Government of Karnataka
Water Resources Department
[Minor Irrigation]
(Published in terms of the Provision of the Karnataka Transparency in public Procurements Act 2000)
Volume No.27
11th September 2007
No: MID 04 MASAVI 2007 Dt: 11-09-2007
The details of the notices inviting the tender in respect of the Procurement requirements of different procurement entities is published as a part of the State Tender-Bulletin for the 3rd Week of September 2007. The details of the published Tender Notification may be obtained by the concerned Executive Engineers who has invited the respective Tenders.
Volume No: 27 State Tender Bulletin Officer and
Email: Deputy Secretary to Government
Web Water Resources Department (M.I.)
Send to:
1. The Secretary , Water Resources Department [M.I], Vikasa Soudha,, Bangalore.
2. The Chief Engineer, Minor Irrigation, North Zone, Bijapur.
3. The Chief Engineer, Minor Irrigation, South Zone,Bangalore.
4. The Superintending Engineer,M.I.Circle,Bangalore,Mysore,Gulbarga,Belgaum.
5. The Executive Engineer, Minor Irrigation Division, Gulbarga, Bidar,Bellary,Bijapur,Belglaum,Dharwad,Khustagi,Halilyal.
Bangalore, Kolar, Tumkur, Shimoga, Chitradurga, Hassan,Mangalore,Mysore.
6. Compiler, Karnataka State Gazette Officer, Bangalore.
7. The President Karnataka Engineers Association, K.R.Circle, Bangalore.
8. The President, Karnataka Engineering Service Association,K.R.Circle,Bangalore.
9. The President,Karnataka State Contractor’s Association, K.R.Road,Bangalore-4 for information with a request to give vide publicity of the Tender-Bulletin through the President / Chairman of the affiliated District Contractors Association Bellary
10.The District Tender Bulletin Officer and Deputy Commissioner, Bellary
11.Notice Board, Room No.744, 7th Floor, M.S.Building, Bangalore
Volume :-27
No.EE/MID/Bly/AE-1/Nabard works/2007-08/1660 Dt: 04.09.2007.
Prequalification Tender in the prescribed form are invited by the undersigned on behalf of Governor of Karantaka from the Contractors Registered with KPWD of Karantaka State, for the works mentioned in the statement below.
The “Contractor” herein means either individual contractor or firm or joint venture comprising of a group of two or more contractors/firm/both, with a specified prime partner. The blank technical bid documents can be obtained from the Office of the Executive Engineer, Minor Irrigation Division, Bellary during office hours by requesting in writing along with the prescribed application fees (Non refundable)
SlNo / Name of work / Approximate amount put to tender (Rs. in lakhs) / EMD in Rs / Cost of tendering forms(ie blank technical and financial bid documents in duplicate including all taxes) non refundable / Class of Contractor / Stipulated period of completion (including mansoon)1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
1 / Const.of LIS Dananayakana Kere in Hospet Tq, Bellary Dist. / 309.77 / 3,10,000 / 25,000 / Class-I / 24 months
(including mansoon)
Pre qualification bid system tendering consisting of Technical bid as part –I shall be followed. The evaluation of Technical bid will be done based on the solely on the information furnished.
I Mode of Submission of application for Blank Tender Documents
At the time of submitting application for Blank Tender documents, the contractor has to produce the following original certificate for verification and same duplicate copies should be enclosed.
1) Contrator’s Registration Certificate from KPWD, of Karnataka State.
2) Latest income Tax Clearance Certificate.
3) Latest Karnataka Sales Tax clearance Certificate
II Mode of Payment Regarding Blank Tender documents.
The Cost of blank tender documents shall be submitted either in D.D/ Bankers cheque drawn in favour of the “Executive Engineer, Minor Irrigation Division, Bellary “ on any scheduled bank payable at state Bank of Mysore, Bellary.
III) Mode of submitting EMD :
The EMD should be in the form of DD or Banker’s Cheque of a Nationalised or scheduled Bank drawn in favour of the Executive Engineer, Minor Irrigation Division, Bellary and submit on mentioned date. The validity of EMD shall be for a period of 180 (One hundred eighty) days from the date of opening of tender. The EMD of un successful bidders will be refunded not before 90 (Ninty) days from the date of opening the tenders.
IV) Dates regarding submission application, issue and receipt of blank tender documents
1. Last date for submission of application for 22.10.2007 upto
blank tender documents. 5.30 P.M
2. Date of issue of Blank Prequalification Tender 27.10.2007 upto
documents 5.30 P.M.
3. Date of submission of completed prequalification 02.11.2007 upto
Tender documents 4.00 PM
1. Completed Tender documents can be submitted 1) Office of the
On the stipulated date & time Executive Engineer,
M.I.Division, Bellary
2) Office of the
Engineer, M.I.Circle,
3) Office of the
Chief Engineer,M.I
(N)zone, Bijapur.
V . Enclosing of other Certificates.
1. The following certificates shall also be attached to the technical bid document;
a) Contractor’s registration certificate from KPWD of Karnataka State.
b) Latest Income Tax clearance Certificate.
c) Latest Karnataka Sales Tax Clearance Certificate.
