“Big Numbers, Small Numbers – from Data to Understanding”
5 - 10 March 2018, Finland
Application form / photo
Please type or use block letters
1. Personal information
Family name(s) / First name(s)Gender
female male / Citizenship*
Place of birth / Date of birth**
Marital status
Contact information
Street addressCity / Postal code
Country / E-mail
Telephone / Number of foreign passport (if any)
2. University education(see Required annexes 1)
Name and location of institution / Degree(s)(BSc/MSc/PhD) / Date of completion of degree / Or estimated completion year of degree
Major subject (select one) / Minor subjects (select one or two)
3. Present state of studies/research (see Required annexes 2)
Home institution / Home departmentAddress / E-mail, Telephone, Fax (through which the applicant can be reached during office hours)
Field of studies/research (subject area: e.g. Medicine, Physiology, …)
Tentative title of the Doctoral thesis (or Master’s thesis)
Main research methods
Scientific interests
4. Thesis supervisor (see Required annexes 3)
Name, Academic title / Institution, DepartmentInstitution address / E-mail, Telephone, Fax
5. English language proficiency(Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, CEFR)***
6. International experience
7. Other merits (personal grants, prizes, medals, diplomas etc.)
8. Peer-reviewed publications in English language scientific journals (select up to 5 best papers) (see Required annexes 4)
9. Give the names of the Finnish scientists/research group leaders with whom you have had preliminary contact (see Required annexes 5)
10. When would you have the possibility to work/study in Finland and for how long?
11. Hobbies
Place and date / Signature1.1.1.
1.1.2.Required annexes
1. Copies of latest degree certificates and scores certificates (supplements to the diploma) and their translations
2. Description of your current research work (1-2 pages) including introduction, aims of study, experimental design and current status
3. Letter of recommendation from a supervisor or a senior colleague who is well acquainted with your work
4. Complete list of publications in the peer-reviewed English language scientific journals (if any)
5. Evidence of contacting at least one scientist/research group leader from Finnish Universities and of their replies: Copy/copies of correspondence or a letter of intent from a potential Finnish host which includes an outline of the research project for the applicant.
6. One recent photograph of the applicant
*The applicants must be citizens of Russia or Ukraine.
**The applicants should not be older than 35 years of age.
***A good knowledge of English language is required since only English is used in the Winter School (see more on CEFR language level at).
No official certificate is required.
The complete paper versions of the applications should reach EDUFI by18 October 2017
at the following address:
The Finnish National Agency for Education EDUFI
P.O. Box 380 (street address: Hakaniemenranta 6)
00531 Helsinki
FI-00531 Helsinki, Finland / Tel. +358 295 331 000