Office of the Vice President
Research & International

Killam Faculty Research Prize
Nomination Form
Deadline: October 1, 2016

Note:When a deadline falls on a weekend or stat holiday, the deadline will move to the next business day.

Please review the Killam Prize guidelines before completing this form:

Nominee Information

Tenured Tenure Track
Years since PhD: / Years at UBC:
Email: / Phone:

This nomination should be reviewed by (check one):

Arts & Humanities Subcommittee (Scholarly activity associated with SSHRC & the Canada Council)

Science & Applied Science Subcommittee (Scholarly activity associated with NSERC & CIHR)
Nominators’ Information (Two nominators are required)

Nominators are required to submit ONE collective letter signed by all nominating individuals.

Email: / Phone:
Email: / Phone:

Additional Nominator: (optional)

External Referee Information

Three letters of support from external, arms-length referees are required.

1_External Referee Name:
Telephone: / Email:
Office Address:
2_External Referee Name:
Telephone: / Email:
Office Address:
3_External Referee Name:
Telephone: / Email:
Office Address:

Dean or Associate Deanof Research Acknowledgement


Please include a 50 word citation of the candidate’s research in lay language that a non-expert will be able to understand:

Please create a nomination package with the following documents in the order listed:

1.The completed nomination form with the signature of your Dean or Associate Dean ofResearch


1. The completed nomination form with the signature of your Dean or Associate Dean of Research

2. A nomination letter signed by all nominators. This nomination letter should not exceed the two page limit, font size no smaller than 11 pt. Nomination letters in excess of two pages will not be accepted.

3.A current official UBC CV of the nominee, including an up-to-date list of publications.

The official UBC CV is the required format.

Please visit for guidelines.

4.Three letters of support from referees external to UBC and internationally recognized in their field.Letters must be signed.

Note: It is the responsibility of the nominators to collect three support letters for the nomination file.

Please submit final nomination packages to . Scan each document separately to PDF format. Please title and submit as indicated.

1_Last Name_Form.pdf

2_Last Name_NominationLetter.pdf

3_Last Name_CV.pdf

4_Last Name_Referee1.pdf

5_Last Name_Referee2.pdf

6_Last Name_Referee3.pdf

Killam Faculty Research Prize Deadline: October 1, 2016

Note:When a competition deadline falls on a weekend or statutory holiday, the deadline moves to the next business day.


All nominators will be advised of the status of their nominations on January 31.