All the above original certificate shall also be produced before submission of completed tender documents to this office during office hours for verification.
2. The technical bid document will be opened by the undersigned in the office of the Executive Engineer, Minor Irrigation Divison, Bellary on 05.11.2007 at 11.00 AM or other convenient date. The list of qualified bidders will be notified on the notice board of the Executive Engineer, Minor Irrigation Division, Bellary.
3. Financial bid document will be issued only to the qualified bidders. Financial Bid documents will be issued only after submission of EMD within the notified date.
Applicant depending upon their bidding capacity satisfying the below mentioned qualifying conditions need only apply.
1) Each applicant and in the case of joint venture , each partner of the joint venture should have
1) In the last five years reckoned back beginning from the year 2006-07.
a) Achieved in atleast Two financial year on similar work (like Lift Irrigation water supply Project involving lift component from surface source of water jack well / raising main / pumping machinery), a minimum annual financial turnover or Rs. 620.00 lakhs
b) Financial turnover shall be given weightage of 10% per year based on the reference value to bring them to 2007-08 price level.
c) Satisfactorily completed (Not less 90% of contract value) as a prime contractor at least one similar type of Lift Irrigation Scheme work ( comprising of salient items of work like jackwell, raising main and pumping machinery excavation and concrete work at 2007-08 price level) of not less than 279.00 lakhs.
d) Executed in one year, the minimum quantities of work as mentioned for each work
i) Excavation 38000.00 Cum
ii) Cement Concrete work 500.00 Cum
iii) Masonry work 500.00 Cum
iv) Fabrication and errection of steel gates 25.00 MT
v) Providing and Laying of steel Girder 7.50 MT
vi) PSC Raising main work 2500.00Mtr.
vii) Supply & erection of pumping machinery Not less than 100HP
Pumps & Motors
2) The applicant should demonstrate
a) Availability (either owned or leased) of the following key and critical equipment for the work. If it is leased, General Power of Attorney(GPA)to be enclosed.
1) Excavation / poclane (0.9cum capacity) 4 Nos
2) Lorries / tippers 6 Nos
3) Compressors / wagon drilller 2 Nos
4) Concrete Machine mixers (10/7 cft capacity) 4 Nos
5) Vibrators 4 Nos
6) Pumpsets (5.HP) 4 Nos
7) Pumpsets (10HP) 4Nos
8) Centering materials (for concrete work) 100.00 Cum/day
9) 8 to 10 Ton road roller 1 No
10) water tanker 3 Nos
11) Hydraulic Jack 2 Nos
b) Availability for this work a project Manager with not less than five years experience in construction of similar Civil Engineering works and other key personnel with adequate experience as required.
c) Liquid assets/ availability of credit facilities of not less than Rs. 93.00 lakhs for the work credit lines/ letter of credit certified from banks for meeting the funds requirements etc.,
3) Contractor should have sufficient “Man power” for executing the work (Attested copies to be enclosed).
4) Contractor has to procure steel, cement , prestressed pipes etc.,required for the works, confirming to IS standard at his own cost and obtain necessary quality control authorised quality control authority.
5) The contractor should ensure that the supply of materials in good quality for required quantity form the concerned company/Factory. The material should confirm IS standard and obtain necessary quality control test certificates from the authorised quality control authorities at his own cost.
6) Any documents submitted through post / courier is at risk of contractor. The department (Minor Irrigation Department) is not responsible for postal delay.
7) The intending contractors should note that , if any of the lands (either in part/parts or in whole) required for the work is not yet acquired by the minor irrigation Department, it shall be the responsibility of the contractor to take possession of such land and start the work by consent of the owners before commencement of work at no extra cost to the Minor irrigation Department and no claims whatsoever relating to non-availability of land would be entertained.
8) The tender accepting authority shall have the right to reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason whatsoever.
9) Corrigendum will be published on the notice board of the office of the Executive Engineer, Minor Irrigation Division, Bellary for all modifications if any.
10) If any of the dates mentioned above happens to be a general holiday, the next working day will hold good.
11) The Contractor shall produce contractors registration book at the time of issue of blank tender forms and necessary entries have to be obtained.
12) Contractor should go through below points.
a) The doucments furnished by the Contractor for technical qualification should be certified by the notary or Gazetted officer along with signature by the contractor as a token of attestation regards genuintiy and truthfulness of the documents. Un-attested signature of contractor copies will not be considered for evaluation of the technical bid. (xerox copies will be rejected).
b) The required information should be given as per tender notification and in the technical bid documents. Which must be clearly and correctly Page NO. should be compulsorily mentioned on the enclosers counting to last page of the technical bid documents if not will not be considered for evaluation.
13) Further datails if any required can be had from the office of the undersigned during
office Hours on all working days.
Executive Enigneer,
M.I.Division, Bellary.
- Sd/-
Volume-27 (V.GOVINDARAJ)
Web Site:- State Tender Bulletin Officer and
Email: Deputy Secretary to Government
Water Resources Department.(M.I)