School of Social and Policy Studies
Closing dates: Top-Up Allowance Applications Friday 15 June and Friday 28 September 2012

Please read these notes prior to completing the application form. Amounts stated below are GST exclusive, the GST will also be reimbursed to you provided that there is FST included on the Tax Invoice(s).

1. / Honours, Masters (Coursework) and Diploma students must be enrolled for their thesis/dissertation to be eligible for funds.
2. / Masters Research students are NOT eligible for funding via this scheme and should apply under the Research Student Maintenance Support Scheme (RSM).
3. / A basic allowance of $200 is available to students qualifying under clause 1. This allowance is a once-off and if degree enrolment covers more than one calendar year, and/or involves more than one thesis component, there is still only one basic allowance of $200 available to eligible students. The basic allowance is to assist with photocopying, stationery, sundry items and thesis binding. The maximum allowance claimable for thesis binding[1] is $140.00. If you only wish to apply for the basic allowance please complete Sections 1, 2 and 4 of the application form before submitting it to your supervisor.
4. / A Top-Up allowance of up to a maximum of $800 to meet costs of experiments and fieldwork is available to students. There are 2 closing dates for applications and these are Friday 15 June and Friday 28 September 2012. If you wish to apply for the top-up allowance you will need to complete Sections 1 – 4 of the application form before submitting it to your supervisor.
5. / The maximum level of support available to student is $1000.
6. / Completed applications should be submitted to the School of Social and Policy Studies Administration Office, Room 379-381, Social Sciences South Building. Applications for the basic allowance are accepted all year.
7. / After consideration of the application for funding students will receive written notification from the School Education Committee. Once notification has been received the student can make a claim against the funds awarded.

Claiming Funds

8. / Original receipts with a signed reimbursement form should be submitted to the School of Social & Policy Studies Administration Office for processing. Reimbursement forms are available on the Finance website at: titled ACC4 Payment Requisition’. For claims of $50 (ex GST) or less can be claimed via the Petty Cash Voucher Scheme[2]. Petty Cash Vouchers are available from the School Administration Office.
9. / All finance reimbursement and/or Petty Cash forms must be signed off by the School before they are processed by the Faculty Services Office.
10. / Travel for data collection is permissible for travel outside the Adelaide metropolitan area if using own car. It is essential that a vehicle log is kept and the log should be attached to the reimbursement form request. The vehicle log should include make & model of car; vehicle registration number; odometer readings (start and end); dates; KM’s travelled; reason for journey.
11. / You are encouraged to submit claims on your allocation as you incur expenses rather than keep them to the end of the year. It is essential that all claims be presented for payment by no later than the 30 November, for payment prior to end of year.

[1]Thesis binding is available from Harley and Sons Bookbinders, 28 Dew Street, THEBARTON SA 5031,
Tel: 8443 7515 / Fax: 8443 3210 (Average cost of binding is $39-48)

[2] Petty Cash Vouchers with receipts attached should be returned to School Administration Office and once signed by the appropriate signatory will be returned to the student for collection of the funds from the Faculty Services Office, Room 250, SSS