SC4HSHA Meeting 1.21.2016

Call to Order at 7:37

Pledges: American- Brian P. 4H- Danette S.

Clubs in Attendance: BC Wranglers, Equus Excellence, Rough Riders, Caballeros, Horse Sense, Royal Riders, Dusty Saddles, Junior Leaders, Saddle Seekers, Elite Equestrians, Showmans Corner, Trailblazers II, Knight Riders

Secretary’s Report/Approval of Last Month’s Minutes: Sara J.- Jay S. Motion to approve last month’s minutes, Debbie H. second. Motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report: Jeff G.-


Balance as of 12/17/15 / $31,887.83
12/19/15 / Insurance Check / $127.00
12/19/15 / Transfer from Savings / $16,816.44
12/29/15 / Deposit / Belt Buckle / $78.10
Previously Approved
12/22/15 / 2461- Cash / Payment to SCAS per agreement / ($27,310.36)
(Above breakdown / $16,816.44 from / Savings & $10,493.92 from / Checking)
To Be Approved:
Transfer $7000.00 to / Savings to avoid $4 / Charger per month for being / Under $200
Balance as of 1/16/16 / $21,599.83

Savings: Withdrawal in December 2015 of $16,816.44. Interest of $0.43. January Balance $1.06.

Joani H. asked what the agreement was with SCAS. Debbie H. stated it was in the previous month’s minutes. Cathy H. states we won’t have to do maintenance on the buildings but won’t get the storage money. Jeff G. asked if we move $7000 from checking to savings, which was the left over from last year’s storage. Dale F. motion to move $7000. Cathy M. second. Motion passed. TGS stalls deposit for fair stalls $952.00. Jeff G. also created a new treasurer request form. He has placed some at the end of the table for members to take and Sara J. will put it on the website. Debbie H. motion to pay the bills, Dale F. second. Motion passed.

Committee Reports

Fair- Cathy H.- Don Ricchiutti has stated he will be the steward for fair for $950. Cathy H. motion to hire Don Ricchiutti to be the steward for fair and versatility for $950. Motion passed. Announcers will be done by open bid- has contacted Amy Sondles, Gwen White, and Bill Justice. The next meeting will go over the classes and fair schedule. Joani H. asked if they would try to have this as a volunteer position. Cathy H. stated they will have to submit quotes and volunteers will have to sign a contract. Cathy M. asked if this could be opened to alumni. This can be put on Facebook. The committee will pick a date that bids have to be in by. Lynn S. asked if there would be a bid for photographers. Cathy H. states this could be possible. Debbie H. asked how they will do point secretary. Cathy H. states Mandy G’s father, David, has agreed to do it for us.

Open Show- Brian P.- Gwen is working on two different show bills. After executive met with Jackie K., 4H is learning we are not adequately insured for an open show. The AIL insurance covers a 4H only show; as soon as non-4Hers are entered the whole show is not covered. We are now looking in to several other insurance companies so that anyone can come to the shows. We are trying to keep it the same as it was. Carla K. states the event insurance we previously had covered non-4Hers. Carla K. states we have to stand up and go forward with things instead of living in fear. Carla K. states we should potentially form a booster club. Dee C. states this year seems to have been a shift in the coverage policy from AIL and insurance used in the horse industry. Cathy M. states we lose the coverage from OSU the second it becomes an Open Show instead of 4H only. Christy R. asked the cost for event insurance. Brian P. states it is between $160-170. Joani H. asked what the $500 was for if it wasn’t covering insurance. Brian P. states the $500 was to cover the dumpster (which was over $300) and $200 grounds fee to hold the show. Carla K. asked if Open Show as on hold right now. Brian P. states we are working on two show bills. Dee C. gave open show dates of May 7, June 4, July 9, August 20, September 10. The dressage show is June 5. Chris W. states PAS are June 18 & June 25. Those are the dates before & after horse camp. Lynn S. asked about hiring judges for open show and if she should proceed. Christy R. states Portage county is not having their Friday night shows because of insurance reasons. Brian P. states all 4Hers should receive enrollment cards through the mail. Christy R. asked what Medina County does. States we are checking in to it.

PAS- Chris W.- Spoke with Dr. Cole and states there are no changes in scores and times. The one change is if a child qualifies in 4 classes, they can show in 4 classes at states. Ranch Horse Pleasure will still be a rail class. Camping at state fair will be done by online reservations. Chris W. will provide info when it is available. State Fair is July 25-29.

Academic- Dee C.- Education day is January 31 from Noon-2pm. If Saddle Horse approves, they will show the safety videos at the end and order pizza. It will be held in the arena complex at the Fairgrounds. Carla K. states that she spoke the parents about ad book and 4H opportunities. Next horse bowl practice is Feb 6 at 1pm at Valley Fire in Peninsula. Jan 30 is the State Advisor clinic and State 4H banquet. There are 6 kids from the county getting state awards. Xavier C. & Melody L. are getting the silver award, Madi N., Madison C., Jessica P., and Penelope B. Joani H. asked if there was a way to manipulate our fair schedule to allow this. Public speaking is the next event and we need to have the forms signed by Jackie K. & to state by the deadline, which is maybe mid-May

Sunshine Club- Mary Ellen L.- Still has about $24 in the account. Glad to see Jim W. at the meeting.

