Please Type (Handwritten Applications will NOT be accepted) Application # ______
Applicant contact InformationLast Name: / First Name: / M.I.
Home Address: / Apartment/Unit #:
City: / State: / ZIP:
Home Phone: / Cell Phone:
Email Address:
Please mark the box that corresponds with your school:
☐Crater Academy of Health and Public Services
☐Crater School of Business Innovation & Science
☐Crater Renaissance Academy / CUM GPA / WGHT GPA
Please list the District 6 elementary schools you attended:
Choose to either enter your SAT or ACT scores OR indicate when you are scheduled to take one or both tests.
SAT Scores / Total Score:
ACT Composite Score:
I am scheduled to take or retake the SAT or ACT on the following testing date:
student college plans and personal information
At This Time I Plan to Attend: (school or program)
*If RCC, please see page 8 for degrees and certificates, then insert in the box to the right.
I Plan on Majoring in:
Have you filled out the FAFSA? (Yes or No) / What is your EFC SCORE from the FAFSA?
Did you participate in Basketball, Volleyball or Flag Football Junior Comets Sports? / Will you live at home while attending school?
Do you plan to pursue a career in law enforcement? / Do you plan to pursue a career in firefighting?
Do you plan to pursue a career in education?
List brothers/sisters (and other dependents) living at home or at college.
Name / Relationship to Applicant / Age / School or Occupation / Year in School
Father/Step-Father Name: / Annual Gross Salary:
Mother/Step-Mother Name: / Annual Gross Salary:
Parents Marital Status: (Choose and type ONLY ONE of the following: Married, Separated, or Divorced)
If there are extenuating circumstances that makes it difficult for your family to contribute toward your education, please list and explain below (limit 500 characters)
Many Crater students are very busy outside of school with work. Please complete the following information about your work experiences.
Employer: / Dates of Employment:
Job Responsibilities: / Average Number of Hours per Week Worked:
Employer: / Dates of Employment:
Job Responsibilities: / Average Number of Hours per Week Worked:
Employer: / Dates of Employment:
Job Responsibilities: / Average Number of Hours per Week Worked:
If there are extenuating circumstances regarding your work or your earnings and family responsibilities, please list and explain below (limit 500 characters).
Students may demonstrate leadership abilities in many areas. In the sections below, please list any activities, events, or experiences that you feel may apply (please elaborate). List membership in school activities, clubs and athletics. Include honors, awards received, or offices held.
FRESHMAN (limit 300 characters)
SOPHOMORE (limit 300 characters)
JUNIOR (limit 300 characters)
SENIOR (limit 300 characters)
INTERNSHIPS (limit 400 characters)
List Internships and/or Services through classes at CHS. Include responsibilities and what you learned during your experience.
List community activities, leadership experiences, honors and awards received from organizations and at events not related to school.
ESSAY (minimum 350 words, maximum 7000 characters)
Write an essay that describes you, your hopes, goals, ambitions and the reasons for seeking a higher education.
Make sure the essay is proofread by someone else.
(By signing this I am giving my permission to release my transcripts and application off campus for scholarship considerations)
The entire scholarship packet, including your essay, will be due on Friday, February 9th, 2018
Submit a hardcopy at the Crater Foundation office in room 44 on the Crater campus
Associate of Science Degrees
Business (articulated with Southern Oregon University)
Computer Information Science (articulated with Southern Oregon University)
Computer Programming and Software (articulated with Southern Oregon University)
Computer Security/Information Assurance (articulated with Southern Oregon University)
Criminology (articulated with Southern Oregon University)
Early Childhood Development (articulated with Southern Oregon University)
Elementary Education (articulated with Southern Oregon University)
Human Services (articulated with Southern Oregon University)
Information Technology/Health Informatics Option (articulated with Oregon Institute of Technology)
Manufacturing/Engineering (articulated with Oregon Institute of Technology)
Multimedia (articulated with Southern Oregon University)
Oregon Transfer Degree in Business
Associate of Applied Science Degrees
Automotive Technology
Business Technology
Computer Support Technician
Computer Support Option
Health Care Informatics Specialist Option
Construction Industry Management
Construction Industry Management Civil Engineering Technician Option
Construction Trades-General Apprenticeship
Criminal Justice
Diesel Technology
Early Childhood Education
Electrician Apprenticeship Technologies
Electronics Technology
Emergency Medical Technology-Paramedic
Fire Science
Human Services
Industrial Mechanics and Maintenance Technology Apprenticeship
Industrial Welding Technology
Manufacturing/Engineering Technology
Career Pathways Certificates
Computer Numerical Control (CNC) Operator
Construction Industry Management/Construction Technology: CAD Assistant
Construction Industry Management/Construction Technology: Construction Helper
Construction Industry Management/Construction Technology: Concrete Laborer
Dental Assistant Basic
Early Childhood Education (Basic)
Early Childhood Education (Intermediate)
Health Care Informatics Assistant: Basic Health Care
Industrial Welding Technology: Welder's Helper
Mechanical Maintenance Apprenticeship / Certificates
Alcohol and Drug Counselor
Architectural Computer Aided Drafting
Automotive Specialist
Business Assistant
Commercial Truck Driving
Computer Numerical Control Technician
Construction Technology
Construction Trades-General Apprenticeship
Dental Assistant
Diesel Specialist
Digital Graphics Design
Early Childhood Education
Electrician Apprenticeship Technologies
Electronics Technician
Emergency Medical Technology
Employment Skills Training
Fire Officer
Fire Prevention/Investigation
Health Care Informatics Assistant
High Technology Studies
Industrial Mechanics and Maintenance Technology Apprenticeship
Industrial Welding Technology
Juvenile Corrections
Landscape Technician
Limited Electrician Apprenticeship Technologies
Massage Therapy
Occupational Skills Training
PC Microprocessor Systems Technician
Practical Nursing
Retail Management
Revised 6 23 2017