Plymouth-Canton Civitan Business Meeting Minutes

January 4th, 2018

Present: Fred Eagle, Kathy & Gary Turnquist, Barb Mleczek, Carol Swan, Diana MacDonald, Bonnie & Al Prendergast, Cheryl Van Vliet, Hal Hultman, Mary Stewart & Melanie, Diana Stimac, Susan Hamrick and Theresa Furget.

Meeting called to order by Diana MacDonald at 6:30 PM. There was some discussion of changing the meeting time to 6 PM.

Additions & Corrections: Mary added Special Olympic bowling under 3d. Carol added Lottery Tickets under 2d. Kathy added Essay Contest under 3e. Gary added MS under 1e and YLDC under 3f.

Correspondence-Diana M.:

  1. Received an envelope of thank you cards from the delegates the Club sponsored for YLDC.
  2. Received various letters/notices from Focus Hope concerning their 50 years of service and events to be held on April 20th, in August, September and October 15th.
  3. Received a notice from Paws with a Cause concerning Unwrapping Joy.
  4. Received the Senior Sentinel newsletter for January. Kathy reported that the high school chorus that the Club paid for the bus transportation for their December party were fantastic.
  5. Received the Canton Community Foundation Camp Able donor list, in which the Club is listed on.

Minutes of last meeting: Gary made a motion and Al seconded it to accept the minutes of 11/02/17. Motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report-Kathy Turnquist: The general account has $26,757.19 and the candy box account has $995.92. Kathy indicated that she paid $150 to Civitan International for Civitan Giving Day which will be credited to Civitans at the Helm. Gary made a motion and Hal seconded it to accept the treasurer’s report. Motion passed.

1)Administration-Bonnie Prendergast:

  1. Dinner Meeting January 18th: Will be held at Richards located at 39305 Plymouth Rd., Livonia at 6 PM. This will be a recruitment meeting, so invite individuals that you’ve been talking to about Civitans.
  2. Membership Report: Kathy reported that Terry Crorey has been dropped from the membership role. Current number of members is 41. Vivian does not want to continue on as membership chair, but will continue to submit membership notes for the Club’s newsletter. Barb stated she would take over as membership chair. She’ll get with Vivian to discuss the duties of the chair.
  3. Health Report: Cheryl reported that Vivian is doing great. Carol reported that Susan Norfleet has had a change in her medications and is getting stronger. She also reported that Holly starts work at 5 AM and puts in a long day.
  4. Christmas Party-Diana M.: While the Club paid for the food at the Club’s Christmas party, evidently Carol Chanter was paying for the grab bag gifts. It was discussed that the members attending the party bring a gift (spending $15-20) for the grab bag exchange. A new location is needed for the Christmas party. Rental of the Clubhouse at Kings Mill is $75, plus $15 per hour for the duration of the party for the attendant. Daphne was going to check out what her complex-Farmington Village charges. Al stated that the party could be held at a restaurant in a private room and serve a buffet would be nice. This way members wouldn’t have to set up, clean up or bring a dish to pass. Carol will check out Station 885. Fred mentioned that the Plymouth Chamber of Commerce has a room available-he’ll check it out. Members are asked to check out various facilities and report back at the February meeting. Looking to hold the party the first Sat in December (Dec 1st) from 6-10 PM.
  5. MS-Gary: Gary and Kathy attended the awards banquet on December 9th at The Summit in Canton. The Club received the 2017 Outstanding Volunteer Award. Gary passed the certificate around for members to view. The MS Society really like how the Club took charge of the leftover food items from the MS Walk in Dexter and delivered them to a worthy cause.

2)Funds-Carol Swan & Holly Evans:

  1. Candy Boxes-Kathy: Cheryl has some very good locations: Mexican Fiesta, Leon’s on MI Ave., and a Coney Island on Ford Rd. Boxes are doing well and have taken in over $200 (that belongs to the Club) for the last quarter.
  2. Fruitcake-Gary: Still have about 32 pounds left to sell. Gary will be contacting Kroger later in the month to discuss maintaining current locations and also about expanding into more Kroger stores.
  3. Carson’s Community Days Report-Carol Swan: November sales were $2,435 and still awaiting the bonus check. The next sale is March 1st to the 3rd. She has 21 sale dates set up to sell the coupon books at Carson’s. She passed around a signup sheet.
  4. Lottery Tickets-Carol: The tickets are sold in April for the June lottery. Carol will contact Gerry Faulkner to see if she’s coordinating the sales for the MI Area and she’ll contact Holly to see if she’ll coordinate the sales for the Club. Last year 200 tickets were sold. Also, Carol mentioned that the Club received a check from Dixboro for $73.53 for the November fundraiser.

3)Service-Gary Turnquist & Bill McCarville:

  1. Cooke School Baskets Report: Barb reported that the Christmas family consisted of a young man, father and grandfather. Presents and food items were delivered to the school for this male family.
  2. Operation Good Cheer Report-Cheryl: The Club had 112 foster kids, plus there was 28 additional kids from the communities that Cheryl coordinated for. Pick up date was somewhat cold, but the sun was out. Members were able to load all of the presents into the truck within a half an hour.
  3. Focus Hope Box Fill Sat. April 14th-Gary: Gary stated that he and Kathy helped to deliver Christmas food boxes to individuals in Inkster. He stated Focus Hope is extremely organized in distributing these boxes. They reported to the main warehouse around 8 AM and made their three stops/deliveries and were back home around 10:30 AM. He indicated that this might be something that other members would like to do in the future.
  4. Special Olympic Bowling-Mary: Gary stated that bowling will take place at Plaza Lanes on Ann Arbor Rd.,starting the first Tuesday in February (6th) and will end around April 3rd Photos are scheduled to be taken on February 27th and March 6th. Gary thought instead of doing the buttons, magnets etc., that this year put them in the photo cards like they did for the Halloween party and the seniors. This is a much simpler and faster process. Cheryl and Theresa will sell the Carson’s coupon books on February 20th.
  5. Essay Contest Topic-Kathy: The topic this year is: “Do boundaries hinder or protect freedom?”
  6. YLDC Seminar-Gary: Gary will get with Kris about this. There had been talk of havingthe Plymouth-Canton delegates get together for a seminar one weekend this month.

4)Adjournment:Gary made a motion and Bonnie seconded it to adjourn the meeting at 7:36 PM. Motion passed

Next meeting is scheduled for February 1st, 2018.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Theresa Furget on January 5th, 2018.