February 26, 2013
Mission Statement
The Mississippi Magnolia Chapter of Chartered Property and Casualty Underwriters is dedicated to meeting the needs of professionals who have earned, and those who are pursuing the CPCU designation so that those individuals may serve the public and the property casualty industry in a competent and ethical manner.
President-Elect Jerry Hornercalled the meeting to order.
Frankie Boxgave the invocation.
Jerry welcomed our guests Mississippi Insurance Commissioner Mike Chaney and Joseph Ammerman, Chief of Staff, Special at Mississippi Insurance Department.
Committee Reports:
Candidate Recruitment and Development – Dan Gleason - No report.
Education – Missy Elam –Missy and Lee Rogers gave a report on the CPCU 530 class that Lee is teaching. The class started with 7 students and there are currently 6 students in the class. Missy reported that she plans to offer a CPCU 540 class in the fall.
Public Relations/Visibility – Matthew Koury – No report.
Scholarship - Frankie Box – Frankie reported that thescholarships will be awardedearlier in the year this year than they have been awarded in past years.
Good Works – Cheri Stribling –No report.
Webmasters – Jeff McGee/Donna Glover –Donna Glover requested that if anyone has anything to post on the website, please forward it to her.
Treasurer - Frank Scott – Balance of checking account as of 2/25/2013 is $1,568.92.Balance of Twelve Month CD with maturity date of 03/21/2012 is $3,162.10. Total funds are $4,731.02.
Vice President – Jay Thames–No report.
President-Elect – Jerry Horner – Jerry asked for suggestions for speakers for future meetings.
New Business:
The minutes from the January 29, 2013 meeting were approved by a voice vote after a motion to approve was made and seconded.
Chapter IRS Compliance Update and Election of Members-at-Large to the Chapter Board of Directors:
The National CPCU Society has received from our chapter all the necessary documentation to: Incorporate in Pennsylvania; Register with the MS Secretary of State; and Apply to the IRS for a new Employer ID number as a 501c(6) not-for profit. We have also received confirmation that our chapter is current with all IRS filings for 2013.
As part of the new Chapter Agreement with the CPCU Society, we are required to name three Members-at-Large to our chapter’s Board of Directors. Missy Elam, Daniel Gleason, and Frankie Box have agreed to serve as Members-at-Large through the end of 2013.
President-Elect Jerry Horner made a motion to nominate and elect Missy Elam, Daniel Gleason, and Frankie Box as Members-at-Large to the Mississippi Magnolia CPCU Society Chapter Board of Directors. The motion was seconded and approved.
New LinkedIn page created. View our page on LinkedIn and ask to join.
Remember to renew your CPCU dues.
President-Elect Jerry Horner introduced our speaker, Insurance Commissioner and State Fire Marshal, Mike Chaney. Commissioner Chaney spoke on a number of insurance topics. He answered questions for us and asked for our opinions on several issues.
Other Business:
Next meeting will be on March 26, 2013. March is Ethics Awareness Month.
“Spread the Word” – Use the CPCU designation after your name in all correspondence; Add the following to your email correspondence "What’s a CPCU? Visit to find out!"
Facebook users – Visit and “Like” CPCU Society’s Facebook page.
LinkedIn Users – Join CPCU Society’s Group on LinkedIn.
Please apply for CPD – This helps with Circle of Excellence.
Our website is
Meeting was adjourned.
President - Scott Catington
President-Elect - Jerry Horner
Vice-President - Jay Thames
Treasurer - Frank Scott
Secretary - Donna Glover
Past President – Jeff McGee
Respectfully submitted,
Donna Glover, CPCU
Secretary, MS Magnolia Chapter