Fairboard- Debbie H.- Brian P. & Sam O. brought the check to the fairboard meeting and came up with a list of things they plan on the work on. Howard C.’s list had the first five items are to benefit saddle horse. The 4H page is done and online on the fairboard website. The camping forms for fair & horse camp are also online. March 18 at 6pm at the fairgrounds there will be a Junior Fairboard silent auction- $10 for adults $5 for kids. Carla K. states there weren’t many people in attendance last year. There are great items at the auction. This is a great way to support junior fairboard. Brian P. states this is the first big fundraiser. Mike F. states it he has gotten phenominal deals on items. Mary Ellen L. states camping late fees will be $50 if the forms are not in by the deadline, if there is room. She can’t guarantee if they will be with their club. Anything 30 feet and over will be considered a double lot (long ways). Cathy H. asked when the deadline was. MEL said she wasn’t sure. Brian P. states it will be on the fairboard website. Chris W. states service dogs must be on a leash. They will have a country act on Tuesday night of fair. It is an up and coming act. Christy R. asked if there would be pay for parking spots. MEL said maybe. Carla K. asked if all other dogs were allowed on the fairgrounds. MEL states the dogs should be left at home once the fair starts. Only service dogs are allowed in. Joani H. states that paying guests can bring dogs in. MEL says this is not allowed once fair starts, unless they are service dogs. This is for health and safety reasons. MEL wanted to thank Debbie H. for joining the fairboard. Paul B. is also now a member of fairboard.

Rules- Sara J.- copy from rules. Joani H. stated it doesn’t make sense that the treasurer starts at a different time than the rest of the officers because they have to learn how to do taxes and may miss deadlines if they start Jan 1. Joani H. states the use of Quick Books should be put in to the Bylaws. Sara J. states we will discuss it at the next meeting. Joani H. states there is no such thing as a checking account ledger in accounting. She would like the wording changed so it is noted that everything is worked out of Quick Books. Christy R. motion to approve the first meeting. Dale F. second. 1 opposed (Joani H.) Motion passed. Next meeting will be Feb 11 at 6pm at the fairgrounds.

Executive Update- Dee C.- There will be an officers training for kids on Feb. 8 from 6p-8p. Jan 27 & Feb 11 is the advisor update. New advisor is Jan 25. All advisors meetings are from 6:30-8:30p. These meetings are mandatory.

Ad Book- Cathy M.- Handed out advertising agreement forms. Will send it out in an email and for the website. The same prizes are in effect; added the option of prizes or gift cards because we could get more in gift cards if we get donations. The minimum prize will be $100, $75, and $50. Everyone starts earning Saddle Horse Bucks at $300 of sales. The only new thing is putting a 30 character limit for sponsors. Send ads to Please be sure to have the kids put their name & club in the subject line of any emails. Sara J. asked if Cathy M. could add minis to the sponsor section. Ad turn in dates are the second Thursday of March (March 10) and March saddle horse meeting (March 17). Please call before selling covers. Cathy M. reminded everyone that business card ads are the best money makers for the association on the ad sales. Mike F. also stated well wishes and sponsorships make a lot of money as well.

Old Business:

Debbie H.- Asked if we did anything for Sam O. when Ryan passed away. Dale F. stated we did this at the last meeting. Sara J. stated it wasn’t in the treasurer’s report in the last minutes. Joani H. states that 4H shouldn’t give money from the 4H name. Debbie H. motion to pay $150.00 to Sam O. for bereavement. Chris W. second. Debbie H. amended motion to $100.00. Chris W. second. Joani H. states that it is in the 4H rules that we’re not supposed to do these donations it should be $50 or nothing at all. 14 in favor, 1 opposed (Joani H.) 3 abstain (Sara J., Cathy M., Cathy H.)

New Business:

Dee C.- Caballeros is doing clinics in the spring. Looking at having one at the end of February and one in April. One will be a contest clinic & one will be a horsemanship clinic with Robin Arnold. They do not have dates yet. Dee C. will send to Sara J. to put on the website and facebook. The clinic will be $20 per person and they can provide a horse if they don’t want to haul.

MEL asked if she can get an updated list of membership. We will work on it.

Cathy M. stated that Showmans’ Corner is disbanding. Most of the members are moving to Elite Equestrians.


Dee C.- has ribbons from Novice English at fair & W/T open show high point.

Joani H.- Ranch pleasure clinic & show at Blue Lakes this Saturday. Clinic is in the morning, show is at noon. The clinic is $40 and includes the show. There are limited spots and you would have to call to get a spot. There are 14 classes with open, amateur, youth, and green.

Mike F.- Feb 6 is the Stark County tack swap.

Mandy G.- Blue Lakes tack swap is Feb 21.

Lynn S.- Cuyahoga County tack swap is Feb 28.

Adjourn at 8:58