Pledging Financial Support to St. Paul’s: Questions and Answers
Who pledges? Is pledging just for ‘official’ members of St. Paul’s?
Making a financial commitment to St. Paul’s through a pledge is something anyone can do. ‘Official’ on‐the‐booksmembers, newcomers to the parish who are considering membership, and former members who have moved away butstill want to support the parish. We invite you to make a pledge if you feel connected to St. Paul’s, grateful to God andto the parish for what you have experienced in your spiritual life, and desirous of supporting the parish’s work in thecommunity as it moves forward in 2016.
Why pledge instead of just giving what I can, when I can?
Pledging helps the Vestry and the parish plan for the upcoming year. Included in this are things like: salaries, the musicprogram, utilities, building upkeep, parish programs and support of the diocese and its programs. Pledging also tends toknit people more intimately to the parish and to one another.
How much should I give to St. Paul’s? Am I being asked to tithe?
Our hope is for everyone to prayerfully consider the parish and to give accordingly. It may be helpful to think of givingin a proportional way based on income – 1%, 5% or 10% (what some people call tithing). We’ve included a percentagechart on the back of the pledge card. In order to fund our budget, we do need people to consider being generous in their giving. We hope that aperson’s pledge will be a real and generous part of his or her personal budget, reflecting how St. Paul’s is a real andgenerous part of his or her spiritual life.
What if I can only give a little?
We recognize our community is made up of peoplefrom a variety of income levels with differing life experiences. We believe such diversity is a gift to our parish. Thus, allare invited to pledge, whatever the amount. Those who can afford small contributions are an important part of St.Paul’s annual budget and our life together.
I’m looking for ways to give above and beyond the operating fund. Who can I talk to?
You are welcome to make note of your desire to give financially beyond the operating fund on the pledge card. If you would like talkto Mother Sara about a specific project or gift, you may contact her at .
Some people say that pledging is connected to spiritual issues. How does St. Paul’s see this?
In our experience, any decision about giving time, money or energy to someone or something – instead of holding onto it –is a spiritual decision. Making a financial commitment to St. Paul’s is part of this. For many, a commitmentto the parish is directly related to gratitude – quite literally a thanksgiving to God for all the blessings of our lives and forthe specific blessing of life in Christian community at St. Paul’s. Many who pledge say that the decision leads to a deeperintimacy with the parish, which ends up drawing them closer to God.
What does St. Paul’s include in its budget?
In 2016 we will continue to focus on those activities that will a) help to invest in the continued formation and the growth ofmembers in the parish; b) enable us to reach out to people in our neighborhood; c) remain faithful to our relationshipwith our diocese and support its local, regional and global programs; and d) cover basic operating expenses. We expect expenses will total approximately $475,000 in 2016, with about 85% of our income coming from your pledges.
Will anyone know how much I pledge?
Only the parish treasurer, the Rector and those responsible for the recording of collected monies will have some idea ofthe amount of individual pledges. This information is considered absolutely confidential and it is not shared with othersinside or outside the parish.
What happens if I make a pledge and then my financial situation changes?
We understand that circumstances can change unexpectedly. If you need to adjust your pledge in any way, simplycontact the parish treasurer at .
If I decide not to pledge, do I still need to turn in a pledge card or submit a form online?
Yes. We want to hear from you, regardless of your decision about pledging. Please mark the box on the pledge card thatindicates you will not be making a financial pledge, and return the card to St. Paul’s or submit the form online.
Is Electronic Giving available?
Yes, electronic giving is available on the date of your choice and in the amount of your choice. You can make arrangements with your own bank to have checks regularly sent to St. Paul’s, or have your donation automatically transferred from your checking or savings account and deposited in St. Paul’s account. Additionally, St. Paul’s has contracted with Vanco Services, and through Vanco Services, your contribution will be automatically transferred from your bank account to St. Paul’s bank account on your choice of date and amount. Information and applications are available on St. Paul’s website or available through the treasurer, Daryl Schlick, .
If I have signed up for electronic giving, do I need to complete and turn in a pledge card for 2016?
It is best to confirm your contribution for 2016 by completing and turning in a pledge card for 2016. Your donationsfor 2016 can be adjusted.
What happens if the parish doesn’t get enough money in pledges to fund the 2016 budget?
We’re sincerely hoping to begin 2016 with a balanced budget. If we don’t get sufficient pledges, we will either need tore‐evaluate plans or draw on the parish’s financial reserves. We don’t want to do either. We believe the 2016 budgetamount is necessary to maintain and grow the parish.
Is my pledge tax deductible?
St. Paul’s is a non‐profit religious organization. However, it’s best to consult your IRS materials or ask your tax advisor asto whether your pledge to St. Paul’s will be tax deductible for you or your household.
What else can I do to support St. Paul’s?
Please remember the parish, its clergy, lay leaders, and members in your prayers. Pray for God’s presence during this time of new beginnings and especially as we plan for 2016, that we as a parish may be faithful to the ministry that God is revealing to us here at St. Paul’s. Consider the gifts of time and talent which God has given you, and prayerfully discern whether and how God might be calling you to share these gifts in service to our common life and ministry.
Does St. Paul’s offer a planned giving program?
A planned gift is a deferred pledge that becomes operative upon death; it is a bequest, a bestowal. In this way we can express our wishes now about how are resources are to be used later to protect and underpin our parish. If you would like more information, please check the box on your pledge card and we will send you a brochure. Or,contact the church office to set up a meeting to explore how you might give to specific needs of the parish.
If I have more questions, who can I talk to?
Feel free to contact any of those involved in the 2016 Annual Fund campaign. Among these are our Rector, Mother Sara Fischer, our Wardens Mark Taylor and Denise Crawford, vestry members Howard Henry and Valerie Legler, Treasurer Daryl Schlick, and lay parishionersNancy Boutwell and Laura Griffin.