General Meeting held on Tuesday, 18 March 2014
1. / Welcometo all and especially to those attending their first PLVN meeting and to Sally Both in her new role as the CEO of Whitehorse-Manningham Regional Library Corporation and Astrid Kriening, WodongaAttendees:
Bayside Library Service – Karyn Siegmann
Boroondara Library Service – Jenny Ruffy
Brimbank Libraries – Chris Kelly
Campaspe Regional Library – Jenny Mustey, Leah McNulty (am only)
Casey Cardinia Library Corporation – Peter Carter, Pam Vickers
Central Highlands Libraries – Jenny Fink
Corangamite Regional Library Corp - Ros Cousins,
Darebin Libraries – Melanie McCarten
Frankston Library Service – Kim Kearsey, Jasper Singh
Gannawarra Library Service – Nerida Dye
Geelong Regional Library Corporation Patti Manolis
Glenelg Libraries – Yvette Parker
High Country Library Corporation – Jenny Wyllie
Hobsons Bay Libraries – Suzanne Gateley
Hume Libraries – Mieke Mellars
Kingston Library Service – Kristina Purcell
Maribyrnong Library Service – Michael Byrne
Melbourne Library Service – Paula Kelly (am), Shirley Bateman (pm)
Melton Library & Information Service – Michael Scholtes
Moonee Valley Libraries – Troy Watson
Monash Library Service – Janet Salvatore
Moreland City Libraries – Fidelma O’Brien
Stonnington Library Service – Dianne Panjari
Swan Hill Regional Library Service – Camille Cullinan
Vision Australia – Anthea Taylor
Wellington Shire Library – Jeanette Moore
West Gippsland Regional Library Corp – John Murrell, Janet Aumann
Whitehorse-Manningham Library Corporation – Sally Both
Wimmera Regional Library Corporation – Paula Clarke
Wodonga Library Service – Astrid Kriening
Wyndham City Library Service – Rhonda Rathjen
Yarra Libraries – Margherita Barbante
Yarra Plenty Regional Library Service – Chris Mackenzie
State Library of Victoria – Debra Rosenfeldt, Sue Robters (part), Cr Rod Fyffe (part)
Local Government Victoria – Colin Morrison
CAVAL – Michael Robinson, Robert Bonte, Jaime McGowan
Gale Cengage – Maryce Johnstone, Lynette Lewis
Oxford University Press – Tina Argyros
East Gippsland Shire Library – Anna Cook
Eastern Regional Libraries Corporation – Joseph Cullen
Goldfields Library Corporation- Sue Howard
Goulburn Valley Regional Library Corp – Charles Gentner
Greater Dandenong Libraries – Natalie Brown
Indigo Shire – Mark Florence, Wendy Kerr
Kingston Information & Library Service – Trish Smyth
Mildura Rural City Council Library Service Sue Kelly
Mitchell Shire Information & Library Service – Sue Wilson
Monash Public Library Service – Anne Maree Pfabe
Mornington Peninsula Library Service – Geoff Carson
Murrindindi Library Service – Dell Price
Towong Shire – Penelope Snell
Vision Australia – Tony Iezzi
Wellington Shire Library – Stephen Dempsey
State Library of Victoria – Jo Watson
Local Government Victoria – Dan Harper, Kane Roche
Britannica – Camille Davey
2. / Minutesof Previous General and Executive Meetings
Minutes of General Meeting of 3 December 2013 and Executive Meetings of 2 December 2013 and 4 February 2014
That the Minutes of the General Meeting held on 3 December 2013 be accepted as a true record of the meeting
Moved:Karyn SiegmannSec:Michael ByrneCarried
That the Minutes of the Executive Meetings held on 2 December 2013 and 4 February 2014 be noted
Moved:Karyn SiegmannSec:Michael ByrneCarried
3. / Business arising from previous minutes
3.1 / PLVN website Update
Members were shown the proposed Members Only section and agreed with progressing the further development of that aspect.
3.2 / Information Services into the Future
As the first stage of the planning, Online resources into the Future: a strategic Discussion will be held on 7 April with an external facilitator. Vendor partners have requested the opportunity to talk about future needs.
3.3 / Morwell Fires
Life is gradually returning to normal with cleaning a major issue for the libraries.
4. / Correspondence In & Out (includes electronic format)
Moved:Chris MackenzieSec: Chris KellyCarried
5. / Financial report
That the Financial Report be noted
Moved:Rhonda RathjenSec:Chris KellyCarried
5.1 / Invoices for Payment
That the Invoice for the 2013-14 payment for INELI Oceania be approved for payment
Moved:Rhonda RathjenSec: Chris KellyCarried
6 / Local Government Performance Reporting Framework, NSLA Annual Public Library Statistics and PLVN annual data collection
- The revised Local Government Performance Reporting Framework (LGPRF) will be implemented on 1 July 2014 following a period of consultation, which included PLVN members, and the piloting of the framework by a number of local authorities. PLVN members who participated in the consultation have considered the implications of the LGPRF for the annual statistical survey and developed 10 key performance indicators (attached) for Victoria’s public library services to be considered by PLVN.
