Recommendations for Society Year 2014-2015
Instructions:The regional Nominating Committee Member, as Chair of the CRC Executive Session, is responsible for submitting these originalpages1 through 5 to the Executive Vice President/Secretary, ASHRAE, 1791 Tullie Circle, NE, Atlanta, GA 30329 within 30 days after the CRC.
The Nominating Committee Member shall sendcopies of Parts 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 to the Director and Regional Chair (DRC) – (not page 1).
Note:1.All candidates shall be listed in order of preference.
2.Each candidate should review his/her electronic biographical record on file at and ensure that the bio is current.
CRC Recommendations
2013-2014Officer Nominees:for SY 2014-2015
President-Elect / Thomas H. PhoenixTreasurer / *T. David Underwood
Vice President / *Darryl K. Boyce
Vice President / Daniel C. Pettway
Vice President / *Bjarne W. Olesen
Vice President / Thomas E. Werkema
* Eligible for re-election to this position for one additional consecutive year
Directors-at-Large whose terms expire in June 2014:
Director-at-Large / Roberto R. Aguilo
Director-at-Large / Patricia T. Graef
Director-at-Large / Stephen D. Kennedy
Director and Regional Chair whose term expires in June 2014:
Submitted by:
Region IVMember, Nominating CommitteeDate
(Note: DO NOT send this page to the DRC)
Executive Session Work Sheet for Region IVCRC
Recommendations for SY 2014-2015Page 2
2. SOCIETY COMMITTEES*(Recommendations to Society President-Elect)
Committee / Name Recommended / Member No.Advocacy
Building Energy Quotient (bEQ)
Conferences and Expositions
Electronic Communications
Environmental Health
Honors & Awards
Professional Development
Research Administration**
Society Rules
Technical Activities**
Young Engineers in ASHRAE (YEA)
* =The CRC should contact candidates to obtain their agreement to serve on committees before candidates’ names are listed above.
** = Members of these committees are elected by Board of Directors at Society winter meeting.
Note: Nominating Committee Members, Alternates and Reserve Alternates must be Members (Member grade) of the Society for a minimum of five years at the time of selection, must be selected at least one year in advance of taking office, and may serve no more than six years total on the Nominating Committee.2013-14 / 2014-15 / 2015-16
Member / Caroline Calloway (#5144587)
(chairs CRC executive session) / (#______)
Alternate / Charlie D. Curlin, Jr.
(#5087032) / (#______)
Alternate / Bryan T. Lampley
(#5221840) / (#______)
Executive Session Work Sheet for Region IVCRC
Recommendations for SY 2014-2015Page 3
4.REGIONAL VICE CHAIRS - Grass Roots Committees
Select three in each category, if possible. Candidates for Regional Vice Chairs must be Members (Member grade) of the Society in good standing for three years prior to the start of their terms. Please use full name (no nickname) and member number for each candidate recommended.
Committee / 2013-2014 / Term / 2014-20151st choice / 2nd choice / 3rd choice
(name & member #) / (name & member #) / (name & member #)
Chapter Tech Transfer / Harris M. Sheinman / 11-14
#5077138 / # / # / #
Grassroots Govt Activs (new position in 2013-14) / Bryan T. Lampley / *13-15
#5221840 / # / # / #
Membership Promotion / Drayton P. Stott / 12-14
#5089043 / # / # / #
Research Promotion / Katherine L. Newton / 13-14
#8220605 / # / # / #
Student Activities / Peggy J. Fritz / 09-15
#5144874 / # / # / #
* Varies with region for initial appointments
Select three candidates in priority order. Candidates for Assistant Regional Chair must be a Member (Member grade) of the Society in good standing for three years prior to the start of his/her term. List candidates below, using full name (no nickname) and member number for each candidate recommended.
2013-2014 / Term / 2014-20151st choice / 2nd choice / 3rd choice
(name & member #) / (name & member #) / (name & member #)
George W. (Billy) Austin / 13-14
#5015504 / # / # / #
Select three candidates in priority order. Candidates for Region Members Council Representative (RMCR) must hold Member grade or higher in the Society for three years prior to the start of terms. The RMCR may also be the ARC (4a). List candidates below, using full name (no nickname) and member number for each candidate recommended.
2013-14 / Term / 2014-20151st choice / 2nd choice / 3rd choice
(name & member #) / (name & member #) / (name & member #)
George W. (Billy) Austin
#5015504 / *13-16
# / # / #
*Terms vary by region for initial selection. Initial term for Region IV begins in 2013-14.
(see next page)
Executive Session Work Sheet for Region IVCRC
Recommendations for SY 2014-2015Page 4
The DRC recommends that the President-Elect appoint the following for 2014-2015:
Chapter Technology Transfer RVC
Grassroots Government Activities RVC______
Membership Promotion RVC
Research Promotion RVC
Student Activities RVC
Assistant Regional Chair______
The DRC recommends to the President-Elect the following ranking of candidates for the Region Members Council Representative position:
Candidate #1
Candidate #2
Candidate #3
Submitted by:
M. Ginger Scoggins, Region IV DRC (sign above)Date
Executive Session Work Sheet for Region IVCRC
Recommendations for SY 2014-2015Page 5
NOTE: Nominations for the John F. James International Award, Regional Award of Merit, and Chapter Service Award for general Society activities should be submitted in electronic format (adobe.pdf). These awards should include a letter of nomination from a sponsor (chapter, region, committee or ASHRAE member) that clearly addresses specific contributions and a current ASHRAE Biographical Record. For award criteria or point tally forms, please visit
Award / Name (do not use nicknames) / Special InstructionsJohn F. James International Award (participation in international activities) / Must include letter(s) of recommendation and bio before submitting candidate’s name
Regional Award of Merit (no limit on number of awards; attach list if needed) / Must include bio and point tally form before submitting candidate’s name
Chapter Service Award (no limit on number of awards; attach list if needed) / Must include bio and point tally form before submitting candidate’s name
6.CRC GENERAL CHAIR - Report names of the next 3 upcoming general chairs. (Note: This is NOT an Executive Session item. It is included on this sheet for convenience in reporting.)
NameHost ChapterCRC Year