Holy Trinity Church, Bembridge, Isle of Wight

wish to appoint the following:

Part Time Parish Administrative Assistant

For typing, photocopying and general administrative duties

Must have computer skills, a good grasp of written English, flexibility and good interpersonal skills

To work for three hours a week on Friday mornings in our Parish Office

Payment monthly with paid holiday

Occasional Verger

To prepare the church for baptisms, weddings and funerals as required.

To complete registers and certificates.

To welcome and look after those attending.

Must be physically able to prepare the church, have legible handwriting and be able to complete registers accurately.

Must have good interpersonal skills, flexibility and availability during the day in the week and some weekends.

Payment for each service supported.

Both these jobs could be done by the same person. We would be pleased to consider applications for one or both jobs.

For more details and application form contact Canon Andrew Menniss, Vicar of Bembridge on