- NSLA has also undertaken a review of the national annual public library statistics survey, resulting in the proposed collection of a significant amount of data, much of which has previously been removed from the current Victorian annual data set. PLVN advised NSLA in late 2013 that it would not be able to provide the full data set proposed.
Following considerable discussion, the conclusion reached is that Victoria will advise NSLA that it can provide data elements based on the PLVN 10 Top Indicators proposal.
In addition PLVN will request that NSLA research how to address the issues relating to online service measurement
That the PLVN Executive Committee decision of 11 March 2014
- to use the data elements identified in the PLVN 10 Top Indicators proposal (attached), without the retrospective data element, as the data to be provided to the NSLA Annual Public Library Statistics and
- to advise NSLA that these data elements will be available for the 2014-15 and subsequent statistical surveys
Moved:Chris KellySec:Karyn SiegmannCarried
7. / State Library of Victoria
Report attached
- Budgets being discussed in anticipation of state budget, 2014-15
- Shared Leadership Project Charters are being developed, extra person needed for the MEMORY group to replace Susan Bentley
- Cultural Benefit Study and Skills Audit – draft reports May2014
8. / The Victorian Library
Local Government VictoriaColin Morrison
Impact of fires in Morwell has taken significant LGV resources.
New Minister for Local Government is Tim Bull, National Party member for East Gippsland, elected in 2010, background in journalism and tourism
David Morris continues as Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Local Government
Letters to new Minister include CC to Colin Morrison – mail being returned
Letters to David Morris, multiple entry points so CC to Colin Morrison
Living Libraries Expressions of Interest close on 28 March 2014
Victorian Library – 2014-15 Budget due first week of May; few submissions have been received about the Victorian Libraryand submissions can still be sent.
2014-15 program funding dependent on Budget deliberations
Funding Agreements for 2014-15 and further to be developed
Directory of Victorian PublicLibraries 2014available through website, consideration to have single page per library service and update ongoing; also review the contents, especially in relation to the tables of services and programs
Send draft letter to all sitting MPs and Minister for Local Government
Moved: Peter CarterSec::Chris KellyCarried
9. / ALIA Conference 2014 Update
- Public Libraries Stream – program a couple of slots to be filled – one by Marie Ostergaard, topic to be decided
- Library Tours– nearly finalised
- Library Stars 2014: Best of the Best – Marie Ostergaard (Aarhus, Denmark) is the keynote speaker, nearly 30 nominations received.
10 / Other Business
10.1 / ACPL met at Bendigo Library on 25 February 2014 using meeting spaces with the main business being the State-wideLibrary development Project Update
10.2 / ALIA PLAC
ALIA has confirmed PLAC’s re advisory role to the Board
Funding of national projects formulaa key issue of ongoing business
10.3 / Love To Read
Decision to keep major national events (Reading Hour) only resulting in cost reduction from $70K to $32K in 2014.
The key to the future will relate to the Funding of national projects decision
10.4 / MoUs signed:
INELI Oceania
Disability Awareness resource project with SLV and Vision Australia
10.5 / Newport Library, Hobsons Bay - Library without Books update from Suzi Gateley
Process been underway since 2009 for a hub collocated with Youth Services and to provide a permanent home with MCH and Seniors
Library size is 186 m2, as always planned, with a digital focus, innovation lab/maker space
Community Information session attended by fewer than 20 people but 300 signed the subsequent petition
Council has deferred its consideration and decision on the matter therefore staff could not respond
Another information session will be held on 2 April with subcommittee on the library space
10.6 / Tech Savvy Seniors
Process underway for Minister to approve $200K to fund the delivery of programs with the target areas being rural and remote.
10.7 / PLVN Ruleshave been accepted by Consumer Affairs Victoria
10.8 / Casey Cardinia LC - Cultural Precinct in Narre Warren to be developed on Council land adjacent to the current Casey Council building with new 2000m2 library branch
International Librarians Network Update
Round 2 commenced, 700 people in 78 countries
ILN talking about Library Design
11. / Presentations
11.1 / CAVAL -Mike Robinson, Richard Bonte, Jaime McCowan ()
LOTE Express:
Has been approved through PA and MAV procurement contracts (meets LG Act requirements) and restructured to manage the issues raised by customers
New material imported from country of origin to CAVAL
Guaranteed delivery schedule rather than guaranteed turnaround time as not purchase materials and then send to CAVAL as CAVAL manages the whole purchase and processing operation
CAVAL will negotiate turnaround time when set up the arrangement with each library service.
