PO Box 230 Castlemaine VIC 3450
Phone: 03 5472 3733
Phone: Home: Work: Mobile:
Please circle preferred contact method
Emergency Contact (Name, RelationshipPhone):
Age: 10-17 years 17-25 years 26-35 years 35-50 years 51+ years
Do you have any medical conditions or limitations we should know about?
I am fit & able to lift and carry a reasonable load I would prefer NOT to have a role that involves lifting or carrying
ABOUT YOUR AVAILABILITY - The 2013 festival will run from 15th– 24thMarch 2013
I am available PRIOR to the festival
I could start volunteering in:______(Please specify month)
I will be available DURING the festival, and would prefer to work:
Morning Day Afternoon Early Evening Late
ROLES OR TASKS: Please identify roles/tasks you would like to assist with:
Administration – Includes office work, general duties and communications
Marketing & Promotion– Includes publicity, distribution, scheduling interviews, social media
Research – Includes Audience Surveys, Head Counts and Market Research
Hospitality - Includes Waiting, Food Preparation, Bar Sales
Please advise: I have my RSA I have a Food Handling Certificate I have neither
Technical / Production – Includes installation, construction, operation of equipment, traffic management, site coordination
Event Management – Includes large public events, crowd control, information distribution, artist liaison
Front of House - Includes Ushering, Program Distribution, Ticket Selling, Venue Minding
Visual Art – Includes invigilation of exhibitions, hanging works, dismantling works, talking to audience about works
Accommodation of artists and crew Transport of artists and crew (You must hold a current Victorian License)
Other – Please advise:______
All volunteers are provided orientation and support, and an opportunity to participate in festival activities and contribute to its success. Closer to the Festival there will be an information session which will outline the available volunteer tasks, and orientation. Details of this session will be sent to you. Please email us if you would like further information, or to update your contact details.
Signature: Date: / / 2012I understand that I will receive no financial compensation in exchange for my volunteer work.
I would like to receive e-news updates from the Festival
Please return this form to the Festival Office – 1st Floor IGA Complex, or email to:
Electronic copies can be found on our website:
All information is provided confidentially.