the involvement of categories of students who may be under- represented on the course?
Curriculum Issues:
- what evidence is available to demonstrate that the proposed learning, teaching and assessment strategy are consistent with the principles of inclusive learning and take into account the needs of all students, including those with disabilities?
- what, if any, learning support arrangements are identified as being available within both the Faculty and Student Services. Do these reflect the needs of the student groups recruited?
- are the validation documents and modules written in appropriate gender free language?
- can issues of equal opportunities be identified within the indicative bibliography materials, where appropriate?
- can it be demonstrated that issues of equal opportunities are addressed appropriately in each aspect of the course?
- are there arrangements within University to offer all categories of student appropriate guidance and support?
- do the proposals for staff development address the requirements to implement Equal Opportunities Policies throughout the course?
Monitoring and Evaluation:
- do the proposed methods of evaluation include an analysis of equal opportunities dimensions?
Placement (if appropriate):
- what criteria for the selection of institutions for the placement of students have been identified?
- do these reflect University policies on Equal Opportunities?
- are there support strategies available for students whose placement experiences may conflict with University policies?
- what guidance is given to supervisors about possible conflicts of ideology between University policies and practices experienced in placement agencies?
- what arrangements are in place for the review and, where necessary, termination of placement arrangements?
The Equality Policy Statement for Staff and Students is available via HR’s “policy and procedures” homepage, at:
The Student Equal Opportunity Policy Statement is document SSPP02, available via:
Maintained by: Director of Learning Development