Provides vendor aided selection – selection policy/profile for each service, including the branches with the service. Alternatives available include
- Listings sent to library service ahead of time to adjust selection
- With adjoining libraries can vary selections to reduce duplication between library services and LGAs, where required.
Can work through the detailed checklist of requirements including languages and commit for one quarter.
Tomorrow’s Library
CAVAL made formal Submission to the Tomorrow’s Library Stage two report for LOTE and a central repository.
11.2 / IFLA Trend Report – presentation here
PLVN Forum to discuss amongst managers within the context of VPL 2030before/after June PLVN General Meeting
11.3 / Building Libraries for Tomorrow, Patti Manolis – link to report and presentation
Focus on design for people with flexible spaces for people of all ages and abilities
Absence of single set of standards: people places is an exemplar
Why rethink? The experience for people.
Best practice libraries recommended by mentors 25 selected, 17 agreed to complete the survey.
Report on 17 libraries on all continents except Africa.
11.4 / Pierre Gorman Award 2014 present by Sue Roberts, CEO and State Librarian, to Campaspe Regional Library and accepted by Jenny Mustey and Leah Mcnulty on its behalf for the program:Being Connected- Libraries and Autism – details at
Meeting Closed at 4.00pm
Dates for Future General Meetings:17 June 2014
28 October 2014 (preceded by AGM)
2 December 2014 at Beechworth Library
Public Libraries Victoria Network Inc. ABN:62 734 551 228Reg No:A 0023 190g
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Item 4:PLVN Correspondence
Number / Date / From / Subject / Action / By13/064 / 5/8/2013 / Christine Mackenzie (YPRL) / INELI Oceania Leadership Development Initiative Proposal for PLVN consideration / For Executive Discussion and Budget consideration at AGM (Sept) / KWS
13/065 / 9/10/2013 / Crowe Horvath / Audit Opinion and Financial Statements
13/066 / 30/10/2013 / Latrobe CC / Changes to procurement policy / Nil
13/067 / 10 /11/2013 / Geelong RLC / Annual report 2012-13
13/068 / 28/01/2014 / Telstra / Everyone Connected / Sent to Members / KWS
13/069 / 30/01/2014 / Sue McKerracher (ALIA) / Conserve Your Mother Language Day / Sent to PLVN elist / KWS
13/070 / 30/01/2014 / Debra Rosenfeldt / Pierre Gorman Award Recipient Advice / Added to PLVN website
13/071 / 31/01/2014 / Dept of Justice / Approval of PLVN Rules 2013
13/072 / 31/01/2014 / J Woverson (Aust Teacher magazine) / Request to PLVN to provide link to PLVN website or Library Locator / Affirmative response provided / KWS
13/073 / 3/02/2014 / Sue McKerracher / ALIA Submission to Australian Productivity Commission Issues Paper – Childcare and early Childhood Learning
13/074 / 4/02/2014 / Debra Rosenfeldt (SLV) / Advice that VPL 2030 awarded Arts Portfolio Leadership Award. / Information on PLVN website / KWS
13/075 / 4/2/2014 / Mick Fortune (UK) / Requesting update on Victorian activities relating RFID related issues
13/076 / 3/3/2014 / Debra Rosenfeldt (SLV) / Disability Online Awareness Resource MoU / MoU to be signed / JM
13/077 / 12/3/2013 / Chris Mackenzie (INELI Oceania) / Update on progress and MoU for signature / MoU to be signed / JM
Number / Date / To / Subject / FromO13/033 / 2/9/2013 / Brendan McGrath (Indigo) / Invitation to join PLVN / John Murrell
O13/034 / 2/9/2013 / Patience Hetherington (Wodonga) / Invitation to join PLVN / John Murrell
O13/035 / 2/9/2013 / Juliana Phelps (Towong) / Invitation to join PLVN / John Murrell
O13/036 / 24/9/2013 / Crowe Horvath Melbourne / Response to final audit report / John Murrell
O13/037 / 25/11/2013 / CAV / Annual Statement, Associations Reform Act / KWS
O13/038 / 25/11/2013 / CAV / Application for association change of details (Rules) / KWS
O13/039 / 27/11/2014 / V Little (Love2Read) / Joint PLVN/SLV response to L2R funding request / J Murrell/S Roberts
O13/040 / 31/1/2014 / Association of Strategic Planning (US) / Richard Goodman Strategic Planning Award submission for VPL 2030, prepared by Steve Tighe in partnership with PLVN / John Murrell
O13/041 / 17/3/2014 / Marie Ostergaard (Aarhus Libraries) / Invitation to provide keynote speech at Library Stars 2014 and present in the public libraries stream at the ALIA Conference / John Murrell
O13/042 / 17/3/2014 / Steve Pal (Peter Pal Library Supplier) / Conformation of Library Stars 2014 sponsorship ($5,000) to for keynote speaker costs / Karen Ward-Smith
O13/043 / 17/03/ / Jason leDuc (Counting Opinions) / Formal request for sponsorship of Library Stars 2014 ($4,000) for successful library service submissions / Karen Ward-Smith
Item 5:Financial Report to 28 February 2014
Bank Balance / July / August / September / October / November / December / January / February / March / April / May / JuneOpening Balance / 171,596 / 271,649 / 570,351 / 340,970 / 353,541 / 383,105 / 481,721 / 492,525
Closing Balance / 271,649 / 570,351 / 340,970 / 353,541 / 383,105 / 481,721 / 492,525 / 353,928
Profit and Loss / July / August / September / October / November / December / January / February / March / April / May / June / YTD
from MYOB
Income / 179,222 / 452,965 / 18,082 / 5,050 / 111,333 / 1,514 / 1,132 / 42,346 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 811,644
Expenditure / 16,892 / 112,983 / 319,066 / 0 / 12,064 / 0 / 200 / 150,134 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 611,339
Net Surplus/Deficit / 162,330 / 339,982 / -300,984 / 5,050 / 99,269 / 1,514 / 932 / -107,788 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 200,305
Quarterly summary / Q1 / Q2 / Q3 / Q4
Income / 650,269 / 117,897 / 43,478 / 0
Expenditure / 448,941 / 12,064 / 150,334 / 0
Net / 201,328 / 105,833 / -106,856 / 0
BAS / $813 / -$11,046
Invoices to be paid
422Invoice Date / From / For / Amount
26/02/2014 / YPRL / INELI Oceania Grant 2013-14 / $5,000
17/03/2014 / K Ward-Smith / Reimbursement - cards, wrapping meals for manager/CEO farewell / $95.40
Public Libraries Victoria Network Inc. ABN:62 734 551 228Reg No:A 0023 190g
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Item 6:PLVN - Top 10 indicatorsChris Mackenzie, Joseph Cullen
Local Government Victoria is developing a performance reporting framework (LGPRF) for local government that will be mandatory from 1 July 2014. The framework includes library indicators that have been developed with sector input.
At the same time there has been a move to review the statistics gathered by libraries through NSLA and within PLVN. It is timely to review the statistics reported by Victorian Public Libraries to ensure that they meet legislative requirements and provide useful information to practitioners, funders and other stakeholders.
Libraries are very good out counting things. However we have not been so good at capturing measures that show the performance of libraries.
In an article titled “Overcoming our habits and learning to measure impact, Hosseini-Ara and Jones (Computers in Libraries June 2013 p 3-7) identify the four aspects to measuring the value of services.
1. Inputs: the resources used to produce or develop a program or service. Inputs include funding, staffing, equipment, supplies, anything that is used to create the program or service.
2. Outputs: are produced as a result of using the inputs to create or develop the program or service. Outputs include creation of training program, number of programs held, number of program attendees; number of items loaned, number of visitors (show activities not value or impact)
3. Outcomes: are the changes from the perspective of the participant’s point of view and include new or deeper skills, know-how, a change in behaviour or attitude, or a change in status.
4. Impacts: are the changes from the stakeholder’s point of view and is the long term overall effect of the program/service in the larger community or selected audience.
PLVN’s traditional Annual Survey measures inputs and outputs. The LGPRF indicators measure outputs and outcomes. The framework that underpins the indicators is based on providing measure of both effectiveness (meeting user needs and quality standards) and efficiency (cost efficiency). There is also an outcome indicator which measures overall service effectiveness.
The LGPRF has 3 indicators:
- Service performance (appropriateness, quality, cost, and service outcome.)
- Financial performance (cost efficiency)
- Sustainability (not used for libraries)
DefinitionProvision of print and digital based resources to the community in a variety of formats including collection services, e-services, research tools and interactive learning programs
ObjectiveTo provide free, accessible and well utilised print and digital based resources
RationaleIndicator of the broad objective that library services should be well utilised. High or increasing utilisation suggests an improvement in the appropriateness of library services
Measure1. (19) Library Collection usage
DefinitionTurnover rate – circulation divided by number of items in the collection
ComputationNumber of loans divided by number of items in the collection
Measure2. Attendance at programs compared to previous year
ComputationNumber of attendances in current period divided by number of attendances in previous period
Measure3. Loans per active member